

Israel, as a developing nation with a high per capita income, has good relations with many of its developed and developing nation partners, but in specific, it has a special relationship with the US and the EU. With the US, it has been ever engrossed in enhancing trade ties, signing bilateral agreements to push through its service sector to the US, and in turn import technology and weaponry from the US. Due to Israel’s geographical position and its consistent threat of Islamic terrorism in the Arab nations, it is always entangled in ways of defending its nation with superior technology and smart systems of weapon deployment. US, on the other hand, with its obnoxious ambition of global hegemony and its ever unrequired presence in the Arab nations and meddling in their economies, is always in support of Israel only for its geographical position and being close to the Arab nations.
As per the US census, US Israel bilateral trade relations stood at $35.3 billion, in which the US runs a deficit of $9 billion (“Foreign Trade – U.S. Trade with Israel”, 2017). The bilateral agreements between the two nations occupy weapons, nuclear reactors, boilers and electronic equipment as major factors. This is due to the fact that Israel needs border security and weapons to fight terrorist on its soil and attacks from Iran and Palestinians. Israel exports more of diamonds, medical equipment, metals and other service industry sectors.
Israel EU relations are stable and growing with more dependence on commodities. Israel’s trade with the EU in goods has been growing and stood at about $20 billion in 2016, and the services at about $7.5 billion. This inculcates that Israel is establishing strong bilateral relationship with the European Union, as it strives to diversify its trade partners’ dependence. EU is a more lucrative and large market than the United States, as it is a conglomerate of 28 nations, and has more or less developed and developing economies, which support and align with Israel’s strong strategy of developing trade relationship with developing and developed countries.
The deficit of trade between Israel and US is reverse than that between Israel and the EU. This is because, in the US Israel trade relationship, the deficit of trade is on the US, and in the EU Israel relationship, the trade deficit is on Israel. US’s trade deficit with Israel is at $9 billion and Israel with the EU is close to $10 billion. EU exports transport machinery and equipment to Israel, and the US exports more of weapons and technology equipment. Israel seems to be importing more quality infrastructure materials from the EU than from the US, and this indicates Israel’s belief in the quality of EU’s transport infrastructure ability. Comparing these two partners with China and India, Israel is importing more from the EU and United States. This infers that Israel considers China and India as developing economies and probably less equipped with meeting its high quality infrastructure demands.

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Not everybody will process trauma in a similar way. It could be possible that in learning about the stolen generation in history, some students would be traumatized more than others. However, trauma of the stolen generations has to be taught to students in a way that does not traumatize them (Carello & Butler, 2014). Careful planned strategy has to be taken up here. For instance, in the St Justin’s Catholic Primary school in Sydney a form of experiential learning was conducted where the children in year 4 were told that parents did not care about them and hence they would be moved out to foster care (Wahquist, 2017). Some of the students started to cry. The original intention of the school was to create an experiential learning for the children by presenting them the same trauma situation that the stolen generation faced, and then attempting to teach them about the stolen generation. Now this form of a strategy will case distress in children. They might not process emotions well, and in current times, we are more aware of the need to protect children compared to what happened for the stolen generation.

Ivan’s learning connects across to previous learning I have on the subject. The connection is more emotive. I was able to understand the magnitude of the unfair situation that was created for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait people. Previous learning experiences generally tended to ignore personal narratives in the understanding of history. Ivan’s story was more like a personal narrative where the reader is made to walk through the history of the oppressions, legislations and more in a sequential format. The reader could understand the impact better. The reader can hence better appreciate the situation from the eyes of a person who was traumatized by the happenings. The emotions felt when listening to Ivan’s story were mainly empathy and sadness. It would be impossible to change the past but by presenting this history in a sensitive way to everybody would be the right thing to do. If I was to mark on a scale of 1-5 with 1 indicating very mild emotional impact, I would rate Ian’s story as impacting me at a level of 4. At sometimes in the lecture, I felt overwhelmed. For instance, those points on how children’s letters from parents were hidden and how children were told that their parents abandoned them had me overwhelmed.

Story Telling Strategy: While older children could perhaps handle experiential learning better, the younger children in primary and secondary level will require a different approach. The first strategy is to adopt some form of storytelling that helps them connect to the issues of the stolen generation, the background and more in a better way. Now for primary school children, this pictorial version would help. In this book ‘Rabbits’, a pictorial representation of how conflicts were created between the Whites and the natives of the land and how with time, the voices of the Aborigines and the Torres Straits came to be muted and more are represented through cartoons and little texts (Marsden & Tan, 1998). Critical issues are presented, but in a story telling way, it would reach out to the children without creating trauma in learning. Once they go through this story telling phase, they would be better prepared to handle the actual history lesson.
Personal Engagement: A personal engagement could be created for the students for the teaching of the history lessons. The students could be given poster activities, essay activities and more, and can be asked to research and look up information and submit them to instructor. This will give the students the option to connect with information as they see fit.

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Professional identity plays an important role in determining the efficiency and suitability of a resource in that particular field. It is vital in healthcare and education segments as they work based on quality metrics and do not encourage compromises at any instances. The concept of professional identity has developed new definitions from the stakeholders (students, peers, management, and parents) and has enforced unbearable pressure for the educators to cope with them. The identity of an educator is often defined with statements that associate to worker requirements, occupational demands, and worker characteristics. Very limited statements involve details of the person’s experience or occupation specific characteristic.
Soon after the 21st century, the learning environment has forced teachers to formulate their identities to project themselves to the external environment. The tension of the educator increases with the roles and responsibilities. For example, the ability to organize an educational trip develops the identity. At the same time, the lack of knowledge shared to students during the educational trip can hamper the image instantly. This example shows that identity varies from one time to the other and it is highly difficult for the educator to maintain at all times.
There are two discourses that clearly indicate the value of professional identity and these include managerial and democratic professionalism. Managerial professionalism originates from the environment and is directly influenced by the peers and authorities who decide on the accountabilities and job frameworks. On the other hand, democratic professionalism originates directly from the profession and this shows the values, beliefs and attitudes of the educator towards the job. This is a clear evidence to bring out the changing perceptions about professional identities and the need for such educators to upgrade on regular basis.

The report clearly explains the concept of professional identity as a change oriented process. It cannot be measured as it changes from time to time, but it is important for the educators to create their identities by taking suitable measures. An educator’s role is not just to impart knowledge to the students. The applications are broad in the 21st century as the educator has social, psychological, moral and emotional responsibilities to abide by within the environment. These responsibilities arrive with powers and compulsions that affect the sustainability of educator in the learning environment. The practice of professional identity in learning environment is highly important for the educator to build reputation and spread values.

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