

The credit for promotion of social justice, as argued by Griffin, should go to those individuals who have been successful in using corporate space as the main opportunity of making bond and connections together perceiving a shared expression regarding the existence of vibrant oppression and hatred. Far ahead from being a model of social responsibility and moral leadership, the company has been co-opting subversive components increasingly in the culture of public, monopolizing the sources of media, limiting the freely flowing information, distorting memory from the past, undermining debate of substantive public, and constructing the identities of children primarily perceiving the overall ideology related consumerism. In order to do so, it has been posing major threat towards democracy by the corporatization of public spheres and the limitation of avenues over the choice and expression of public. Of course, Disney does not appear to have the power for the unilateral engagement of armed warfare, dismantling the state of welfare, or elimination of basic social programs for the population of children. As a matter of fact, the influence of Disney is considerably subtle and extremely pervasive. It has been shaping the consciousness of the public by the enormous holdings of economy and the power of culture. It was once stated by former Disney executive, Michael Ovitz that Disney should not be a company but a state of the nation that exercises major influence across international constituencies. Influenced by a number of facets in the life of culture, Disney has been ranked among the top 200 companies listed under Fortune 500, while controlling ESPN and ABC, along with a number of radio and television stations, sites on the internet, studios of motion picture, major publishing houses and multimedia organizations.
Since it first incepted, Disney has created understanding about the critical connection between selling culture to and earning profits from mass audiences. This has resulted in sparking considerable controversies within the domestic state of Florida that appears to be extremely conservative further ahead that involves a statement from the Family Association of Florida. In context with this, Disney had been accused for showing an outright arrogance and disrespect in perceiving their attitude towards the families of America. However, Disney was not affected over the example for the provision of these benefits. In addition to this, the scheme of Fairy Tale Weddings at Disney has been inviting the marriage of the same sex couples. With the continuous debate on the hot topic of gay marriage, Disney has been allowing ceremonies for the same sex wedding at its resorts since the year 2007 including a package for these marriages as well.

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Change in climate as a result of emissions of greenhouse gas, by its basic nature, can be identified as a global problem. Binding targets and a common strategy therefore have to be defined all across the planet. This has been set as the key objective of international conferences of climate change held in Copenhagen, Rio and Paris. The key solutions identified in these conferences have to be involved under local implementation. In the year 2005, a scheme of emissions trading had been set up by the European Union. Then in the year 2008, the European Union had been successful in adopting a number of legislative measures such as the Climate and Energy Package setting three key targets for the year 2020:
Reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases by 20 per cent
Increment in the portion of renewable sources of energy in the mix of energy to 20 per cent
Improvement in efficiency of energy by 20 per cent
It is worth noting that the solutions identified in Copenhagen conference were disagreed by the emerging economy and developed nations such as Brazil, India and China. The key reason behind this is their belief that measures for the reduction of greenhouse emission should not end up impeding the development of their economy. For these nations, the world of industrialization is the key factor that has caused significant damage, and therefore, consider providing assistance in finance to the less- developed economic backgrounds (Huda 2016). In playing their own role, the nations with most industrialization have ended up reacting to the crisis of economy by shifting away their priorities from subsidies and incentives designed for combating climate change. In the year 2010, at the UN Conference of climate change in Cancun, the parties made an agreement for establishing the Fund of Green Climate, endowing 100 billion dollars every year from the year 2020, for providing assistance to the developing nations in combatting deforestation and climate change (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2015). However, NGOs have been expressing their extreme dissatisfaction with the ways in which there is a financing of these funds.

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Now the questionnaire could have been given to the parents during the show, but the parents would be more focused on the events and hence would either not focus much on the questions asked in the questionnaire and non-response could be an issue. Now the drop and pickup approach is considered to be more convenient, because the parents would be given the time to answer and they would also have a chance to review the opening ceremony, and would be able to make choices based on that. Now while the time chosen and the time given for collecting data is indeed strategically and holds benefits, the techniques for collecting questionnaire data could have been varied. Now in this method, even as the parents are waiting for the show to begin, they could still be restless or might be focused on their children and there is still a chance of non-response.
A second method that could have been used in collecting data in the questionnaire method is by making use of the online questionnaire approach. The online questionnaire approach is usually selected because of the growing trend of people to do everything online. Consumers trends online have increased, people are willing to shop, pay bills and more online. In this context, conducting a survey online will add both to the convenience of the participant and motivate them to complete the questionnaire thoroughly. Research studies indicate that when the participant in research is given some time to reflect on the question and then answer them, they would be more likely to answer accurately, as a true reflection of what they feel (Sapsford, & Jupp, 2006). There are also cons to this method however, and hence these have to be considered as well. The main con is that the momentum of disclosing answers would be reduced. Participants’ memory of events, what they feel and think might be easier to collect when they are in the grounds, with time the memories becomes less current, and hence the data could lose its sense of reliability
Sampling method has significance in research. It is not feasible to understand and conduct research on every member of the society. There should be fundamental sample selected from a target population to understand the emotions of the group. The sample groups usually address the various variables that have been required for the research. The participants of the research would be the representatives of the target population in contention. The selection of the right sample group is important for the researcher to make accurate deductions, to deduce and make accurate portrayal of the events. Now quota sampling is a non-probabilistic sampling technique that was planned to be used where stratified samples from target audiences would have been used. However, in this case, due to the lack of help in data collection, the lone researcher had to do a form of convenience sampling. The researcher went to fields where he thought he would get research data better. The sampling technique must have been well planned and resources to assist in data collection must have been recruited properly.

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