

When two different parties come in a contract and it is breached by one party, then there is a right to two different types of remedies for the suffering party. These are legal remedies and equitable remedies. In equitable remedies, there are options such as reformation, rescission, and specific performance. In legal remedies, there are options such as compensatory damages, liquidation damages, punitive damages, and attorney costs and fees. Huang will have the right of claiming legal remedies as equitable remedies cannot be applied due to the breach of contract. Legal remedies often end up forming as monetary damages, which are awarded for providing assistance in creating wholeness of the innocent party. Compensatory damages are the ones for providing compensation to the affected party for the breech. These are inclusive of consequential damages and expectation damages. Expectation damages are the ones providing monetary funds to the breaching party that might have been received by him in the performance of the contract. Most of the times, these damages are on the basis of the contract itself or the fair value of market under the subjectivity of the contract.
In context with the case provided, Huang holds the right of claiming the expectation damages that are at the value of 150,000 dollars as this is the amount that he would have used in performing as per the terms and conditions of the tender.
As identified in this paper, Huang has the right of claiming for the loss of damage that he borne as a result of the delay in completion of project by Bill that is 150,000 dollars. A number of different clauses related to the contract law have been discussed in the paper to support this answer. Also, theoretical evidence has been provided regarding the validity of the contract and the breach of contract. In addition, the paper has discussed about two case laws having similar facts to support the answer as required for the case study provided.

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Thus, trait leaders are not the best ones and are only playing safe under a limited activity zone and may fail the test if they are exposed to more difficult times. However, Zaccaro (2007) maintains that the trait based leadership models were the most useful during scientific revolution, and then were disdained for their lack of broad considerations but have risen again in some specific sectors. The author maintains that though they have risen again, they have limited scope as they are organisation specific or sector specific. This resembles multiple researches that trait and contingency theories are not always the best one for a leader but being out of the box of defined leadership, and exploring the unexplored is a more intriguing and progressive challenge for the leader.
A trait leader will only be useful and have limited scope of driving the organisation as much as he is able to influence others and change the organisation within the boundaries of his dominant trait. For example, a trait leader having relationship as his best trait when presented in a situation, there is more action and decision making that will impact the organisation financially. He will not be able to justify the use of his dominant and best trait in such scenarios. Similarly, a leader with results oriented approach and treating that as his best trait will also fail when the relationship under consideration is at stake and is valued more in the long term than the results. Thus, a trait leader is successful and more essential when the organisation needs a singular stream of actions and does not need more variety in leadership (Derue et al., 2011). But when organisations, mostly of the 21st century, are dependable on leaders with a broad horizon and possessing the ability to manage multitude of tasks and challenges with smart decision and flexible actions, a trait leader is not useful and a more versatile and dynamic leader will be required so as to make the organisation more successful.

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It was found that the company had devised ways to make the new comers as a part of the original values of the company. The new comers were not asked about their insights about the running of the company. There were outlets that asked for feedback but more efforts were taken to make the employees a part of the existing culture of the company. There was very little to no efforts taken to take in newer ideas of the employees.

Another important aspect that needs to be probed when considering the organizational culture is the inherent patriarchal notions and the way in which the organizational culture is construed. According to Marsick, Bitterman & van der Veen, (2000), it was found that this particular organizational assumes that knowledge management and training revolves around providing the employees with training regarding the technology used for the company. This is one of the most common assumptions made by the organizations. They assume that by providing insights about the technical aspects of the company they have provided with adequate training. This is however not true. There should be training given about the overall objective of the company and the training should be focused on creation of a shared beliefs (Marsick , Bitterman & Van der Veen, 2000).

From analysis of the organizational culture using the theoretical models, it can be understood that the organization has a number of factors that it is doing right. They provide adequate training to handle the requirements of the company. The reasons for the company to provide these training modules are to make the employee meet their primary objective. They have also been so far successful in meeting the requirements. However, they try to change the employees to meet the demands that they deem to be important. Even though this has been productive to enhance the productivity they need to create a situation, where the newcomer’s views are also heard. They need to foster an environment that allows the newcomers opinions to be created along with the shared vision of the company.

Reflections and Recommendations for the Organization

Probable reflections and the areas where the organizational can improved has been divulged in detail in the following. This is based on personal retrospection of the activities of the company.

The company is primarily a service sector organization that provides additional training to the college students. An analysis of the organizational culture using the theoretical models was done based on personal retrospection of the organizational culture of the company. It was felt that they provide required training to handle the technical requirements of the company. The primary reason to provide the training modules is to meet primary objectives of the company. Even though, the company has been productive in the past they need to have a more inclusive culture to make the voices of the newcomers heard.

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