
在本篇个人陈述代写-通用汽车召回事件的案例分析中了解到,通用汽车(General Motors)还应致力于在正式发布之前,立即向客户提供有关汽车规格中任何缺陷的宝贵信息。这当然有助于减少因车辆召回而造成的人员伤亡。通用汽车采取了双重策略,一方面在社交平台上维持正常的商业前景,另一方面通过在线回应来塑造客户的品牌认知。在这方面,社会渗透理论是相关的,因为它有助于发展一种不可预测的关系。试图参与交流的个体会了解他人,然后对具体情况有更好的理解,从而计划如何互动(Tang和Wang, 2012)。当通用汽车未能与愤怒的客户建立有效的沟通时,客户就会求助于社交媒体网站,在页面上发布公开信息。在这里,客户分析了其他客户做了什么,以及他们的行为是否有效。当确定召回问题得到解决后,更多的通用汽车客户开始在社交媒体页面上发布信息。接下来有关个人陈述代写-通用汽车召回事件的案例分析如下:

This model has elucidated a sequential relationship between the sender and the receiver in which each of them takes turns to send or receive information. In the case of GM, the Twitter team and any customer had exchanged messages in turn to ultimately reach a consensus decision and resolution of the recall problem (Mountain, 2017). In one instance, a customer named Joyce Burns had resorted to Facebook to make a complaint at the GM customer care page. He posted a problem of failure to fix his daughter’s Cobalt recall problem on March 2016 at 6:56 pm and the response of the GM customer care was received on March 17 at 7:31 pm with a relevant email to contact the GM social media unit (Goel, 2014). The response is sequential in which the customer had made his post as his turn and was awaiting the turn of GM to reply to his post.
The mode of communication using the social media platforms have been found to be responsiveness and effective as customers have sufficiently received help and support from GM. For example, Donna Genader had failed to communicate with the GM customer service representative over the phone line and thereby posted a complaint on GM’s Facebook page. Customer service representatives of GM had replied to the posts and counter comments in order to address recall related queries and engage the customers in ironing out private messages so that they are able to solve individual problems. In the case of Genader’s daughter, she had received a loaner car against her 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt (Goel, 2014). When GM failed to establish an effective communication with the raging customers, the customers resorted to the social media websites for posting public messages at the pages. Here the customers had analysed what the other customers have done and whether their act was effective. When assurance of resolution of recall queries was ascertained, more of the GM customers started posting messages on social media pages. The social penetration theory states that self-disclosure is important for gaining progress in communication. It is quite evident that companies like GM are aware of the robust public response that would tarnish their company image and so construction of an effective digital communication strategy had proved to be beneficial for GM to regain its communication confidence with the customers (Oleksak, 2005).

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在本篇加拿大essay代写-权力在买卖双方关系中的重要性中得知,权力是买卖双方关系及其结果中最重要的方面,但与相互信任和个人关系相比,权力就不那么重要了。在这个竞争激烈的市场,市场是开放的,每个人都有平等的机会和多种选择,权力的概念正在减少。在这种背景下,相互信任和理解比在买方和供应商关系中的权力主导更重要。目前,有几个商业组织拥有类似类型的产品和服务(Wang, 2011)。因此,买家有很多选择。此外,在这种情况下,组织必须依赖于他们的客户关系、品牌认知度和品牌价值。他们必须努力提高公司的声誉,同时提高客户对公司的信任。它有助于改善买方和供应商的关系,从而影响有利于组织的关系的结果。接下来有关加拿大essay代写-权力在买卖双方关系中的重要性分析如下:

However, several kinds of literatures are advocated in favour of power and states that power is the most important aspect of a buyer-supplier relationship and its outcome, but the power is not so important in comparison to the mutual trust and personal relationship. In this competitive market, where the market is open, and everyone has equal opportunity and multiple options, the concept of the power is decreasing. In this context, the mutual trust and understanding are more important than the power dominance within the buyer and supplier relationship. Currently, there are several business organizations that have similar types of products and services (Wang, 2011). Hence, the buyers have many options. Moreover, in this context, the organization must depend on their customer relationship, brand recognition and brand value. They must try to improve the reputation of the company as well to enhance the trust of the customers upon the company. It helps in improving the buyers and suppliers’ relationship and thus influencing the outcome of the relationship in favour of the organization. The expulsion of Tesco Plc can be given in this context to support the statement. The company Tesco Plc. is one of the leading retailers of the UK as well as a significant name among the renowned global retailers. The company provides utmost emphasis on the customers and tries to develop effective strategies to support customers’ satisfaction.
The company Tesco Plc. has introduced loyalty card for its customers. It is able to maintain a large database of their customers, and offers special discount and rebates to their customers on their special days. In this way, acquiring a good relationship with the customers means it supports in enhancing the trust of the customers on the company. They use to buy their required items from Tesco and the productivity of the company increases with the profitability. In this way, the company can create a large and loyal customers’ base, which is considered as the most treasured strength of the company (Weele, 2015).
Hence, it can be stated that mutual trust is more important than the dominant power in the buyer-supplier relationship and outcome.
Apart from this, it is evident in some incidents that behavioural imposition is more important in comparison to the power throughout the negotiation with the suppliers in the upstream. The business organizations are hugely dependent on the suppliers who supply the required raw materials to the company. The quality and rate of the raw material are significant and play a vital role in the product development of the company. Hence, in this context, the business organizations have to maintain a healthy and sound relation with the suppliers so that the suppliers deliver the requisite raw materials to the organization within the time (Steele, 2009).

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在本篇论文代写-买卖双方交换结果的取决因素中,买卖双方交换的结果取决于许多因素,这取决于主要的供求因素。在供应商有高需求产品的情况下,其结果往往发展成为供应商的主导地位。在交换关系中存在特定资源的相对效用价值和稀缺价值(Sindi和Roe, 2017)。例如,在2000年的房地产泡沫中,房地产市场被认为是卖方市场。在这种情况下,房地产需求量很大,即使房地产价格过高,人们也愿意在市场上购买。随后出现了房地产市场崩盘。这引起了卖家的兴趣。但当房地产市场崩盘时,则认为购房协议是根据买方的需要而变更的。这被发现在供应链的某些部分造成了买方主导、独立或供应商主导的局面。这些都会影响电力状况。有一种人类的无形因素需要在这个范例中被考虑,这同样取决于产品在自由市场上的商业成功。接下来有关论文代写-买卖双方交换结果的取决因素如下:

In the circumstances where the supply of the product is limited, the supplier will have autonomy to control the processes. The electric company such as Duke Energy will have more dominance for the sales of the product in situations of autonomy. The companies are found to be dependent on these intrinsic factors that must be factored to be considered in the situation. For example, the company within supply chains needs to be aware of the power structure to gain comprehension (Sindi and Roe, 2017). In the event of the automotive giant Toyota, they want to expand operation in the emerging markets. Given the brand names in these systems, it is evident that they are able to gain dominance in the manufacturing and supply chain. This typically happens when the demand of the particular product is more. Another example is the development of the electric cars that are eco-friendly. It is evident that the companies such as Tesla that has gained patronage in the markets will have more power in the relationship.
It is evident that the companies in general want to be more dominant in the relationship. This is to ensure that they have leverage to handle the business transactions. Statistics have proven that in the past that companies can benefit more from dominance when compared to interdependence (Graca, Barry, and Doney, 2015). When a company has leverage in the business transactions by maintaining dominance, they can gain the best possible rate and their survival will also increase in the process. It is evident that these would depend on the external market requirement for the products that the companies make together as a whole. For some brands, there will be increase in the intangibles, and in these situations the buyer is made to pay more for the product. This can be explained as the surplus value. In this the parties are found to work with each other to add value.
Another important factor that needs to be considered is the impact of culture and subjective internal factors that dominate the relationship (Ribbink, and Grimm, 2014). These impact the final ways in which there is formulation of the final outcomes of the relationship.

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The aspect of Licensing is considered to be one of unique internationalization strategies, which are used by various companies around the world for the purpose of expanding their business in developed economies. The degree of risk involved in the internationalization strategy of Licensing is limited in nature, as the licensee in the foreign country receives different types of protection that in the form of trademark rights, copyrights, and patent rights etc. Similarly, the licensee in return is required to adhere to the following processes of paying the licensor fees and royalties on the sales volume, advertise and market their products within the stipulated territories and manufacture the licensor’s product. This type of internationalization business strategy is very useful for developing economies as allowing foreign companies to enter their market would allow them to use their technology and resources for their own economic development. According to Meyer and Tran (2006), it was observed that both the researchers have focused on discussing how companies from developed economies are using the strategy of licensing to enter emerging economies of the world. In this article, the business of Carlsberg Breweries has been discussed to see how the management of the company has been developing their global strategy through the process of implementing licensing strategy to enter the market of China (Meyer and Thu Tran, 2006).

It is the most common internationalization strategies which are followed by major business organizations around the world. In this strategy, the companies from either emerging or developed economies look to export their product and services with an aim to expand their business in the foreign country. There are basically two types of exporting which are implemented in the business operations such as Direct Exporting and Indirect Exporting. The major difference that exists between direct and indirect exporting is that direct exporting directly involves the company to market its products and services in the foreign market whereas, in indirect exporting, marketing of product and services are carried out by third-party agents. According to Dado, Wiktor and Zbikowska (2015), it was seen that the researchers have aimed at highlighting how companies in Poland are using implementing the internationalization strategy of exporting to expand their business in the foreign country. Furthermore, the benefits of internationalization strategy of exporting have been discussed to see how it is benefiting Polish traders and exporters in the country (Ďaďo, Wiktor and Źbikowska, 2015).

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