

我相信SWOT/PLOT工具将有助于帮助我了解自己的技能,并为未来制定远景。我的目标是创建一个基于创新颠覆和创新范式的技术产品或服务系列。我想为社区带来变革。SWOT(优势、劣势、机会和威胁)是一个矩阵,用来分析自我的优势和劣势(Gallagher, 2013)。它将使集中力量成为可能,并将弱点的领域转化为优点的形式。这将使我能够寻找机会的领域。我对自己进行了SWOT分析,确定了以下几点。作为第一步,了解我每天面临的威胁是很重要的。我所面临的威胁是来自世界各地的人们的竞争。在当今时代,人们受雇于世界各地。我需要发挥我的才能,努力发展我的技术技能,以便在市场中生存。在这门课上,有许多天生的领导者和自发的演讲者,他们的讲话清晰明了。


I believe that the SWOT/PLOT tools would be instrumental in helping me to understand my skills and develop a vision for the future. My goals is to create a product or service line in technology based on the creative disruption and innovation paradigm. I want to be instrumental in bringing the change for the community. A SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) is a matrix that is used to analyze the strength and weakness of the self (Gallagher, 2013). It would enable in the focusing of the strength and to convert the areas of weaknesses into a form of advantage. This would enable me in looking for the areas of opportunities. I conducted a SWOT analysis of myself and determined the following. As a first step, it’s important to understand the threats that I face on a daily basis. The threats that I would face is the competition from people from across the world. In the current times, people are employed from across the world. I need to harness my talents and work on developing my technical skills to survive in the markets. There are a number of natural leaders and spontaneous speakers who speak with clarity in this class.
I should be able to sustain amongst talented people and look for ways to create a niche for myself in the corporate world. The important factor that holds me up is the public speaking skills. I need to develop this skills as it creates a sense of apprehension. I have noticed that when I speak to people I tend to not have the skills that are required to convince a person. I need to develop this skill to express my thought clearly and instill confidence to the people about myself. In other words, my nervousness is my biggest threat. I need to develop this skills. My areas of strength are that I have the ability to be creative and spontaneous. I can spark interest in people and am deeply passionate about my work. I have the clarity of thought to look into the big picture. I can be a visionary leader or a team player depending on my situation. I have the ability to adapt myself to the circumstances.

加拿大论文代写:Argument Essay的写作方法

加拿大论文代写:Argument Essay的写作方法

留学生们都知道Argument Essay是辩论型论文,那么写这类论文的时候就要有充足的论据和论点,这也是此类论文的写作难处。所以很多留学生都不知道该怎么写,但我们的网站在运营过程中接到过很多这种订单,我们的加拿大论文代写老师有很丰富的写作经验,下面就来看看加拿大Argument Essay的写作技巧和方法。

一、Argument Essay写作中注意开头结尾的写法要求

1.argument essay开头的写法

argument essay的开头,要鲜明地表达essay的主题,吸引读者的注意,因此,需要掌握一定的技巧和方法。





二.argument essay结尾的写法

argument essay的写作也要注意一定的方法和技巧,通常用到的写法有以下几种:




以上就是小编整理出来的一些关于Argument Essay写作技巧和方法,希望能够帮助到大家!如果您对写作Argument Essay不那么自信,您可以把这类论文写作交给我们加拿大高阶论文AdvancedThesis教育网,通过借鉴写手的写作,逐步提升自己的写作能力。如果您已经完成了一篇Argument Essay,但心里不太有底,这时,您可以让我们帮忙修改润色服务,由资深的加拿大论文代写老师帮您查找写作中的不足,协助您改进文章,提高成绩,您自己也可以通过编辑的修改痕迹确认自己的写作问题,改进写作方法。





Organizational identity for the company is based on three tenets. They are objective content where there is discussion of the original aim of the media content developed, subjective factor which is connecting the messaged to the aim or the vision of the company and the aspirational content that is based on the passion which will be evoked form the development of the content.When the company is communicated its need to the employee it is important to note that the people in the company need to perceive the message that is disseminated. This should be accepted by the people and there should be a nuanced identity that is similar to the original vision of the company. Hence once the message is disseminated there should be the fundamental important given to understand how this message will be perceived by the people. As a second step the organization should be aware of the framing of the message and be able to persuade the employees to work towards the shared vision by ensuring the ethical mandates in each of the systemic processes of the company. Primarily to persuade the employees there must be combination of pathos, ethos and logos.
In other words the actual content should have the logical reasoning behind the framing of the language, emotional connect and the distinctive charm of the leader of the company. These should also seep through the persuasion of the employees. There should be mediated communication between the top management and the employees. The advantages of these tools are explained in the following. For framing of the message it is recommended that the channels of communication between the CEO and the people are based on mediated communication. IBM is a global company that operates in more than 170 nations. It is easier to reach out to the larger audiences through the portals of video and speeches. There can also be official corporate communications that can be made to address these changes.Key messages can be reached out to a larger audience. However when framing a particular content, it is imperative to note that the people would perceive the content based on their own interpretation. Therefore there should be other efforts taken by the company to reach out to the individual employees.