
论文代写-全球经济下移民迁移的情况分析。全球经济在这方面的影响并不十分强烈。然而,全球化的某些特征确实有利于移民。迁移的原因要么是“拉”,要么是“推”,要么两者兼而有之(Deshingkar & Grimm, 2005)。“吸引”移民的原因围绕着全球企业带来的新就业机会。例如,在印度的大城市,随着技术园区(多国办事处集群)的增加,对低技能工人的看守和警卫的需求也在增加。这种需求往往导致劳动力从周围的城乡结合部转移,以增加劳动力供给,满足需求。另一个例子可能是发展中国家正在萌芽的创业气氛。

Recently, with the advent of cab-based start-ups like Uber and Ola cabs, the demand for drivers has increased. It should be noted here that both while Uber is an international company, Ola follows a similar model which is probably inspired from Uber. This has increased the demand for cars and drivers in the cities where these are operational. This also fuels migration internally.
The second reason is the “push” reason. Most of the rural based labours are employed in the agricultural sector. However, agriculture in most developing countries is quite backward and offers only limited opportunities of job and income. They severely depend on monsoon or rain for irrigation, have limited access to advanced technologies and are often surrounded by middle men to send their products to the market. This handicaps them to a large extent prohibiting their successful expansion. So, migration is seen as an escape from the poor situation of being stuck in agriculture.
The purview of the essay so far has been on internal migration. Internal migration is usually limited to low-skilled labour. The reason behind this is that within a country the flow of labour is free. Across countries, there are more restrictions because of work-permit and visas both of which require access to money as well as information. External migration of low-skilled labour occurs only across countries which have permit relatively freer flow of labour. In India for instance, labour freely (or nearly freely) migrates from neighboring countries like Bhutan, Nepal and Bangladesh. In the developed countries like the EU, a relatively freer flow of labour is allowed across the nations constituting them. When, however, the migrants have access to information and money, they might move to countries that offer a better life and better wage compensation. UAE for instance is one of the choice destinations of migration from certain states of India mainly because they have their relatives working there which provides both the necessary money and information to migrate to a different country. In essence, low-skilled labours majorly stick to internal migration and rarely move on to external migration unless there is a free-flow of labour allowed across the countries.
External migration of the low-skilled labour can also be considered a two-step process. In the first step, they migrate from a state of low information and money to a state of higher information and money which is equivalent to migrating from rural to urban areas. The second step would be the use of this information to migrate from the home country to a different country.
External migration of skilled labour follows a different rule altogether. Skilled labours usually have better access to both money and finances and information. They have the necessary skill to lead a better life in a different country and the ability to overcome the barriers they face while migrating. Their migration is usually governed by economic motives like better jobs or better career in a developed country. Usual pattern of migration of skilled labour follows moving form a developing country to a developed country for the latter offers a better job scenario with better wages. Albeit the cost of living in a developed country is higher but they also have a higher demand for skill and higher wage rates which usually compensate for the higher cost of living.

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这份报告是基于理查德•布兰森的商业理念和领导力素质编写的。商业哲学分析是在组织理论(古典和人际关系)的帮助下进行的。从商业哲学的角度分析了组织结构(机械论、组织论)。理查德•布兰森(Richard Branson)的领导力素质分析是基于特质和行为理论进行的。情境领导理论应用于理查的领导素质研究。在此之后,提出了一些建议。理查德•布兰森(Richard Branson)在领导品质方面没有给出任何排名。因此,员工对质量(如年龄、身高、知识等)有不同的看法。理查德•布兰森(Richard Branson)应该优先考虑这些品质。接下来加拿大代写为留学生们分享理查德•布兰森的商业理念和领导力素供留学生阅读。

Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson is an entrepreneur and investor. In the year 1972, he started Virgin Records (Matthews & Brueggemann, 2015). Today Virgin Group expands their business in more than 30 countries and they hold more than 200 companies. The aim of this project is to analyse whether business philosophy and leadership qualities are appropriate or not. For the analysis of his business philosophy and leadership quality organisational theory, organisation structure theory, trait theory, and business theory has been chosen.
Richard Branson is considered as one of the best leaders in the world. As an entrepreneur, he is very successful with the unique quality of his leadership. These are as follows:
The main quality of Richard Branson’s is that he will learn constantly from his employees and always keep him updated with the current scenario of this business. Whereas the other business leaders like Apple’s CEO are not much serious toward his work.
Richard Branson can easily think in a different approach from the other employees of the company. Leadership skill is very much required for leading a business.
The ability to search right candidate for a particular job makes a different impression from the other leaders. But in the case of Facebook, CEO Mark Zukerberg, there are more casual approaches taken by him. They are more casual and can create a negative approach to the company employee.
Richard Branson is a person with a great personality that can easily create a positive impression towards their employee’s (Chemers, 2014). It also helps him develop good relation with the partners and business associates, which helps increase the growth of the company.
Richard Branson gives a proper attention towards every detail and aspect of his business and tries to rectify it if the problems occur in prompt action (Van Wart, 2013). But in case of Steve Jobs, he did not take proper attention when it is needed.
After business philosophy analysis, with the help of organisational theory (classical and human relation), it can be interpreted that Richard’s business philosophy follows human relation theory. From the analysis of business philosophy with reference to perspectives on organisational structure (mechanistic, organismic), it can be interpreted that Richard’s Branson’s business philosophy follows organismic structure. From postmodern organisation theory, it can be said that his philosophy follows this theory. After analysis of Richard’s Branson’s leadership Quality on the basis of trait and behavioural theory, it can be said that the leadership quality follows trait theory.
Richard Branson’s does not give any rank in the qualities of a leader. So there are different opinions among the employees about which quality is the most important and which is not. Richard Branson’s should give preference to the qualities.

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考虑到当代社会所处的城市化状态,绿色屋顶或生态屋顶是一个日益增长的趋势(Liu & Minor, 2005)。这是一种植被景观,通常由一系列层组成,或者松散地安装在屋顶表面,作为一种模块化的类型,或者安装在屋顶上的预包装托盘中(Carr, 1995)。人们建造绿色屋顶是为了增加房屋的价值,无论是在美观还是功能上。他们增加了雨水管理,帮助建筑自然降温,在某些情况下还为业主提供了菜地(Liu & Minor, 2005)。大面积和密集的绿色屋顶都是可以安装的可行系统。它们基于轻量级组件而彼此不同。密集屋顶是一种支持多种植物的屋顶,而广泛的绿色屋顶只有单一作物的特点,更不像广泛的屋顶。以下加拿大英语语文学论文代写-绿色屋顶的建造供留学生借鉴阅读。

An insulation layer is usually not an absolute necessity when creating the extensive roof garden, however it is generally recommended. The purpose of the insulation layer is to ensure that the water that retains on the green roof does not end up extracting the heat from the building in the winter or end up extracting cool air in the case of the summer (Bass et al, 2002). Insulation points are a primary concern for this building, as has been noted the cooling system within the building has already been raised up in concerns. In this context it is critical that the architect and the installers involved in the YMCA green roof construction must focus on the elements of heat or cold capacity for the building. Retrofitting might be expensive but given the longevity of the project it could be essential. Different insulation elements are available, there are Floratherm boards and there are foam glass style cellular glass boards (Bass et al, 2002). The board design will be chosen based on the cost and the overall design of the green roof. Robert McMarlin of Pittsburgh Corning states that “Combining an impermeable, closed-cell insulation material such as cellular glass with the roof membrane is ideal for the flat roof system…since no water can accumulate; the danger of root invasion is eliminated” (McMarlin, 1996). This is yet another advantage when using an insulating material. The insulation will ensure that the green roof system structure does not cause any unnecessary damage to the roots. The insulation structure manufactory also ensures that SiO2 is introduced in sufficient quantity. This makes the whole setup completely inorganic in nature. This supports the green roof philosophy of being environmentally safe.
The irrigation needs of the green roof will vary based on the form of succulents that would be grown. One advantage of having the succulent system of plants is that they are able to retain water for quite a long time. However, it is also necessary that the green roof installer should also ensure that some form of water retention system is present in the form of inorganic fibres or others in order for the roots to sustain with the water when it needs it. Having an automated continuous irrigation system might be expensive given the budget for this implementation.
The roofing membrane is usually organic in nature which means that they would be made of asphalt, bitumen etc. Extensive green roofs usually have very small roots, however, its still necessary that the roofing structure be protected. Root penetration needs to be stopped by means of using some elements such as polyethylene or a heavy-duty pond liner such as EPDM will also be useful here. However, the arguments made against these forms are that they are in fact presenting chemical elements that would harm the environment (Vanwoert et al, 2005). The very philosophy of use of the Green roofing is bypassed here. Most North American green roof structures are seen to use some form of a spray, which has a root repellent ingredient, and this ingredient stunts the root naturally. It would be a good idea to use this ingredient as it is both natural and will also ensure that no chemical debris remain in the filter. Furthermore, the use of root repellents has been noticed in research to effectively stop the penetration into the components of the roof.

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