

The aim of the research is to critically identify and analyse how international student volunteering could be increased by the East African Playgrounds EAP. Special focus will be on how social media tools would be effective in social marketing though which international student volunteer segment can be enhanced. The research identifies how social media could be an effective tool for social marketing aimed at recruiting volunteers. Social media messages are a convenient way to increase awareness on volunteering for the EAP. Understanding how students perceive the social media tool hence would be useful here.

To demonstrate the motivation for volunteering amongst international students
To analyse the international students volunteering periods Africa experiences
To demonstrate the donation behaviour of international students
To demonstrate international students aware volunteering in Uganda by social media

The questionnaire survey method was used here. The survey method is useful for the research as it helps collect large amounts of data in a much shorter time. The questionnaire survey method is also useful for collecting both open ended and closed ended questions. The interview method was considered first as it would have been helpful for the researcher to collect more data on the subject. However, the interview method would have been more time consuming in comparison and hence the survey questionnaire method was used.

While fifteen participants were selected, only fourteen participants were seen to take up answering the questions. The sampling method used was convenience sampling. Convenience sampling is one of the non-probability sampling techniques where the sample will be those people who are easier to access for the researcher. The 14 participants are hence selected from existing student networks that the researcher had access to. Unlike random sampling techniques here the participants are selected in a much faster way.

The questionnaire is designed as a structured one, where the questions will follow one format and the question order will be fixed. Closed ended questions in the questionnaire will have the student make a choice on answers and the open ended questions will enable the participant to answer in their own words. Some of the questions, the rationale for the questions and the possible answers that were expected are presented below.

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渥太华论文代写-自由市场资本主义原则。从20世纪70年代末到现在,宏观经济政策的霸权地位经历了一个巨大的转变。这一思想经历了向自由市场经济政策的转变,摆脱了凯恩斯式的政策。在政策的采纳上的意识形态转变,从根本上与国家对法规的争论观点和国家的角色有关。20世纪70年代末发生全球化的主要原因是自由市场资本主义原则。上世纪30年代大萧条(Great Depression)之后,凯恩斯(Keynes)提出,西方国家没有从开放经济中受益,反而导致了国民经济的崩溃。根据凯恩斯的思想,经济管理是政府(Barr, 2004)的任务。政府的责任是对抗经济的不稳定,并保持充分就业的水平。他还认为,如果各国资本自由流动,国家经济的稳定可能会产生破坏性影响。它不是追求国家间的开放贸易,而是由其他经济学家和凯恩斯提出的,以鼓励资本安排和经济体之间的双边贸易。

After 1930s, the period of Great Depression, it was argued by Keynes that countries in the West did not benefit from opening the economy but instead led to the disruption of the national economies. According to the ideology of Keynes, the management of economy was the task of the government (Barr, 2004). It was the responsibility of the government to counter the instability in the economy and to maintain the level of full employment. He also believed that if there is free capital mobility across countries, the stability of national economies might become disruptive. Rather than pursuing open trade between countries, it was proposed by other economists and Keynes to encourage the capital arrangement and bilateral trade between economies.
An intensive union militancy prevailed during the same period. The unionization resulted in a series of successful and relatively bitter strikes. It has been noted by Swartz that in the late 1960s, the Canadian economy experienced conditions of full employment level. Under such conditions, the bargaining power of unions sustained. This resulted in wide gains for the workers, thus, benefitting the organised labour and the unions. Donald Swartz remarks that the capital in Canada was caught up between the pressures of intense international competition and the resistance from the working class. This period was marked with stagnation in markets. Under these conditions, the militancy of workers was exacerbated and the labour discipline was reduced by the provision of a social safety net. The capital investment suffered a fall in the level of profit as it could not pass on the increasing cost of labour without undermining the consumer competitiveness. This also resulted in decline of job creation and level of investments. Moreover, it can be said that, the investment of capital in Canada was constrained by the power imposed by the trade unions and the policies undertaken by the interventionist government. This affected the profit earning ability of the business enterprises.
If neoliberalism continues to govern as the dominant policy, it can be argued that the world capital would continue to experience social instability, stagnation in the economy and an eventual breakdown of the institutional structure. However, it can be said that there is possibility of moving back to the state regulated capitalism. The world is a huge place with varied law structure, differing cultures and multi-faceted business practices being followed in different countries.
For Canada, the scope of government began to shrink due to the political attacks faced by the country during the era of free trade. The activity of government was reduced by almost 10 percent points within a decade. This instability caused by neoliberal global capitalism might create a situation of economic crisis for the country which would be difficult to control even by the regulatory authority. In addition to this, the increasing social problems and other exploitation resulting from the neoliberal capitalism might push the social movement back to force. Such a shift in the course of development would renew the possibility of creating a system based on the need and will of human instead of profit from private institutions.

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Synomones induced by herbivore also have key involvement in the location of habitat by aphid parasitoids. A great upwind flight had been recorded by Guerrieri et al. (1993) as A. ervi responded to a system of plant- host than to either the plant along or aphid in the tests of wind tunnel. The parasitoid also can be seen responding to a number of plants damaged by host from which there had been a removal of aphids. There had been a demonstration of similar response to the complec plant- host by A. ervi by Powell et al. (1998) and Du et al. (1997). The response of female to broad plants of beans damaged due to Acyrthosiphon pisum had been greater in comparison with mechanically damaged or undamaged plants.
Two-Chamber Olfactometer Experiments
Bioassays were designed to observe the preference of A. ervi about the induced plant’s volatiles by aphids with or without symbiont H.defensa. 2-chamber olfactometer was used to test. As you can see in figure1, this 2-chamber olfactometer is a plastic cylinder with a wall in the center that separates the chamber into two halves that each contain an odor source, which will be induced plants by aphid clone with or without endosymbiont. A thin mesh on the top separates the parasitoid wasp from the plants.
The lid on top of the mesh prevents the wasp from escaping. In the test of olfactometer, no response of D. rapae had been found by Reed et al. (1995) to the leaves of cabbage. However, there was attraction of females to B. brassicae infesting the leaves with the wheat aphid of Russia, namely, Diuraphis noxia. In another study of wind tunnel, it had been found by Sheehan and Shelton (1989) that there had been a rearing of D. rapae over collards showing increased responses of flight to the plants in comparison with that of potato.
The underlying suggestion is that D. rapae is known for having an innate preference for the crucifer that feeds the system of aphid. Even though these types of experiments consider permitting a number of conclusions, there is an existence of few data from the experiments of the field. Also, it is not necessary that significant response will be implied in an olfactometer for the attraction of longer range within the field.
There are 6 groups presented in Table1. Tests will perform the preference of wasps about different odor sources—plant induced by the same clone aphids but with or without symbiont. The time A.ervi spent in each side of the chambers with two odor sources shows the wasp’s preference. Every experiment will be performed independently by using 2-chamber olfactometer. For all the experiments, two different odor source were offered to the wasps and their preference was recorded. Induced plant with H.defensa will be put in one chamber and the induced plants without H.defensa will be put in the other chamber.
The wasps were released at the middle point on the walking area of the olfactometer. 60 seconds were given to set them free of the tube. Then recorded 5 minutes (300 seconds), counted the time wasps spent in each side. Each pair 5 wasps and in total 10 pairs were tested each treatment. Total 50 wasps were tested each compare group. Change the side of treatment and control plants after three wasps, to avoid other possible preference. All the experiments will be done in the ecological laboratory under a fiber optic lights source placed above the 2-chamber olfactometer at room temperature. By long time co-existing, the plant defense evolved, in the mean while, the insects as one of the most diverse groups evolved by changing foraging behavior. Symbiotic association is one of the co-evolution results. Associations between different organisms can be concluded as symbiosis, parasitism and predator-prey system. During natural selections, symbiosis sparked for it is a kind of associations that both of the participating organisms get benefits.

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股权融资是MTT在风险投资领域的另一种策略。股权融资是一种系统性的融资方式,以较少的金融风险获得商业机会。它是一种开放式和封闭式基金,投资于公司的股票,并将所有权交给股东。股权融资以其独特的商业理念和高增长潜力十分合适,MTT的损益表显示出公司的快速增长,其独特的可穿戴技术与该资金来源相匹配(Metrick and Yasuda, 2010)。股权融资的主要目的是为企业的长期资本需求筹集资金,只有在企业具有足够盈利能力的条件下,才能以股息的形式获得回报。利基市场和公司的有效管理也是股权融资作为主要资金来源的指标,MTT目前缺乏股权融资,这是因为管理层成员缺乏必要的经验。但是,2015年大量的收入说明了企业管理能力的提高,使得股权融资适合企业(Gullifer and Payne, 2015)。以下是论文代写价格-MTT股权融资的优势和劣势的分析:

Advantages of equity funding: It helps the business, which is struggling in obtaining capital for business expansion. The major advantage of the using the equity funding is that there is no obligation of the repayment of the money raised from equity. It is because investors are termed as the owners of the firm. Along with this, there is no requirement of the monthly payment of dividend and company can use more capital in the business growth (Roberts, 2015). It also enables the management to continuously focus on their core objectives such as product and services quality rather than managing the financial obligations due to flexible use of this funding source (Gullifer and Payne, 2015).
Disadvantages of equity funding: It is an expensive and complex way of getting the funding for a company because it includes a lot of statutory compliances with associated costs such as fees of the merchant banker, brokerage, underwriting fee, and lot as other legal expenses etc. Equity investor always expects higher return rate on their investment than to debt or other investors and lack of fulfilment of them may cause the decline in investment attractiveness of MTT and create issues to raise capital in the future time period. Along with this, dividend distribution is not tax deductible expenses that also influence the investors (Rocap, 2015). If a company raises fund via use the equity funding, it is necessary for the company that controls on the percentage of the existing and new share. This type of control is not required during the use of the debt funding. Along with this, it also causes the interferences of a large number of investors in the operational activities and decisions, which affect the flexibility of the operational and marketing decisions (Smart and Graham, 2012).
Recommendations to MTT
In order to be able to generate capital through equity funding, MTT needs to increase its management practices and ensure to show a high growth potential to the investors with appropriate budgeting and forecasting processes. The business idea of MTT produces high-end smart watches with using premium materials and third party software is looking unique, but it should require ensuring that it will be unique for a long time by gaining patent and trademark of its technologies globally (Stowell, 2012). It will be effective to increase the ability of the firm to obtain equity funding easily.
From the above discussion, it can be concluded that venture capital funding is effective for MTT with some advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, negative NPV and lack of effective management in MTT may create risk for venture capital firm and affect the investment in the firm and for this; equity financing is an alternative strategy that can be used by MTT for funding.

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