

Social issues have a great impact on the patterns of design and influence the styles and principles of design in some ways. It is in the form of effects of social values and cultural perspectives on the concepts and codes of design. Designers are bound to draw inspiration from what they see around themselves and interpret those designs in their creative way. In fact, through their work, many designers often devise solutions to many of the challenges in the society and the environment (Ware, 2012).
An interesting example is the one world Futbol project which promotes a new design of balls that do not require inflation and rarely undergo any puncture. It is guaranteed to be child-labour free in its process of manufacture and is sold in a very innovative way. The selling is through a buy-one and give-another-to-developing-nations model, which is one of its kind. Another notable example is the use of “Theatre for Development” techniques through conducting a series of workshops for developing a research program to facilitate the increase in democratic participation by marginalized sections of the society (Chantry and Rochester, 2015). Another one is the Watercone project that puts forward a way of providing poor people the capacity to purify water through simple procedures.
A series of workshops for exploring the economic impacts of language policies and planning is another example. These were held in response to the perceivable but doubtful correlation competence in specific languages and development. This is to raise awareness regarding creating awareness about economic and developmental advantages of multilingual practices. Thus, these ways of representation of social issues through the works of designers provide empathic approaches to their solutions.
These social innovations help in speeding up social progress through the application of design ideas that can create beautiful representations.

In this assessment, the social issues of art and design have a direct involvement in the artistic inputs which are related to the participation of the intense community. It assesses the different steps of social issues in art and design where the cultural, economic and social have a wider participation than direct or equal involvement. Despite the conclusion of various methodologies and research subjects, there are some different participants that could be learned from a causal role of arts that are small for making the analysis of statistical inferences in art and design.

Time and experiences both are proportional to each other. Experiences are rooted within the time, which shapes human’s mind and life. Human’s behaviour is predominantly dependent on the relationship with others. Self-interests and moral concerns are dependent on the rational decision of the human being.

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代写-第四次工业革命所需的技能。第四次工业革命的关键方面可以说是计算机能力演进的空前增长、对所有利益相关者的影响以及全球化。不断变化的技术和不断增加的依赖性要求未来的一代具有灵活性、直观性和创造性(Siepel, 2017)。在不同的工业革命时期,与科学、数学、技术和工程相关的技能已经得到了发展和磨练。技术的进步可能对经济增长贡献不大。然而,如何利用这些技能可以对可持续性产生巨大的影响。利用这些技能的创造性和灵活性是非常重要的(Bloem et al., 2014)。除此之外,注重领导和团队合作的其他管理技能也很重要。

The skills related to management will ensure that the challenges are handled effectively and opportunities are grabbled which will ensure that the changes that are taking place are aligned and contribute more towards the growth of economy. There will be focus on different perspective of management. These include self management, organizational management, context management, relationship management and Change management (Gosling and Mintzberg, 2003). All these perspective have a different role for success in the fourth industrial revolution. Self management focuses on how to enhance the tasks that are performed. Organizational management refers to the analysis at the organizational level and enhancing the efficiency in utilization of different resources. In context management, the focus is on the changes that are taking place in the world and developing understanding of the market. This will enable the managers to exploit the market conditions and employ technology and other aspect that suits the business. Relationship management focus on maintaining balance in the team wherein team is developed comprising of different skills that are required contributing to the improvement in the efficiency in the business.
Lastly, change management ensures acceptability and brings in the changes in the organization whenever necessary in order to achieve the desired level of growth. Thus, all the aspects that have been discussed above are related to management, particularly financial viability wherein the different aspects related to business operations are considered rather than focusing on one aspect.

Master of Commerce acts as the base for developing such skills. These provide insight into the trends that are shaping the different industries and the innovative ways in which the things are managed. This provides the perspectives and impact of steps taken by the industrialists and enables applications of these aspects into other industries as well. This adds to the flexibility and creativity, which according to one of the articles, will be quite important for the success in the fourth industrial revolution. The resources are depleting and the frequent changes in the technology that are taking place. Thus economic viability is the key area of concern in fourth industrial revolution. Considering this aspect it can be said that studies in MCom contribute to understanding the financial viability and understanding how technology can be used in enhancing the value.

Overall, it can be said that key aspects of the fourth industrial revolution are unprecedented growth in the evolvement of the computer power, impact on the all the stakeholders and globalization. The changing technology and increased dependency require the future generation to be flexible, intuitive and creative (Siepel, 2017). Over the period of time with different industrial revolutions, the skills related to science, mathematics, technology and engineering have already been developed and honed. The improvement in technology may not contribute much to the growth. However it is how these skills are exploited can have huge impact on sustainability. The creativity and flexibility in utilizing these skills are quite important (Bloem et al., 2014). Apart from this, the other managerial skills focusing on leadership and team work will also be important.

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For an in-depth qualitative interview, the badminton racket companies in Taiwan were researched. It was established that less than 10 companies were involved in making badminton rackets in Taiwan. Opinion and information on these companies was collected for qualitative data analysis by making use of the in-depth interview method. The in-depth interview method collected data for understanding the reasons behind why Taiwanese badminton companies do not take up direct marketing. There is a good market for badminton gears and yet the Taiwanese companies are reluctant to do direct marketing. The Taiwanese marketing is impacted strongly by trust factors, goodwill, reputation and many more intangible factors (Lee, 2004).
The in-depth interview was conducted with the chief marketing officers of the company or chief managers of the company. Since data in the form of survey was already collected with a much general population, it made sense selecting the sample of chief managers for the in-depth interview. This way, the data collected will be more balanced. There are different options to collect in-depth interview data such as telephones, face to face chats and video chats etc. The researchers made use of the telephone interview because of accessibility concerns and geographic constraints. The in-depth interview asked such questions to the participants like how they understand direct marketing and what form of direct marketing they use etc. The in-depth interview seeks to establish the context for applicability of direct marketing in Taiwan’s badminton rackets market from the interviewee perspective. Secondary background data is also collected to understand the company’s average selling amount in a month, market share and price-earnings ratio. This data would be useful for corroborating interviewee statements.

The in-depth interview is data collected from the supply end of the market and the quantitative data is collected to understand the form of opinion that consumers have when it comes to understanding direct marketing. The questions are framed to understand how consumers feel about direct marketing. The questions will help researcher understand their preferences in buying the badminton rackets. For collecting data, a structured and mixed type of questionnaire has been prepared. Most of the questions are closed ended and the consumers will be asked to rate on the Likert scale. The consumer rates on a scale of 1-5 and this rating is helpful to understand consumer satisfaction, expectations, preferences and other traits informing the buying habit. In addition to these questions, the consumers are asked some multiple-choice questions as well. The purpose of the multiple-choice questions is to collect some demographic information of consumer as well as other information that has an impact on their choices. In addition to these questions, some open questions are also added at the end of the questionnaire. The purpose of the open questions is to allow the research participants some space to present what they think about the questionnaire. These data are not analysed for the work but clarify the participant attitude and other intangible information that could be collected from their answers (Amaratunga et al., 2002; Creswell, 2013).
The sample selection for the questionnaire is random sampling. The questionnaire was posted online with links sent to participants. The questionnaire was prepared bilingually in Mandarin Chinese and English. This is to enable easy understanding for the respondents. The questionnaire link was sent to around 300 participants, and around 272 participants answered. The sample number is hence 272.

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