
加拿大教育学论文代写-公司建立积极企业形象的方法。在当今全球化的世界里,来自全球公司的竞争十分激烈。保持诚信和可靠的形象是一个公司在现代蓬勃发展不可或缺的(巴兹尔和韦伯,2006)。对品牌的内在信任使得人们在市场上众多的品牌中做出购买选择。现代的公司正在寻找建立积极的企业形象和利基消费者基础的方法。企业社会责任的努力使企业的正面形象成为可能。有积极的品牌形象建设(McNabb、王& Pētersons, 2010)。现代企业的生存之道,只在于保持诚信的可信形象,并建立强有力的道德规范,与消费者建立积极的和谐关系。

In the current globalized world, there are intense competitions from the global companies. Maintaining a persona of integrity and reliability is integral for a company to thrive in the modern times (Basil & Weber, 2006). The innate trust in the brand leads the people to make choices to buy the brand of the numerous brands that are available in the markets. The companies in the modern times are looking for ways to build a corporate identity that is positive and a niche consumer base. The positive corporation’s image made possible by the CSR efforts of the company. There is the building of a brand image that is positive (McNabb, King, & Pētersons, 2010). The companies in the modern times sustain only by maintaining a credible image of integrity and having a strong ethical practice in place to build positive consumer rapport with the people.
In the case of a scandal or issues about the quality of the brand, there can be a complete haul of the operational procedures of the company. The company then needs to assuage the needs of the consumers and develop stronger CSR efforts. There are literature suggestions that the companies in the modern times can emerge even after a tainted scandal by having a better ethical practice in place. Even though it is an arduous task, the companies have been able to rise above the scandal and sustain in the markets by having a better CSR strategy.
The purpose of this analysis is to understand the nuances of these processes and develop a holistic view as to the important variables that are needed for the sustenance of the company. The ways in which some companies have been able to develop their brand image have been probed in the following sections.

A study was undertaken to examine the role of the business performance and the sustenance of the companies in the current times. An index was developed based on the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines to analyze the impact of the companies based on the cultural and political systems existing in the nations. A sample of 1598 companies was used from 2004 to 2010 (Garcia-Sanchez, Cuadrado-Ballesteros, & Frias-Aceituno, 2016). It was determined that the perspective of the companies improved significantly in the areas of public opinion when the right methodological approach towards CSR were adopted by the companies. It was determined that the companies that were able to gain public trust and bring in more investors (Garcia-Sanchez, Cuadrado-Ballesteros, & Frias-Aceituno, 2016). All the related stakeholders were benefitted by the actions of the company.
In the case of scandals or crisis by a company, there is a considerable loss of reputation by the company. The companies in those cases need to address their reputation. The companies cannot go back to the older mode of operations (Turker, 2009). It becomes evident that the scandal is owing to the operational procedures of the company. They should earnestly try to have a CSR strategy that would enable them to gain the lost patronage and show the consumer or the relevant stakeholders that they are ready to make the imperative changes to meet the demands of the situation. This is not an easy task (Kuasirikun, 2009).

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The paper follows Hierarchy 5 evidence method which takes a specific case and identifies its effectiveness (Yin, 2003). About 30 university students have been assigned with different groups and they were exposed for different conditions to observe their satisfaction in the result and the level of relaxation achieved. Hence, this happens on a case – to – case – basis and in detail.
Description of abstract, purpose and ethics
Kouk Sun Do is a mind body exercise that is applied to a group of university students, about 30. The purpose of this paper is to identify the effect of this exercise among the self reported anxiety patients who study in this university and are desperate for a better method for relaxation purpose. The research paper has already taken the approval from Institutional Review Board of the University. Standard instrument such as Beck Depression Inventory has been used to determine the level of depressive symptoms among the participants. There are no serious ethical rules followed in this paper (Creswell, 2003). However, the documentation is well maintained. Moreover, the participants have also reported that they have got symptoms and they would like to participate.
Description of methods and design
The methods are clearly listed. Step – by – step events happen in this case. Mixed research methods are used to determine effectiveness. Initially, quantitative method is used for the experimental research but this only takes a negligible position. Subsequently, qualitative method takes a major portion of this paper. The experiences for about 4 weeks are listed in accordance with the open ended questions. Likert Scale and trait anxiety symptoms are few tools used to demonstrate the quality of the design. Standardized methods are used and this is much appropriate.
Discussion of limitations and conclusion
The sample size is extremely small in this case. This has probably affected the statistical power and a significant difference in the level of anxiety is not well created. The results are not much effective when it comes to the interaction term. Additionally, the article is also found to have faced high attrition rate. This is a clear statement that the research design has not been really effective (Leedy and Ormrod, 2005). The conclusion of the paper has projected the scope for broader research in this future. As there is limited data maintained in the past about this subject, this paper serves as an eye opener to the research study.
Strength and weakness of article
The strength of this article is the clarity in the procedure. During the period of 4 weeks, the results have been maintained extremely well and noted for every period, as proposed. The weakness of this article is its limited validity (Beck et al, 1996). The strength shows its applicability to various similar situations and the effectiveness. However, the weakness demonstrates that it cannot be generalized but still considered for any application.
Applicability to scenario
The paper seems to very much applicable to the scenario faced by Mariana. The reason is that the setting is the same (Leedy and Ormrod, 2005). The depressive symptoms faced by Mariana are also the same. Hence, these forms of exercises would completely suit Mariana in terms of maintenance of mind, body and breath. This can be treated closer to the situation of Mariana and her daughter.

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The photograph chosen for this assignment is by Jay Maisel. This photograph dates back to several years when natural light is well used to explore the nuances and produce a fine image. In this paper, the faded and blurred image of Jay Maisel is taken for the discussion in this paper. The photograph and the elements used to capture this photograph are analyzed and necessary inputs to create its replica are identified in the various sections of this paper.
Description and Discussion of efforts
The visual heritage has a long history and the most challenging thing is to replicate a photograph. This specific portrait street photograph undoubtedly gives a delight to the viewer. It has good dynamics and the message is intense. Based on the evaluation of this photograph, it shows that it is into semi automatic exposure mode. Instead of using the device that is meant to shoot a film and capture the motions, I would prefer to use the digital camera that will produce high aesthetics and ISOs are slightly adjustable. It is feasible to replicate the original image to considerable extent.
The procedure involved to replicate this photograph is listed one by one.

The properties used to capture the photograph are given in the pictures below.
The possible obstacles in this case will include the following:
– External climatic conditions that will affect the lighting and warmth of the room
– Unavailable lens that will affect the fading and blurring effects
– Lack of understanding of the subject to pose and replicate the original
– Lack of the same background images that should be stuck to the wall
– Non cooperative ISO sensitivity and shutter and aperture values
– Inappropriate white balance
These are possible obstacles. The right way to overcome these or rather deal with these when they happen is to go for a test shoot in prior. This test shoot will give an idea on the factors that should be taken care of and will expose the photographer to the technology. Spatial proportion will have to be set to moderate value and the facial distortion is not required as the original image has a clear output (Smith 15-20). All these should be tested in the trial shoot. When the original shoot happens, these obstacles can easily be solved with right solutions.
It is evident from this paper that it is possible to replicate the original with the current technology available to capture the photograph. The original photograph is captured by a street – portrait photographer who has a strong understanding of the subject. However, I have produced the dimensions and technologies that are likely to be used to achieve similar outputs.

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