assignment 代写-朝鲜在日本海试射导弹的辩论

朝鲜想要统治世界,想要向世界展示它的军事力量。基于此,我担心朝鲜正在寻求与其他国家作战。主权国家有权自卫,每个国家都试图发展自己的军火库来保护自己。然而,这些国家不能用他们的军火库来控制其他国家。从历史事件和个人分析来看,朝鲜想要控制邻国韩国和日本。因此,我反对朝鲜在日本海试射导弹。接下来有关assignment 代写-朝鲜在日本海试射导弹的辩论如下:

North Korean citizens do not have the freedom of speech and the news media are highly controlled. They have converted the communist ideology into authoritarian regime. The people in North Korea are not given the civil liberties like the other nations. This is evidence of the totalitarian policy that exists within the nation. The other nations are not aware of the living condition of the people and they have essentially not allowed their citizens to interact with the world.
A nation develops military arsenal to safeguard against enemy nations. However, this must only be for defense purpose. North Korea is aggressively expanding its military and developing nuclear weapons. It is evident from their actions that they want to expand their territorial control. This is not for self-defense against neighbouring nations. Rather it is for controlling neighbouring nations. This reckless testing of the ballistic missiles is perceived as a warning from the nation to the rest of the world. Being a nuclear power, it is alluded that the nation wants to enter into a nuclear war. This would cause large scale destruction to the world.
Based on these reasons, I do not want North Korea to test their ballistic missiles in Sea of Japan.
The allusions and inference are based from reading news from various sources. This opinion is formed from analysis of the historical events, personal analysis of the events and media opinion. Civilized democratic nations are against totalitarian or authoritarian government. Based on this, it feels like common knowledge to make these assumptions.
I personally think that this assumption is valid. People need to have freedom to have a quality of life. North Korea denies the people and acts like an aggressor. This argument has been made and there cannot be any statement stronger than this to make a decision. However, there is always room for improvement. Adding real historical events and data from the events would bolster the argument even more. This would increase the clarity.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供硕士论文代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!



The advertisement shows a young girl, a teen, Jasmine Thomas, wearing a Puma sweatshirt. The girl participated in the Puma Big Shot open try out. The text reads about how she broke unto the team, broke a bone, broke the spirits of the other team and more, and still wondered about whether she broke a nail.
The value represented here is that young teenage girls are into sports just as much as the professional players. Just because they worry about a broken nail does not mean they would lack interest in soccer.
Teenagers will like the attitude the advertisement represents. They will be encouraged to try it out as it supports their sports fervour and understands their teen needs at the same time.
People will be influenced to buy it because the advertisement will appeal to their attitude in sports at their age.
Understanding the Customer
The youth of current times are knowledgeable in what they want. Youngsters of age 12-17 teenagers are considered the youth market. As of the year 2003, these youngsters were reported to spend around 103$ a week (Calvert, 2008). They can make their own choices in certain purchases like a sports shirt or sports accessories and hence it is necessary to make use of their spending opportunity and market things directly catering to their attitudes and not their parent attitudes.
According to the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, much of the youth market’s physiological needs and even shelter and security needs are met. They, however, have belonging need and ego needs. They are too young for self-actualisation, but they want to be accepted in a group and the brand helps them identify themselves with peers who use similar brands. Their ego needs make them want to use brands that sports professionals use. However, they are still young and like the girl in the advertisement worries about little things like whether their nail broke. Therefore, the advertisement has to capture their egos and their insecurities with respect to belongingness and growing up.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供硕士毕业论文代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!




Triantafillou and Potari (2010) conducted research to comprehend the role of the mathematical practices in real work and in the construction of the mathematical meanings for the completion of a job. Mathematics has become an integral aspect over the last decade. It has been observed that many perspectives that have been adopted in the recent years. These work content are hidden in the technological tools. These modulations of the actual work content have different shapes in differential setting. However, the ultimate lining of the mathematical notions continues to be the same. Based on this, the authors state that it is imperative to have literary skills and practical skills that the workers need to assimilate in order to survive in the current dynamics markets. The formulation of the mathematical constructions and practices in the telecommunication were analysed. From the one year ethnographic research study, it was concluded that technicians use of the mathematical meaning was based on the place value and algebraic relations. These were expressed through the personal algorithms and metonymic reasoning. Finally, it was alluded that the educational implications of the technicians played an important role.
From this research, it can be alluded that numeracy and literacy practice is mandatory for survival in any vocation. It is important to consider the ways in which the technical knowledge can be shaped. The cases for the Australian workers have been probed by the following researchers. These have been detailed in the following.
Yasukawa, Black & Brown (2014) have developed a theory that more must be done for the Australian workers to remain competent. Their research alludes that the people need to develop workforce literacy and numeracy. It was deemed in this research that each company had its own lean production methods. These were known as competitive systems and practices. Each vocation had certain policies that explore the ways in which the worker must possess certain qualifications. Nevertheless, in real world situation, was different. It was observed that several factors and qualities that were requisite for the workers to sustain in the current employment practice. These needs to be analysed and developed by each worker. These techniques need to be developed by each worker.
The Australian retail industry employs more than 1.2 million people. This employs the largest and diverse workforces in the nation. The diversity and size of the industry is reflected in the specific requirement for each company and its consumers. It is expected that each team member must bring unique skills for their experience. In some cases, the companies require additional assistance (Yasukawa & Black, 2016). Social literacy, practice is required for comprehension of this research. This involves the engagement of the people with the communities of interest and in the creation of the practioner-community relationship when the focus of the people was on the skills and comprehension of their culture that exists in the local place.

To summarize from the literature review, it is evident that each position requires a lot of skills that are dependent on each vocation. These skills need to be developed by each employee. However, to understand the nuances, it is important to consider each specific circumstance. This is the reason for factoring in the specific case study.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供加拿大论文代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!



The purpose of the research is to formulate a multimodal strategy that can assist the teachers that handle students with English as their secondary languages.
There are two gaps identified by the researchers that have enabled them to conduct this research. These are as follows (Walsh et al, 2015):
– The rapid globalization that has alteration in demography
– Rapid spread of digital communication forms to enhance the interaction which seems to convey a combination of right and wrong information.
With the delivery of a multimodal strategy, it is possible to address the demographic shifts as well as deliver the essential information to the concerned students. Four categories of people have been identified by the authors to understand the difference – indigenous population, recent immigrants, Australia born students and refugees. These groups seemed to have greater differences in their languages and approaches. As a result, English is regarded as a dialect and an additional language for the students to develop their knowledge.
The research context has been chosen rightly. It is set for a third grade classroom where the students belong to varied backgrounds and are adapting in unique languages. The concept of using wiki and localized website to instruct and support students on a social science topic is fresh. The students are exposed to five week experiment to study their responses. Based on the information collected from wiki and their respective blogs, students were asked to prepare a video which was used as a medium to analyse the understanding.
The enthusiastic presentation clearly displayed their eagerness and thorough insights gained from the lesson. Consequently, the problem lied in the quality of language. The content displayed a lack of vocabulary and poor expertise which led to blank explanations and repetitive words like stuff. The advantage of this idea was that many kids were excited about the use of visual effects and gestures that helped them to learn better than the conventional forms of learning.

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本文献综述的目的是了解英语作为教师口语教学的方法和模式。关于第二语言习得(SLA),人们提出了许多理论(Gibbons, 2006)。这些都是广受争议的话题。杰出人士都提出了不同的方法,以确保能够增加学习过程。这是关于学习者和学习环境的辩论,以及向人们教授口语的不同方法。近十年来,教师和研究者对理解第二语言发展的根本原因产生了浓厚的兴趣(Gibbons, 2006)。课堂与学生的互动以及社会文化因素的影响,使教学过程发生了动态的转变。许多语言教学的协作互动过程已经被观察到。这些都是确定语言学习和使用的心理过程和文化情境的目的。过去所做的研究结果已在essay代写-文化和语言学习过程中整理。

An innate convoluted connection has been observed between the communicative and political competencies (Holliday, 2011). This has been observed in the arguments against prejudice and discrimination. The pedagogical approaches of the past reiterate these approaches to the intercultural speakers. A bias was observed in certain western societies in the past about the attitude of European languages. This opinion has changed considerably in the current times. The languages are not considered to be inferior or colonial. It is about the distinctive marking between our culture and opposite culture. An innate fear of the unknown is reflected in the teaching process. Holliday (2011) in his research alludes that there is a positivist methodology that is found to exist and it plays a lot of emphasize on the description of the culture. The actual impact of the culture and the language learning process is found to be dependent on the face value. Nevertheless, in reality, an over emphasize on the global positioning and politics of the actions is observed. These are bound by the cultures as a process that is in reality non-confining. The interpretivist ideology of culture states that certain language and methods that are considered to be gaining cultural interactions by gaining dominant preoccupations. John-Kayvan narrative considers that the value of the richer texts needs to be increasing the critical intercultural awareness. From the analysis of Holliday (2011), it can be comprehended that the role of the culture and the individual ideology about the particular language play an interesting role in the pedagogical approach. From this, it can be inferred that for a particular individual to learn English as a foreign language, certain subjective factors needs to be fostered. The teacher must have innate understanding of the culture of the student and frame a pedagogical approach that would be beneficial for the teacher as well as the student to learn the subject.
Kasper and Omori (2010) state that linguistic and cultural diversity play an important role in how the comprehension of the language takes place. It needs to be understood that these must work in liaisons or tandem with each other and develop implications or alternative views of the relationship for the educational practices. Language and culture play two roles that are complementary for the learning process. All human activities stem from the linguistically and culturally mediated roles. The classroom cultures are essentially constructed or framed from these modalities and basic fundamental variables. Based on this, the societal value about the cultures is shaped. These are shaped by the educational policies and material conditions. These are developed through the language, text and talk. It cannot be refuted that the language and culture are important tools through which there is developing of education. They are imperative in meeting the educational goals. The importance of culture and the ways of formulation of the teaching methodologies are probed in the researches by these authors.
In this process, it is imperative to understand that this is a complex process. The general issue in this learning process is framing of the appropriate culture and context for the student to develop their learning process. This is a fundamentally daunting task. When considering the notion of culture, multiple factors are in play. Along with this the role of the native language needs to be considered.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的加拿大论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!