
代寫論文-YouTube用戶生成內容。用戶生成內容定義為平臺用戶在線生成的任何形式的內容(Fan et al., 2013)。它通常不是單獨為營銷而產生的,盡管它被廣泛視為購買決策的一個組成部分,因為營銷人員可以向客戶講述他們的品牌和價值的故事(Shuqair et al., 2016)。這些結果都表明UGC對客戶的影響是巨大的。營銷者通過提供真實的客戶故事來吸引客戶是非常重要的,這與客戶的信任密切相關(Bughin, 2015)。這一發現說明了客戶參與的重要性。

The user engagement degree can be demonstrated by the quantity and quality of posts, views and reviews (Shuqair et al., 2016). However, it is always difficult to evaluate the quality of the UGC, while the quantity is easy to be measured (Hermida and Thurman, 2008). Thus, the quantity of posts, views and reviews can be used to evaluate customer engagement, which reflects the quality of UGC on YouTube. Accordingly, it can be assumed that:
H1: Quantity of posts, views and reviews have an influential effect on the perceived credibility of user generated YouTube product relates content (Anwar and Imran, 2013). Therefore, the consumer hence has an effect on attitude towards brand, product or process for which the UGC content is created when the consumer sees the quantity of posts are high (Akehurst, 2009; Smith et al., 2012; Tirunillai and Tellis, 2012). Similarly, when the views for a post are high, the user attitude towards the product is influenced (Daugherty et al., 2008). In addition, when the reviews for a

It was found that credibility and usefulness are two important factors influencing customers’ attitudes and behaviours (Mir and Zaheer, 2012). The basis of UGC marketing is that customers tend to develop more trust on content generated by other users than the marketers do (Fan et al., 2013). This suggests that customers’ attitudes about the UGC are based on their own judgment and evaluation. In this context, the perceived credibility and perceived usefulness are used as two variables to reflect how user engagement can influence their purchase intentions.
When it comes to consumer attitude, behaviour and intentions, the terminal goal is to evaluate whether customers have purchase intentions (Kim, 2012; Ashley and Tuten, 2015). As demonstrated in Figure 1, it is easy to see that there are five steps of purchase decision making, in each step of which the UGC might influence customers. Such influence might have direct influence on customer’s final purchase intentions. Thus, the evaluation of UCG’s impact on PI can be reflected in these five dimensions.
It can be assumed that: Influence on customers’ purchase intentions can be demonstrated in five dimensions of need recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, conference attendance and conference post-behaviours.
H2: Quantity of posts, views and reviews has a positive effect on the perceived usefulness of user generated YouTube product relates content (Anwar and Rehman, 2013).

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温哥华代写-道德规范理论与可口可乐的经历关系。道德规范理论也被称为道德伦理,这是本文所使用的,它有助于找出哪些活动是适当的,哪些是错误的。主要规范理论包括功利主义、亚里士多德德性伦理学、绝对命令论、存量德性等(Venkatadurai, Dhyani and Sharma, 2013)。它们可以用来解释这些与可口可乐经历的不同问题之间的关系。这家公司一直是环境和社会冲突的一部分。可口可乐在印度遭到抵制,因为当地社区也面临干旱。

As there have been very less public rules for corporate best practices in the native countries, so sustainability reporting has gradually turned out to be an important subject. There hasn’t been any particular law for CSR. But, as per the modernisation rules 2003/51/EC huge businesses have to show the financial and non-financial major indicators of their performances in their yearly reporting. Yet in current days, big multinational companies make sustainability report on their own according to the global reporting initiative that is GRI guidelines.
Coca-Cola had been part of CSR, which are conflicts in different issues. This essay looks into how these conflicts have impacted CSR strategies of these MNCs and if these businesses can finally prepare great target. Taking an example of Coca-Cola, it has laid an aim to lessen the overall carbon footprints by 15% by year 2020 in comparison to what it was in 2007.
Normative theories of ethics
The normative theory for ethics are also called moral ethics that are utilised for this essay, which are useful for figuring out what activities are appropriate and what are wrong. The major normative theories involve utilitarianism, Aristotelian virtue ethics, categorical imperative, Stock virtue, etc. (Venkatadurai, Dhyani and Sharma, 2013). They can be used for explaining how these relate to different issues experienced by Coca-Cola. This firm has been part of environmental and social conflicting situations. Coca-Cola had been boycotted in India as the community also faced droughts.
Coca Cola’s conflicts
An Indian NGO, named as “National Centre for science is an environment” (NCSE) has issued a statement that there were dozens of samples taken for Coca-Cola which had stated that pesticides in the product exceeded the European laid standards of level. Based on these proofs, this centre asked the lawful enforcement of the water standards. This statement got lots of attention from media as well as public attention, which led to instant impact on business’ profits.
The NGO had got three charges:
Goods had excessive levels of pesticides which brought high media attention
The business extracted huge amounts of groundwater and
It has made sources contaminated (Palmer, 2011).
Existence of pesticides
The government had laid a joint committee to perform the tests on the beverages. These tests showed that the European standards were not met. Nevertheless, these had been safe w.r.t local benchmarks. It stated that no violation of the countrywide laws exited. Yet following the ethical considerations from the report of impacting the surroundings, Coca-Cola accepted that there can be negative and positive effects of these on the company. This report led to a drop in business supplies by 30%-40% with maximum fall of 75% for 5 years (Lu et al., 2016).

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論文代寫價格-美國兩項重要減稅措施的影響 。在2001年和2003年,國會和總統布什提出了兩項重要的減稅措施,或者更確切地說,是在全國範圍內實施的。“減稅”這個詞聽起來似乎不錯,但後來人們發現,它對生活在經濟中的大多數富人有好處,而對中產階級和低收入群體則沒有多大好處。

The particular part however, deals with or rather reveals about the ignorance and the misconnection that is there among the values, beliefs and the policy preferences, who pays less or little attention to the public affairs and the policies that are there. Moreover, it reveals the fact that among the better informed people there is a kind of misperception and this particular misperception is actually a politically motivated misperception. Therefore, at the end, the latitudes of the political elites are retained and the policy ends of these people are only pursued.
In the year 2001 and 2003, the Congress and the President Bush brought two important tax cuts or rather introduce them in the nation. The word “tax cut” apparently sounds good, but later on it was found out that it is good for mostly the affluent people living in the economy not so much for the middle class and the lower income group people. According to various official reports and especially according to the report of Institute of Taxation and Economic Policy, it has been found out that the introduction of the new tax cut reduce 25% burden of tax pay for the richest people there in the economy, who accounts 1% of the total population. 21% burden of taxpaying was reduce for the next richest people who actually account 4% population of the nation and reduce only 10% burden of the other tax payers, who is generally there at the bottom line and account for 95% of the total population is in the country (Bartels, 155).
The most surprising thing that was quite noticeable in this case is that even though the particular policy was actually for the good of the wealthy people in the society, the ordinary Americans have an inclination towards the Egalitarian view this particular or these two policies did not received any opposition or rather very little opposition in that sense. Rather a kind of support was there by the people who are there, or rather by the ordinary Americans there in the society. Bartels argued that the people actually supported this tax cuts not only because they were indifferent to the economic inequality, but also these people had failed to bring in relevant or important values against the formulation of the policy preferences there
Another irresponsive behavior of the public came into front when most of the ordinary Americans made a strange repeal for the Estate tax. Even though most of the Americans, especially with lower income level, did not used to come under the Estate Tax or rather had to bear the burden of the federal tax, they made an appeal to the government for the Estate Tax, which was by then a “death tax” in the country. Bartels argued that most of the people in the US supported the Estate Tax because they did want to bear the burden of the federal tax law. Although they did not spare a thought about whether the current law is burdening them or the richer people who are there in the society, they did not even think about whether it would lessen their burden or the burden of those people who belongs to the affluent class of the society. According to Bartels, the ideology or the partisanship did not played an important role in the Estate Tax repeal rather what played an important role in this case is the attitude that the Americans have towards their own tax burden and this had ultimately resulted in this strange and the popular appeal that was made by the ordinary Americans who resides in the country (Bartels, 175). According to one of the surveys conducted during that time, and whose evidence could easily be found in the book, Unequal Democracy, states that; when the common people are asked about whether or not they support the Estate Tax repeal, many replied that they did not have much idea about it. Almost 19% of the people came up with this answer. Therefore, it can be said that the ordinary Americans in this case did not have an appropriate and the responsive attitude towards the whole things or the procedure. Thus, the ordinary tax payers failed to notice that in the long run the Estate Tax would decrease or rather reduce the burden of the wealthy tax payers who are there in the society and it would not affect them much.

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peaking代写-“新好莱坞”的演变。导致电影公司制度崩溃的一些重要因素是代际转换、内容规则的改革和好莱坞的财务不安全感(McLean, 2009)。这种情况导致了好莱坞研究被纳入不同的娱乐公司,给好莱坞娱乐产业的经营带来了重大的变化。好莱坞的运作方式发生了变化,并在创意部门、公司、高管和技术人才中进行了划分。

Some of the significant factors that contributed to the downfall of the studio system were the generational shift, reformation of the content regulations and the financial insecurities in Hollywood (McLean, 2009). This situation resulted in the incorporation of the Hollywood studies in different entertainment companies that bring significant change in the operations of Hollywood entertainment industry. The operations of the Hollywood changed and divided in creative departments, corporation, executives, and skilled minds. The new critical and scholarly circles were the main factors that gave rise to “New Hollywood” (McLean, 2009).
The United States was the country that came out of the war and was stronger than ever. While most of the Europe was lying in the ruins of war, America had become the most powerful and richest nation of the world. America was also “in the midst of an economic boom and alone possessing the most powerful weapon on earth, the atom bomb” (Kokonis, 2009, p. 174). However, there were also some significant problems after war. The post war crisis in America had affected the film industry (Williams and Hammond, 2006). There was the decline in the theatre admission since late 1940s, which turned out to be a persistent nightmare for the studio owners in 1950s (Williams and Hammond, 2006).
The Hollywood has started losing its homogenized audiences because of the boom in the television industry. People started preferring to stay at home for entertainment. TV was not the only reason, but the other two reasons were “suburbanization and baby-booming” (Kokonis, 2009, p. 176). The radical sociological change in the post war era became the problem for the America film industry. Change was the most significant need. The period from late 1960s and 1970s is considered as the New Hollywood, as this period paved the path for experimentation and integration of new approaches to make the film industry.
The new generation of the film directors and producers were able to express their ideas and new approaches though their films. The classical cinema was rapidly losing all its money and studios were being sold out due to financial loses. Lewis (2007) stated that “Studios were merely making films for commercial success, yet for directors of Old Hollywood, such as Alfred Hitchcock, Howard Hawks, John Ford, Orson Welles, and Charlie Chaplin (who were able to make their art despite Hollywood’s satisfaction) wanted to engage youth” (p.14). The New Hollywood was also thought to be new because it was not only focus on engaging the young generation of film makers but also encouraged them to take part in high profit commercialization.

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