
论文代写-蚜虫诱导植物化学痕迹的实验分析。根据之前的实验,我们能够对有无防御虫的蚜虫诱导的植物化学痕迹做出反应。前期的实验结果表明,防御蚜诱导的植株能吸引A.ervi。比蚜虫诱导的植物还多。X (5 VS 10)表示我使用了5个共生带菌蚜虫诱导的植株,共10个共生带菌蚜虫诱导的植株中有50个共生带菌蚜虫(组1),10个共生带菌蚜虫诱导的植株中有10个共生带菌蚜虫,共10个共生带菌蚜虫诱导的植株中有100个共生带菌蚜虫(组2)。每对中有一株来自第一组和第二组。这两种植物将放在嗅觉仪的两侧。10只不共生蚜虫作为对照组,唯一变化的是共生诱导密度。

The underlying indication is that the response to synomones induced in herbivore by parasitoids is specific to the host. Heimpel and Kris (2007) had been seen recording responses of experienced and naïve Gahan (Binodoxys communis) females to the odours from both non- target and target complexes of plant. This is done by the use of Y-tube assays of olfactometer. It was indicated in the study that females of B. communis tend to respond to a broad range of olfactory stimuli, exhibiting low level of fidelity for any specific odor. Also, there is an employment of some plasticity of behaviour in responding to the cues of volatility.
Once the parasitoid ends up reaching a potential habitat of host, it starts searching for the host near or over the host plant. The females tend to be responding to visual, chemical and physical stimuli in association with the hosts prior to encountering the host itself. Majority of the chemical stimuli seem to be acting in the form of kairomones, under production of the host itself or to arise as a result of the host products. These kairomones are known to be either non- volatile, perceived by olfaction or volatile kairomones of contact. This means X2 = 14.60, d.f. = 1, P < 0.05, in which females of A. colemani showed more frequent oriented flights in comparison with the females of L. testaceipes species. From the other perspective, both the species showed more preference for the actual plants instead of dummy plants, as a result of which, X2 = 0.67, d.f. = 1, ns. Both the species were known to be showing the same rate of landing on both, uninfested plants and infested plants. In the tunnel of wind, both the species were known to be showing different responses of behaviour that are highly dependent on the fact that is they were in phases of landing, flight or pre- flight.
In the overall context, 89.3 per cent of the females were known to show the behaviour of flight in the tunnel of wind. Out of the females showing behaviour of flying, the share that performed a flight in orientation had been significantly greater in comparison with the share which did not. According to the analysis, the share was 64.2 per cent vs. 35.8 per cent, and hence, X2 = 8.99, d.f. = 1, P< 0.05. Among the females performing an oriented response of flight, a significant variation had been found in the location of landing between the real plants and dummy.

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Leads to speculation: Shares traded on the stock exchange lead to speculation, affecting the share price of the company and its total market capitalization. Therefore, a sudden dump of shares by the shareholders may have a crushing effect on the company’s value. (C. Paramasivan, n.d.)
Preference Shares:
Unlike equity shares, Preference shares do not have voting rights, restricting the ownership rights in the company. They are entitled to receive a dividend before the ordinary shareholders are paid any dividends and therefore get a preference over equity shares. (Boyte-White, n.d.)
Advantages of Preference Shares:
From the point of view of the company, there are many advantages of issuing preference shares instead of equity shares, like:
No Voting Rights:
Preference shareholders do not have any voting rights. Therefore, they do not dilute the control of the owners in the company.
Disadvantages of Preference Shares:
Dividends have to be paid:
Preferred stock differs from common stock because it has preference over common stock
in the payment of dividends. The term ‘Preference’ means that the preference shareholders must receive a dividend before ordinary shareholders get any dividends (Stephen A. Ross, n.d.).

A business may opt for leasing an asset rather than buying it, using either available cash resources or borrowed funds. Another advanced form of leasing is a “sale and leaseback agreement” in which a company enters in to an agreement to sale its asset and lease it back from the party to which it was sold (usually an insurance company or pension fund) for raising immediate cash from the sale proceeds. This is most commonly done with premises like land and building, with some rent reviews every few years.

Frees up cash from under performing assets:
A sale and leaseback is best suited for those assets that have a low performance. A huge amount of cash can be released by entering those assets into a sale and leaseback agreement.

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代写-通过理性选择理论分析婚姻的社会结构持久性。理性选择理论在归因个人行为动机和做出选择时是沉默的(Elster, 1989),因为语境理论再次反对选择的合理性。在某些情况下,接受婚姻建议的行为可能完全是出于不可接受的因素,在某些情况下仍然被认为是理性的。这反驳了理性选择被称为理性的普遍接受。最重要的是,确定什么是婚姻产生的理性结果是绝对必要的,以选择什么是最好的行动和选择来给出理性的结果。简而言之,选择一种理性的行为主要是为了达到一种理性的状态,一种对个人和整个社会都有好处的提升的结果。

Rational choice theory is silent in attributing individual motivation for taking action and making a choice (Elster, 1989), because contextual theory is again opposing the rationality of choices. The action of accepting a marriage proposition in some cases may be completely motivated by unacceptable factors and still considered to be rational in circumstantial scenarios. This disproves the universal acceptance of rational choices to be called as rational. Above all, it is absolutely essential to identify what are the rational results that come out of marriages to select what are the best actions and choices to be made to give the rational results. In short, the choosing of a rational action is primarily to meet an end which is a rational situation and good and uplifting the individual and society at large. Again, the uplifting of individual and society has to be analysed and rationalised by comparing them with other theories of philosophical nature which then leads finally to ethical and moral standards of human conduct. Thus, rationalisation is directly or indirectly linked with the ethical and moral conduct of humans in all deductive analysis, and it is to be nurtured and improved with consistent reasoning on the basis of context, circumstances, and changing social structures and its beliefs. Social structures are varying in different regions, culture, and religions seeking approval from the larger global community (Lichbach, 2003). This differentiating character of social structures makes the rational choice theory more unenlightened, due to its association with varied ideas of individual actions and motivations which many be rational or irrational. Some cases may require someone to lie for saving a marriage and that action may be considered irrational, similar to the ethical and moral theory, but it may add up to the social structure which relies on rational individual actions. This makes the social structure more open and people accept lying as a rational choice since it is serving an ulterior motive of saving a life of a particular gender. The marriage decisions are mostly private and personal and are seen to become more personal rather than family based across the world, because of shortening of distance of everyone in the world and the world getting more crowded and closer to one another. Since the institution of marriage lies fundamentally in individual choices of both partners, the rationality of their decisions remains debatable since their individual motivation and their intent is never considered in defining their choices as rational. However, if their choices and decisions end up serving the individuals and society in general to an extent that if such actions when embraced to be taken as social structure actions it will maximise the happiness of all, then their actions can be termed as rational. Thus, rational choice theory is the most elastic and waves with the ethical and moral foundations of individual conduct and the happiness generating influence of the social structure beliefs of marriage.

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