

According to Borg, a well-known philanthropist and an environmental minister, the system of international cooperation has been marked through work of actors at international level. Even though the states in the international law are equal and have sovereignty, they are still far from being similar to be called single unit. They are different to one another not only in terms of resources but also with regard to the position occupied by them on values and beliefs. From his statement, it implied that international cooperation can be regarded as a response of natural nature on the collective action issues and general threats (Haas, 2010). According to him, furthermore, these states cannot be side-lined as there is a role for every state with stakeholders appearing crucial for efficient solutions achievement.
However, international cooperation requires that it is properly supported through rules. This indicates that the international environment protection agreements are such rules that help promote the international cooperation for protecting the environment and securing it.
Until 1970 international cooperation, meant only to have a focus over prevention of war and over growth of economy. Other international cooperation areas such as development of scientific nature and technological innovation were viewed as essential back then, and therefore, international cooperation was needed in this regard. In the year 1972, Human Environment Conference was held within Stockholm and in this summit, international cooperation started to develop for environment security (Imber and Vogler, 2003). For instance, this was the situation with regard to the issue of acid rain. This was a key concern for Stockholm and this issue also became the key focus of majority of efforts made in European cooperation. This led towards long range trans-boundary air pollution convention to develop.
In the context of America, mainly a bilateral dimension was taken up by acid rain and the issue started becoming a perspective of stress with regard to the negotiation between 2 nations, Canada and U.S.

2 decades after the conference of Stockholm, there already were 900 multilateral agreements for the environment with a bilateral dimension associated to them (Yoffe et al., 2003). Additionally, the conference of UN over environment security in the year 1992 was helpful in allowing the creation of connection between protection of the environment and development of social and economic nature. This is a conception which is subjected to distinct definitions with converging nature, but these have a focus over fostering socio-economic equitability and welfare also ensuring to protect and secure the environment. This became an essential component of the landscape of international cooperation. In addition, issues are regarding conflict of acute nature which emerged as a result of depleting natural resources started to be apparent (Ostreng, 2005). This issue became a component of the global landscape of cooperation. Concerns are connected to acute conflict, which additionally emerging as a result of depleting natural resources. It in turn led towards the formation of the environmental security notion to the agenda of international level.

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First CDO was introduced in 1987 by Michael Milken by constructing a portfolio of junk bonds issued by various organizations. After that, various other financial firms started constructing CDO’s by forming portfolio of fixed income generating assets such as auto loans, home loans, student loans, credit card loans, etc.
First of all, commercial bank retail or commercial bank approves a loan like home loan, car loan, and credit card loan for individuals or business organizations. These loans might be approved by these banks on lenient terms. After approval, these loans are sold to the investment bank which pools a number of loans and repackages them in a financial product called CDO. These CDO’s are then sold to the investors. Payments received by the commercial banks in form of interest and principal are redirected by them to the investor. In this process, the commercial bank transfers the risk to the investors. In case there is default on payment of the said loan, a large portion of risk is transferred by banks to the investors which are generally large hedge funds or pension funds.
CDO’s is separated and categorized in rated tranches on the basis of level of risk of the underlying loan. There are two types of tranches i.e. senior tranches and junior tranches. Senior tranches are the safest as they have the first claim to the assets in case of default in payment of loans. Junior tranches are riskier hence they provide higher rate of return to compensate for higher level of risk.
Each CDO is provided with a debt rating by the credit rating agencies. There are majorly four kinds of credit rating for the CDO. CDO with lowest risk is given AAA rating; These CDOs are last to be effected by loan default risk and first to receive interest and principle payments. Middle tranches are assigned credit ratings ‘AA” and ‘BB’ whereas lowest rated tranches are called equity tranches.
Generally, it is very rare for an individual person to acquire a CDO. These are generally purchased by large investors such as banks, insurance companies, hedge funds, investment managers, retirement funds, pension funds etc. These intuitions invest in these CDO’s in lieu of higher returns in accordance with the accepted level of risks. These CDO’s are very beneficial in case of strong or consistent economy as the chances of loan default in such economy is very low.
There are majorly five parties in a CDO construction. These parties are as follows-
Investment banks and commercial banks- firstly, commercial bank approves a loan like home loan, car loan, credit card loan for individuals or business organizations and sell it to investment bank. Investment banks repackage them into CDO’s.
Rating agencies- these agencies are responsible for assessing a CDO on the basis of risk and assign a rating to them.
Investors- these are the parties who invest in CDO’s. Investors usually include banks, insurance companies, hedge funds, investment managers, retirement funds, pension funds, etc.
CDO manager- manager is responsible for selecting collateral and manage CDO’s.
Financial guarantor’s – These are the institutions which ensure repayment and reimburse for any loss incurred by the investor (Coval et al., 2009).

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