
peaking代写-评估合并公司绩效的方法。多年来,人们进行了各种各样的研究,以评估合并和收购作为一种战略是否有助于提高或降低企业的价值。本文讨论了两种评估合并公司绩效的方法(Sharma, 2010)。讨论了事件研究和会计回报。研究人员对习得行为的评价,大多采用事件研究的方法,或者采取基于会计核算的方法。近年来,数据包络分析和平衡计分卡的方法等研究都有了新的思路。本文表明,测量习得绩效的方法有多种,每种方法都有各自的优缺点(Laabs and Schiereck, 2010)。测量方法的选择对所绘制的结果至关重要,因此选择时必须非常小心。建议评价方法需要有其研究国家的基础,更重要的是,需要检查的方面包括与股票市场和盈利有关的感知。

Another characteristic for the deal taken into consideration is whether deal was done on hostile terms or friendly terms. According to Faisal (2010), a meta-analysis was done to investigate this. It was found through empirical evidence that the findings are mixed. The findings were the same as the findings obtained by Laabs and Schiereck. It suggested that most companies do not gain advantages from acquisitions of conglomerate nature. It seemed that firms are more beneficial when there are acquisitions of horizontal and vertical nature involved wherein synergies can be gained (Kwoka and Pollitt, 2010). According to Kwoka and Pollitt (2010) and Faisal (2010), it was studied that the company performance with hostile acquisitions were of more performance. At times when mergers and acquisitions had a friendly appearance, they worked but only in the short term. In the long term, they did not benefit much because the strategies and agendas were of a different nature. For conglomerate firms, scoping economies has a negative nature and the advantages of newer structure of capital and taxes are not such that they impact negatively. According to Faisal et al. (2010), the results from event study indicate that after 3 days of acquisition, the stocks of acquiring firms generate return of abnormal nature at an average of 1.22 percent across every acquisition (Shukla and Gekara, 2010). When performance is long term, it is evident that companies acquiring perform in a better manner than the industrial pre-transaction and post-transaction.

Throughout the years, various studies have been done for evaluating whether merging and acquiring as a strategy have helped in enhancing or degrading value for firms. The essay has taken into discussion two methods to evaluate the merging firm’s performance (Sharma, 2010). Event study and accounting return have been discussed. It has been found mostly that researchers either adopt the methodology of event study or they take up measures based on accounting for evaluating the performance of acquisition. New approaches have been included in recent studies such as the analysis for data envelopment and approach of balanced score card. The essay has shown that there are several methods to measure performance of acquisition and each has its individual merits and demerits (Laabs and Schiereck, 2010). The selection of measurement method is essential to the drawn results and therefore selection has to be done with enormous care. It is recommended that evaluation method needs to have its basis over the study country and more essentially the aspects to be examined are inclusive of perception related to stock market and profit making. The second part of the study concluded that the deal characteristics have to be focused upon. There are times when mergers do benefit enormously whereas there are other times when mergers do not greatly benefit (Kwoka and Pollitt, 2010). This is because the characteristics are not taken into consideration. This leads towards failures and insignificant approaches. The focus needs to be on ensuring that there is alignment between the merging firms or else performance of set nature cannot be gained.

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Recommendation for Investment Strategy: In this context, in social media analytics implementation, in order to reap the maximum benefits, it is necessary that DBS is aware of how Business to Consumer B2C and Business to Business B2B could be different. Both forms of communication are different and hence it also follows that the analytics employed are just as different as well. Those consumers that DBS would directly interact with in the case of branches in the Greater China area are different compared to the consumers that DBS would interact with in the case of business communications in Japan or the United Kingdom.

DBS as observed from the case study has made a good leap towards ensuring that its investment in technology has paid off over the years. From a company with worsening share prices in 2009, the company has risen to a point where its net profit is increasing by the fiscal year. As the company terms itself, it has developed ‘digital warriors’ from ‘technology idiots’. This perhaps is the strong technology backup of the company. However, social media analytics is more than just developing the internal resources of the company. As Piyush stated in the case study, the company is threatened with potential new entrants and existing competitors. Some banking companies such as PayPal and We bank and Alipay have threatened to take away much of its business. In this context, in order to both sustain itself from the threats and to continue its expansion ventures, it is essential for DBS to work on its social media strategy.

The report typically attempts to show by use of theory and existing literature evidence, how an investment made in social media analytics would be useful for improving the overall business value. It not only improves the overall business competitiveness, but also offers opportunities to explore for DBS. Using the case study of the DBS bank, this research work uses the arguments made in developing analytics based on B2C and B2B consumer needs for the company. Strengths in the current system of analytics of DBS are identified and also some areas of improvement are identified as well. This would help DBS pioneer in the context of its digital innovations and its objectives alignment.

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When the financial crisis hitNew York markets the market capitalization of the stocks turned only $68 million in stocks, these were the causes of the disproportionate troubles for the enterprises (Cetorelliand Peristiani, 2010).
In 2011, there were series of scandals that had caused the company to be hit the most. Many were misrepresentation in the financial reporting practices. There were issues that the companies found when the investors started to conduct due diligence. The Chinese companies stated that the accounting practices based on cultural differences were the reasons. Nevertheless, this fear caused the Chinese companies to have reduced investments. The investors started to fear that all the Chinese companies did not have regulatory systems and there was elevation of the performances. In this process, all the Chinese companies faced the brunt of the issue. The stock value in New York stock exchange reduced to 1/3rd of the value. Subsequent to the action in New York, the markets reacted in many ways (Huang, Elkinawy and Jain,2013). Of the 160 companies listed in Singapore, 10 companies were delisted. This lead to negative spiraling of impacts (Eng and Lin, 2012). To gain credibility of the process, the Chinese companies agreed to be audited from 2013 (Asker, Farre-Mensa and Ljungqvist, 2014).
There are changes in the corporate governance practice and there are a number of companies that still face profits in this system. Some companies continue to make profit in this paradigm. Qunar, a Chinese travel booking services, raised $167 million on November 1 with the share prices surging to 89% above the initial offering. raised over $187 million in NASDAQ market. However, there is considerable apprehension by the investors due to the previous events. More than 100 stocks were delisted by the NASDAQ for failure of compliance with their regulatory standards between 2011 and 2012 (Sarkissian and Schill, 2012). This caused a loss of $40 billion to the investors and this apprehension continues to reverberate in the investment community.
When a company invests in the foreign markets, the macro environment issues of the foreign nation come into play (Ke, Rui and Yu, 2012). Hence the market risks of the foreign nations cause the risks to the domestic Chinese companies. They need to understand the political risks and economic risks that the company needs to face in this system. Chinese companies must carefully conduct their due diligence when they want to enter into a foreign market. The foreign companies would conduct their due diligence.Hence the Chinese companies must be compliant with the local policies.

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