
多伦多论文代写-电子竞技产业的分析具体如下。例如,据媒体Newzoo报道,2017年以来,人们的数量呈指数级增长。电子竞技经济在2017财年预计将达到6.96亿美元。公司有大量的资金来自品牌营销。消费支出预计为41.3%。人们表示,整个市场的增长将达到4.93亿美元。2016年,该品牌的品牌访问量增长了97.2%。据估计将有4.43亿人。与2017年相比,这一数字预计将增长41.3%。预计2018年这一数字将达到15亿美元(Newzoo, 2017)。预计平均增幅为2.68亿美元。电子竞技的观众人数预计会随着观众人数的增加而增加。

It is estimated for the fiscal year 2020 there could be a very niche consumer base that would be 385 million. In the385 million around 191 million of the people are expected to be diehard fans. eSports scene is found to come from brands. It was expected to see an increase in the account by $516. The biggest sponsorship is found to account for $266 million (Newzoo, 2017). This is followed by advertising $155 million and the media right is expected to be around $95 million. The consumer spending is expecting to make a smaller level of the markets. It is expected to be $64 million of the market. These game publishers are projected to be $98 million (Newzoo, 2017). These are found to deal with the external organizers owing to which the exact potential of these implications is not yet known. Newzoo predicts that there will be exponential growth in the people. In the case of traditional sports, the total revenue is calculated by the revenue per fan. The key indicator of the growth is based on how the sports are “monetized” (Newzoo, 2017). It is found to encompass the revenue streams which include media rights and consumer spending. In the case of the eSports industry, it is expected to become more mature and is found to encompass increasing number of local events and media rights deals. The average revenue per fan is found to grow by $5.20 by 2020. This is found to be lesser and closer in level with the popular sports such as basketball. This is found to be in the range of the commercial league such as NFL. One another important implications of this eSports is that it is a nascent field and the full potential is expected to be more profound in the coming decades. Therefore, it becomes an absolute necessity to understand where eSports stand with respect to conventional sports and how it would be understood by player and viewers alike.
While there are many forms of online games that could be considered in the genre of eSports for purpose of discussion, none have the popularity that MOBA has. MOBA is in fact considered as one of the eSports that are seen to be as strategic, calculative, involving a game plan, extensive massive support in viewers and revenue generating sport. Furthermore, it is versatile and there are many different forms of MOBA play making it a larger category and could hence be used as a generalization to understand eSports.

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论文代写-Java Lounge的服务设计与服务建设

论文代写-Java Lounge的服务设计与服务建设。在Java Lounge的例子中,管理器声明这确实是正确的。有些消费者走进餐厅,希望它能提供定量音乐或不同的氛围等服务。他们往往对服务员对菜单的了解不以为然,而消费者觉得酒店更传统。这赶走了年轻的消费者。服务能力不符合新时代千禧年消费者的需求。这对餐厅没有任何帮助,周围有很多大学,不能满足年轻消费者的需求是该公司的一大障碍。这是由于缺乏对消费者分析的理解。该公司正在努力实现的服务设计是成为一个优雅的餐厅,迎合千禧一代的消费者。作为第一步,公司可以使用excel表格作为模板来输入消费者的需求。

According to theory, there are four kinds of customer. It is the internal or external customer, end user, stakeholders and the valuable or not valuable consumers. The major challenge that needs to be considered is the negotiation or allocation for the customer. The responsibility in meeting the needs of the customers is of paramount importance. There is a fundamental dilemma as to how to address the needs.
The service design that the company is trying to achieve is to be an elegant restaurant that caters to the millennial consumers. As a first step, the company can use the excel sheet as a template to key in the needs of the consumers.
This system would enable the company to understand the areas of improvement that they can bring in order to improve the service delivery.
The next system in this process is designing services that are needed for the consumers. The service design must not be changed to meet the short term demands of the modern millennial consumers. They need to create a service where the company does not deviate from its original service offering but must make the changes that are required to meet the needs of the current times (Heizer, 2004). They need to increase the customization and interaction to use the consumers.
During the interview with one of the waiters, they explained that they have a social media presence and the staff regularly checks the feedback to understand where they need to improve the services. These feedbacks can be customized and the people need can be met during the course of the service delivery. The interaction between the consumer and the employee needs to be facilitated by the management. They need to create an amiable atmosphere where all the people meet the design of the services. The service managers need to take more control of the oversight to ensure that this process does not end in chaos. The company must set goals that are realistic (Zurich, 2017).
The overall aims and objectives are the simple aim of ensuring that the consumers have an enjoyable experience. Stakeholders need to be clearly aware of the service implications and also develop a steady state services. There must be efforts taken to bridge the gap between the services intended and the requirement of the consumers. It is evident that the companies need to have a system of performance management to ensure that the needs of the customers are met (Heineke and Davis, 2007). In this paradigm, Java Lounge has the simple objective of meeting the consumer requirement to develop more brand patronage for the restaurants. One of the best ways to achieve this paradigm is through the performance management. The performance management needs to be monitored by the company to create a cohesive system where all the stakeholders are benefitted from the operations. The basic tenets of the performance management system is explained in the following.

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代写-特易购公司的文化及伦理层面。伦理的特征通过组织的价值观、使命和利益相关者的维护体现在组织的服务中。特易购公司不能认为他们唯一的利益相关者是员工、股东和所有者。有必要了解客户的需求,看看他们是否能够从产品中获得满足。乐购的文化融合了结构、奖励、领导(Janda、Trocchia和Gwinner 2002)。乐购需要作为一个非常负责任的组织,致力于客户服务、环境、员工、社区和社会。当企业能够以道德的方式在外部和内部运作时,就能实现这一点。

The service blue print is the map or the picture that helps in showing the process of service in the service domain. This would help in understanding the way that the Tesco consumers would judge the services of Tesco. To build the service blueprint, there are most importantly five different steps followed. The different steps are as follows:
Action by the Customer: This involves the identification of the actions and the choices of performance of customers in the consumption, purchases and evaluation of service.
Onstage Contact: The face contact by the frontline employees with the customers
Backstage Contact: The activities that are invisible are looked into by the Back stage staff
Support Processes: The internal interaction and services that take place for supporting the workers in the service delivery
Physical Evidence: The exposure to the tangibles by the customers or through interaction
The following are the steps that are taken by the customers for buying the product Greek yoghurt:
The steps are followed for the purchase of the Greek Yoghurt. The customers primarily evaluate any type of problem regarding the product then it searches for the relevant information with respect to it. They also look for the alternative. After the consideration of the alternative of Greek yoghurt, they consider on making purchase decisions. After that, they are seen to purchase the product Greek Yoghurt. A post evaluation is done to look whether they are getting the maximum level of satisfaction from the product.
A practical approach has been undertaken for service blue printing by buying the Tesco labelled Greek Style Yoghurt from Tesco Egham. This would help in getting qualitative evidence of the approach and help in providing the feedback on the way the service blueprint looks for the Greek Style Yoghurt. Evidences are likely to furnish about what the customer is going to see and receive the step for customer experience (Kallweit, Spreer and Toporowski, 2014).
The service blueprint in this particular case involves a number of stakeholders. Among all the stakeholders, the most important one is the customers. The use of the SERVQUAL model will help in qualitative measurement of the quality of service. There are five categories in the model, which includes courtesy, reliability, competence, responsiveness and tangibles (Lee and Lin, 2005).
Application of the SERVQUAL Model
In order to apply the SERVQUAL Analysis, the questionnaires are directed to the customers, which would be highlighting on the five factors as it has been mentioned in the above section. The analysis would be focused on the customers and this will help in highlighting the differences in the perception and the expectation level of the customers. The customer’s judgment with respect to quality is what is considered in the model (Fernie and Sparks, 2014). The customers they are said to rate the answers for the different criteria relating to their perception and experience. The questions are generally answered on likert scale where there is range of options from ‘Strongly Agreeing’ to ‘Strongly Disagreeing’. The methodology will be applied for the service quality analysis, which is assessed through the five gaps in between the expected and perceived experiences by the customers. Gap 1 will show the diversion in the expectation by the customers and the idea of the management about the customer perception. Gap 2 will help in finding the mismatch in the management expectation. The service performance related gap which is Gap 3 could be the training, communication and the employee preparation for interacting with the customers. Gap 4 is the diversion in the delivery of the service and communication with the customers. Gap 5 will help indicate the different in the expectation and the perception of the services by the customers (Dabholkar, Thorpe and Rentz, 2013).

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