
温哥华代写-品牌资产的品牌战略。最近在品牌文献中开发的几个有用的度量和构造包括品牌资产、品牌爱、品牌依恋、品牌信任和品牌社区。然而,品牌资产的计量尺度和概念尚未形成。到目前为止,大多数研究都集中在功利性产品的类别和属性上。欧洲品牌历来是最受追捧的奢侈品牌。大约四十年前,这些品牌是最著名的,虽然与此同时他们都很小。全球化的到来为这些著名的欧洲品牌提供了一个机会,通过显著增长超越他们的忠实顾客小圈子,来增加他们的品牌资产。为了增加他们的品牌价值,当务之急是要有一个恰当的营销策略。这些策略不可能是通常的营销策略,因为这将有助于它们的增长,但同时也将它们排除在奢侈品品牌的细分市场之外。因此,他们提出了一种创新的商业策略,这对这些奢侈品牌的持续成功起到了重要作用。这一策略的营销方面是本研究的重点。这涉及到所谓的反市场法(Brockhaus 1980)。这个词是在定义反直觉管理原则时创造出来的,正是这一原则使得这些品牌能够获得令人难以置信的利润率和定价权。

The first step involves the understanding of the luxury market. The main three strategies that are pursued by these luxury brands in increasing their brand equity are premium, fashion and luxury. There is huge difference between these three strategies. In the short term, there is not much of change to the most basic customers (Davis et al. 1980). However, while managing the brands, there are some key differences. When implementing the premium or the fashion strategy, the style of classical marketing works very well. All aspects of marketing management need to be considered when implementing a luxury strategy.
The aim of the luxury strategy is to create the pricing power and highest brand value with the leverage of all singular intangible elements such as, prestigious clients, small series, craftsmanship, country of origin, heritage, time, etc.
The fashion strategy represents a business model that is totally different. In this strategy, time and heritage is not essential as being fashionable is the selling point of the fashion, which essentially mean a value that is very perishable.
The summary of the premium strategy is to get more by paying more. The goal in this strategy is proving, with benchmarking and comparison; that within this category, this is the best value.

The original development of the luxury strategy was with the purpose of defining the luxury market. It is related to this market, that the most efficient strategy is formulated. In the other markets, it is very rarely met this way, the brands such as, Nespresso and Apple has demonstrated their success there.

The positioning is at the heart of a brand strategy that will improve the brand equity. The positioning is related to UCCA (unique and convincing competitive advantage) and USP (unique selling proposition). The specifications related to the positioning are the cornerstone for every successful brand that is conveyed through the price, products and services, communication and distribution. The positioning is image that a consumer holds about a brand and then creates a preference for that brand. Therefore, an effective positioning is important to improve the brand equity.

For the experiential products, the conjunction of brand space, communication, elements of the products and the interaction among them make up the brand experience for the customers. The brand perceptions and the brand evaluation of the customers are formed on the basis of these interactions. These things are creator of brand equity in the mind space of the customers. The methods of experiential branding impacts various brand equity dimensions that must be considered carefully by the brand managers and the marketers when they utilize these methods. There are four elements of brand equity, with each of them providing experiential branding that can be effectively used: (a) differentiation; (b) relevance; (c) esteem; and (d) knowledge.

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Growing globalization prominence, increase in productivity, importance of capitalism and free trade are pervading throughout the societies. It can be contended that there is an increase in competitiveness in the economies. There are a number of positive attributes and negative aspects that are formed owing to these ideologies in the society. Marxist ideology seems to address some of the key issues in competitive spirit. This theory of supply and demand seems to control the market economies. There is also growing unemployment, financial uncertainties and crashing of the markets, poverty that has been seen in the societies. These are repercussions that were predicted in the Marxist economic ideals. Even the Marxist ideals seem to bring a halt in productivity. People in the societies are often in a conundrum as to which ideal they should choose.

Unlike classical economies, more intricate variables are considered in the case of Marxism and in Neo classical economies. The importance of the individual and their impacts in the society has been factored in these newer theories. Classical theories operate on the platform of supply and demand. Basic similarities of these two theories are that they both state that individual acts are influenced in the pricing process. Smith and Marx allude that self-interest leads to more production the society. The interpretation of self-interest, however, is different between these two theories. They both state that the individual needs lead to more production and the individuals in the society are the driving force that causes increases in production.
Both these theories factor in the notions of class in the societies. The treatment of the classes in the society is the differing variable between these two theories.

Neo classical economy gives importance to production and individual growth. It considers production essential for its sustenance. It celebrates production. There are many levels of growth and increase in production that has been developed owing to these economic policies. Principles of marginal utility are used in this theory. Theory of supply and demand is the most important facet. Importance is given to individualism and the issue of the labor is not factored in this economic theory. On the other hand Marxism factors in the labor theory of value and contends that the pricing of the product should be based on the labor utilized for the production. In the current times, there is increase in competition owing to the globalization and free trade principles. In this notion the factor of competitiveness was probed in this analysis. It was analyzed if this level of competition was desirable using these economic theories. It was concluded that certain gaps in each theory has been addressed in the other theory. Each proponent has their own set of values regarding the same. In this situation, the notion of truth and the representation of truth and rationalist viewpoint of each theory cannot be dismissed. There is a need for a new system that addresses the situation from a holistic angle. In retrospection the competitive aspect needs to be fostered while considering other variables such as labor.

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加拿大教育学论文代写-渔业全球化的分析。渔业和海洋提供了一系列重要的环境和社会功能(Sumaila, Bellmann和Tipping, 2014)。粮食政策、粮食趋势、贸易政策和可持续性措施方面的差异促进了渔业的全球一体化,使其成为一项真正的全球业务。要使渔业真正全球化,就必须重新评估贸易政策方面的限制,以及在进出口渔业实行质量标准方面的各种障碍。工业界必须认识到,维持环境和减轻其负担的唯一方法是与所有国家分享宝贵的知识,并将环境保护作为一体化活动的唯一目标。

Steel industry is another heavy industry sector which is trying to integrate itself with the global standards and quality production. Steel has been produced of various quality and standard in many countries and has a huge export base to many developed, underdeveloped, and developing countries. The issue of this industry to become a global success is the perfect utilisation of the resources required and matching them with the projection of future demand, to integrate quality practices and standardising the steel production in all countries and make it assessed under a single system of assessment which accepts nothing but world class products is challenging. The use of steel is tantamount to the success of the economy, and it must be consumed as per demand. The underestimation of global demands and overlapping of the many layers of regulatory restrictions in import and export is a major hurdle in making the industry more predictable and standardised. Overcapacity in steel production is caused by government interventions, market downturns, and multiple distorting practices in the market, which makes the industry misaligned and not integrated (Excess Capacity in the Global Steel Industry and the Implications of New Investment Projects, 2015). These issues are key issues for the industry to succeed globally, whereas integrating all steel producers under one roof and working together to deliver demand in various regions will resolve overcapacity and maintain healthy margins. In short, the global steel makers must become a single market and use each other’s strengths, location advantages, and logistical proximity to clients to really become a single global market. Manufacturing competitiveness must also be integrated to a single mode of operation so that the knowledge management is open for all producers and has minimum chance of error in all processes. When such integrated markets are created, there will no longer be a chance of cheap imports becoming a reason for the closure of production, as seen in recent case in the UK where Tata Steel has blamed a flood of ‘cheap imports’ from China for its shutdown(Pooler, 2015).
Heavy industries such as construction, fishing, and steel among others are all conducting themselves in a distorted manner and are competing internally which will always keep them from becoming a global success. It is most essential for the construction industry to share valuable information globally and make risk elimination its sole purpose. With knowledge sharing, the industry can become truly global in the sense when it is less than one single roof of quality assessments and checks. Fishing is also competitive in nature among countries which requires them to be more open, accountable, and transparent about the use of resources and quality of products produced. Fishing must become integrated with information sharing, taking global measures for environment protection and imposing similar standards of food quality. Steel industry struggling from its self-imposed immaturity is also behind in the race to become truly global and it can never become truly global by competing with each other, but by integrating into a single world market and using a standardised model of governance and exchanging the strengths of others to deliver world class products.

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peaking代写-当代的领导能力。当代的领导能力包括满足消费者的需求、管理员工、发展强大的愿景和制定管理策略。传统上,在这种实践中观察到的是同质性。这并不能满足现代需求(Hargreaves, & Fink 2012)。有必要了解社会动态的变化以及社会中出现的跨文化态度。只有理解了这一点,公司才能在未来蓬勃发展(Bersick, & Gottwald, 2013)。本报告对当前的领导风格进行了基本分析。在此基础上提出了改进措施,以确保粮食供应。在北京ECCO公司已经观察到,即使他们目前是他们的服务的市场领导者,他们需要带来变化,以应对新时代的消费者。我们需要理解文化的变化,公司需要抓住机遇。为了改变消费者的期望,员工管理实践、战略领导力的发展和对多元文化的理解以及对员工进行适当的培训是必不可少的(Tucker, 2013)。当前的领导层有很多单独的管理者自主权,有必要改变这种意识形态。这在公司的研究分析中得到了证实。

There is a lot of homogeneity that has been observed in current Chinese leadership management system. This will emerge as a barrier for development in the future. The companies that are thriving now need to find ways to be made more inclusive. This will address issues of the company. A research study was conducted for 180 firms in China it was found that the mid level managers of the company favoured the development of more worker innovation (Cui, & Liu, 2000). It should also be ensured that leadership style of the management should meet current objectives not deviate away from the principle objective of the company (Zhou et al., 2005). But a gradual change in the managerial systems is recommended for all the companies in China (Zhou et al., 2005). There should be reduced autonomy by top leadership in these systems.

This is a conventional system that is used in order to make purchases. The consumers continue to visit retail stores because of the sense of familiarity associated with traditional style of shopping. Chinese retailers need to evaluate their value proposition models in order to cater to the new emerging consumer expectations. It was observed that of the 26.2 Trillion RMB sales 11% of the sales were through online channels (Delloitte, 2015). This has been increasing in the past few decades. Even consumers who visit retail stores are influenced by the social media presence.
From this evaluation it can be said that the company needs to find ways to create an effective Business-to-Business (B2B) models in order to connect with the retailers and suppliers. Innovative Business-to-consumer online channels can also be developed in order to deal with the new age consumers. It is suggested that the company uses a number of social media tools and digital media tools to connect with the retailers. New age consumers are more demanding and expect more value added services when compared to the old consumers. There is a need to understand their requirements and cater to them. If the company understand the requirements of the future consumers there can be better ways to cater to the consumers. This will ensure that the company can sustain in the future.

On observing Beijing ECCO a similar trend was observed. Many of the cultural factors has aided in the growth of the company. By introducing methods of reducing autonomy of the individual managers and developing team liaisons that are oriented towards the strategic plan of the company will enable the company to show more progress (Zhou et al., 2005). In order to avoid turnover rates the company should have a more Strategic system of worker management. From this a plan can be derived in order to meet objectives and at the same time keep employees satisfied. Strategic orientation of the company should be dynamic and flexible (Dhanphat, Mokgahla, & Jansen, 2015). It should be willing to change in accordance with the new emerging needs. In China a number of enterprises are given more freedom by the government in order to increase business operations in the country. Owing to this factor top leadership in the companies are given freedom by the State. But this has not trickled down to the managers and the employees. There should be more freedom and independence given to the employees in order to ensure growth in the companies.

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Islamic discourse was co-opted by Saddam when it was in his favor politically. This started in 1980s for maintaining Iranian revolution legitimacy and specifically by the end of Saddam’s reign as a response to U.S invasion potential. All in all, Saddam was ruthless when it came to all organizations of Islamists irrespective of the fact if the movement started by them was for violence or peace (Shia or Sunni).
Iraq based political affiliation is majorly based on the ideologies of secularism. As a matter of fact, it was regarded as a taboo for inquiring on or divulging an individual’s persuasion religiously. The Sunni dominated regime of Saddam was known to boast an essential presence of Shia even in power based upper echelons. He made sure that no group or individuals have the capability to be very strong. The forces for security also purged indiscriminately at anyone who was thought of as a threat. When possible, attempts were made for co-opting socio-economic minority group’s leaders, to strike a deal with them that helps in keeping indigenous resistance covered with a lid.
Even at the time of early U.S occupation stages, fairly the insurgency had its broader basis, with militias of Sunni and Shia united as one to drive out U.S viewed as occupiers. For undermining the trend, the U.S appointed Provisional Authority head in Iraq, Paul Bremer, undertook to deploy a strategy to “divide and rule” that could help in negotiating with the new states of Iraq. As a consequence the strategy of his colonial era continued reverberating across the region of Iraq.
In the Iraq of Bremer, the nation’s people were pressurized to declare a sect over all the documents issues by state. The identity of sectarian formed the base for political organization. Every sect was given a specific quota in the council of governance based upon the new contract for the society. The primary mode to express politics was then Islamism. Politicians started vying to achieve power in political realms to pit the groups of ethnicity and religion in Iraqwith each other. The aim here was to carry out such a precedent into forming a new government.
On one hand, realignment paved the way for a majority of population of Shia to be at radical stage within the government won under recent elections. Until Shias remained to be a bloc of united politics, their Iraqi politics dominance could not be challenged at any point of time to make sense out of it. This was Shias watershed moment, who even after accounting for more than 65 percent of population in Iraq, were relegated for being disenfranchised in terms of politics. The marginalization of Shia is dated in Iraq to the era of Ottoman, across the mandate of British and into the monarchy as well as Baathist regime of Saddam. As a matter of fact, even though the account of Shias was approximately half of the Middle East Muslim population, Sunnis were still favored by regional power dynamics. Such an imbalance remained to be manifested even in the countries with majority of Shia, like, Bahrain. The transformation of Iraq into a state of Shia was a promise to upend the balance of religious power in a radical sense. This was a prospect with which U.S, Washington did not show comfort especially when considering the fear of U.S on Iran.

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