

The use of everyday products is what most of us take for granted. It is everyday products that are used the most and at the same time are not considered for their environmental impact. This essay is a case study analysis of a product that we use almost every day-toothpaste. In 2007 it was alleged that more than 300 people died because of the use of toothpaste which has diethylene glycol. This is a substance that is commonly made use of in antifreeze. The use of this substance could cause such issues as kidney failure, paralysis and more. In investigation on this allegation, it was established that the substance could not have been introduced after the toothpaste was manufactured; it was probable that the substance was introduced in the lifecycle of its manufacture (Delmas, and Blass, 2010). Not all toothpaste products could have a direct negative impact on the health of the individual or the environment, and only a sustainability triple bottom line analysis could reveal the negative impacts that such a production and lifecycle process might have. It is the intention of this chosen case study to not only include the negative impacts but also the positive ones.
Ecological / Environmental questions
The natural resource that goes into the product is something that cannot be replaced. These resources are however renewable. For instance, in the case of the product used in the form of palm oil the palm plantations can be grown again. However, the environmental impact element to be understood here is whether the products are having a higher demand than the rate at which they are manufactured. In the situation where there is a high demand, the rate at which the palm oil and other sources are manufactured will actually go down. So speeding up production will become necessary for manufacturing more of these sources, which would in retrospect lead to the problems of deforestation, climatic changes and more (Attaran, and Attaran, 2007). Colgate attempts to balance this by ensuring that there is a balance between the environment and the production and supply processes.
In order to reduce the greenhouse gases that are emitted, the company is seen to work with a project called the Carbon Disclosure Project’s Supply Chain Leadership Collaboration Project. This project was incepted in the year 2008 and is seen to create a form of awareness for its suppliers. In this program, it becomes easier for Colgate to understand the overall carbon footprint of all its suppliers. It was able to find out through surveys that around 85 percent of its suppliers could report on the direct sourcing and expenditures which would enable the company to understand the demand to sourcing relations. With these data forms, Colgate plans to achieve energy reduction in its manufactory and distributions. In particular, the company aims to work with a “Supplier Enhancement Program” where the overall competition among the suppliers would be increased but would be done in a way that sustainability becomes a key important criteria. This is now a positive end when it comes to the TBL as it is seen that the company directly encourages its suppliers to build on sustainability and also ensures that they focus on sustainability as a competitive advantage (Ethical Consumer, 2016).
Waste is produced from manufacture to the final disposal of the element. In the case of Colgate, the issues raised in terms of waste management shows that the company aims to reduce its wastes by focusing on the landfills created in production. As much as 10 percent in landfills are reduced now and the company aims to reduce further by more than 15 percent. While the company has been focusing on reducing wastage for years, it was the 2010 wastage reduction program that enabled the company to make the drive more formalized in structure. The company works with waste vendors who would be able to convert the waste generated into something useful. Also the company makes use of standardized scorecards that are useful to make the waste management policy more visible. The use of waste vendors can be considered as a positive step in TBL as the waste is converted to something useful for society (Choi, and Gray, 2008).

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Management level controls to address non-compliance with legislation
1. The management must be strict enough to punish the violating employee after the employees are trained about the legislations to be followed. This will create some discipline to follow legislations. The management must themselves follow as an example.
2. The employee relationship must be unique such that it is not threatening and also not liberal. This can be done by commanding the work to be done and not letting them act liberally.
3. The management must set up a minimum performance criteria under which the employees work and are paid. This can trigger a motivation to act ethically according to the law, and enhance productivity. A healthy working environment in terms of provisions and relationship is a unique way of enhancing productivity (Smith and Haley, 2011).
4. Financial control such as putting limits on specific projects or division can trigger some encouragement about following the legislation because non-compliance can be dangerously career wise and reputation wise for the employee.
5. Keeping employee records and disclosing it to the relevant authorities from time to time can motivate the employees to follow all taught legislation regularly, because not following them will result in a weak resume when the employee plans to move out of the company.
The tubular form of the management level action plan is in Appendix 2.
Risk controls depending on the hierarchy of controls
The first and foremost entity or department to be most responsible is the top management as they are the ones who makes the second in-command department, the health and safety department, more eligible for identifying risk and eliminating it. Then comes the health and safety team who needs to undergo a mandatory HSR training, because this training will eventually teach them everything about risk, disaster, and crisis management so that the hotel can save on its risks repair and eliminate them completely. This team then has the final assessment teams under them including the workers, managers who actually observe and identify possibilities of risk in the hotel premises and make immediate action plan for eliminating the same.
When the top management is controlling the finance and funding for the risk assessment and disaster management, the HSR team will be aware of their limitations in terms of actions and controlling the assessment team and the workers. The HSR team will in turn control the actions of the workers and limit them to the prescribed limits of finance. Undertaking unnecessary practices which are supplementary and not required on an immediate basis is important to be controlled by the top management so that risks are also eliminated and costs are saved back and reduced.
Cost benefit analysis of non-compliance, hazards, and recommended controls
The cost of non-compliance is difficult to assess as the tangible and intangible consequences when added can lead the costs to unexpected levels. The non-compliance is more costly for legislations as the following of legislations will lead to violations of all laws and the cost of repairing the violations is very high, lengthy, time consuming, and financially burdensome. It is therefore better to invest into training of the employees about the legislations,so that the cost of risk and disaster repair is avoided.
Hazards that are identified in the hotel are dangerous and must be repaired with immediate effect, because not repairing them may continue to make the situation more serious and there could be spiralling costs of life and property loss in the making which may not be perceived. The management must take the step to repair all risk and disaster possibilities to reduce the risk repair cost for the future. When the controls are implemented, the benefits will rise in the form of increased occupancy, increased profits higher profit margin, growing reputation, moving towards ethical standard of operations.

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奴隸制是一個概念,被認為是一個古老的和壓迫的因素,在當代的現代。盡管如此,它在過去的幾個世紀裏仍然盛行。由於奴隸制的影響,美國面臨著許多問題。在這方面,開國元勛們似乎也仿效了一些令人困惑的行為,這些行為基本上使社會中的人們感到困惑。開國元勛們促進了現代自由美國的發展,但其中一些關於奴隸制的政策卻相當模糊。像托馬斯·傑斐遜(Thomas Jefferson)這樣的領導人支持廢除奴隸制,但他自己也有奴隸。本篇分析的目的是論文代寫-托馬斯·傑斐遜對美國奴隸的政策。他的私人奴隸主和他對奴隸制的公開觀點之間的關系甚至已經得到了探索。在反思的同時,將具體分析它們在哪裏造成公共理想和私人生活之間的緊張或連續性。

t has been found that Jefferson was always ambivalent in his political views regarding Slavery.
From a political ideology, he wanted emancipation of slaves; in 1769 he wanted to bring in a law that emancipated slaves. He had taken a number of political initiatives to ensure that the slaves in the region were emancipated. However, he himself had slaves. This ambivalence had caused people confusion. They did not understand who the real Jefferson was and what ideals he wanted to profess to the people as leader of the nation. There was criticism made by the people regarding the stance taken by Jefferson and his actions. It should be noted that Jefferson was instrumental in framing Declaration of Independence in the year 1776. He was a strong proponent for equality. This had paved the way for modern American ideologies. Jefferson always stated that slavery was detrimental to the owner and the slaves. He had a number of prominent virtues that has been admired by the masses. The reason that has been attributed to the action of holding slaves was purely circumstantial. He is also a man who was trapped by the political, economical and cultural facets of the generation. It is not known in reality how he treated the slaves or what reason he chose to have slaves nor is his true relation to Hemmings known to the world. However, it should be noted that his political actions has paved the way for overall positive growth and liberation of the slaves in modern times. He was essentially stuck into the values prevailing in the society. His vices are much known, and so are his ideals. The vices of Jefferson could be highlighted or the effective actions taken by Jefferson can be factored in while deciding as to what sort of a person Jefferson was to the society. He had also taken a strong stand against colonialism and fought for the independence of the nation. He was a truly inspirational leader but he also had undertaken some action that was detrimental to the stand he had taken.
Ultimately, in the end, it is up to the individuals to choose which values to respect in Jefferson. From a personal standpoint, it needs to be noted that he had paved the way for equality and egalitarianism in the societies. He was instrumental in bringing changes to the societies. He essentially promoted equality and wanted to abolish slavery and this standpoint needs to be respected.
Jefferson had written the Declaration of Independence and he was also instrumental in passing the Virginia constitution and also in Declaration of Independence. He was an avid proponent for emphasizing and instilling equality and egalitarianism in the societies. It has been found that he had prevented slavery by singing into the law that abolishes slavery in 1807. He encouraged the people to stop slavery and was involved in numerous efforts to ensure that there was no slavery in the region. But the issue was that he himself had slaves and was stuck to the cultural beliefs prevailing in the region. This made people question the real stand of the President. He was involved in a number of issues from his personal life. It is ultimately a personal standpoint to choose whether to respect him for the numerous efforts he had taken for equality among men or choose to disregard his actions based on his personal activities or vices. From a personal standpoint, it needs to be considered that Jefferson was a man who had paved the way for modern equality in the society and that factor needs to be respected.
To conclude, Jefferson was an exceptional leader and deserves to be celebrated for his political ideologies that profess equality among men. This does not mean his personal vices should be ignored. It simply means to factor in the achievements made by the leader for the masses.

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