

他们在食物中使用姜、大蒜、胡椒、葱、辣椒、薄荷等。他们用酱油和醋来调味他们的食物。甜食通常在喝茶的时候提供,或者用作晚上的小吃。在美国,人们从来不吃动物的任何内部器官,如耳舌;当他们做饭时,只吃肉(母头34)。在美国,一般禁止吃狗和青蛙。他们喜欢在食物中加入加工过的香料,包括番茄酱和胡椒粉,一般来说,美国人不使用调味料。在美国,甜点一般在晚饭后才供应(Kulkarni192)。美国人和中国人的饮食习惯也不同。在中国,人们更喜欢使用圆桌,因为它被认为是方便提供食物给别人(Kulkarni 191)。在中国,圆象征着人与人之间的团结与和谐。因为他们准备的食物是切成小块的,所以在中国他们用筷子吃饭(约a, Patterson和Kristal25)。在美国,人们喜欢用方桌吃饭,适合个人用餐,大桌子适合更大的群体。
因为他们把蔬菜和其他食物材料切成大块,所以他们用刀叉吃饭(Mothershead 34)。从这里可以看出,两个民族都有一定的特定的饮食习俗和文化,但又有很大的差异。虽然食物是生活的重要组成部分,但每个国家、文化、社会或地区在烹饪、服务和消费食物方面都有其独特之处。从中国和美国的情况可以看出,两国都有独特的烹饪、上菜和消费的技术。此外,可以指出的是,某些形式的食物首选在一个地方是不可取的,甚至禁止在其他地方。人们还发现,与美国相比,中国更具有群体性,这反映在他们的服务和饮食方式上。今天的中国已经成为世界闻名的,因为他们的正宗和美味的菜肴,这不是美国的情况。


They use ginger, garlic, pepper, spring onion, chillies, mint, etc. in their food (Mothershead 23). They use soy sauce and vinegar for seasoning their foods. Sweet food items are usually served at the time of tea or are used as evening snacks.The people in the US never consume any internal parts of animals like ear tongue;while they cook, only fleshes are consumed (Mothershead 34). Eating dog and frog are generally prohibited in the US. They prefer processed spices in their food which includes ketchups and pepper powder,Generally, people in the US do not use seasoning. Sweet desserts in the US are generally served after dinner gets over (Kulkarni192).Dining customs are also different among the US and the Chinese people.People in china preferably use a round table, as it is considered to be convenient to serve food to others (Kulkarni 191). In China roundness symbolizes unity and harmony among people. Since they prepare food in chop size, they use chopsticks to consume food in China (Abouta, Patterson and Kristal25).In the US people prefer to use square table for dining which is suitable for individual eating and large tables for bigger groups.
Since they cut vegetables and other food ingredients into large pieces, they use fork and knife to eat (Mothershead 34).It can be seen here that both the nations are having certain particular customs and culture of food but differs highly from each other.Though food is a vital ingredient of life, each and every country, culture, society or region has its own individuality when it comes to how they are going to cook, serve and consume food. It can be seen in case of China and the US that both have unique and distinct techniques of cooking serving and consuming food. Also it can be noted that some forms of food preferred in one location is not preferred or even prohibited in other location. It has also been seen that China is more communal which reflects in their ways of serving and eating compared to that of the US. China today has become famous around the globe because of their authentic and delicious cuisine which is not the case of the US.



必须确定更高级别的任务。在这方面,正如Krashen(1982)提出的,有必要让成年学习者参与到这些活动的构建中来。因此,对成人学习者来说,真实和有用的材料识别是主要的手段。在给定的分析单元中,许多材料和活动确实针对的是略高于一般初学者的学习者。因此,以任务为基础的学习形式有助于确保学生建立有意义的联系,并将其转移到现实世界。一般应用单元中确定的方法的另一个问题是,这些活动几乎没有提供引入新的学习元素的空间(Li et al., 2012)。它认为,教师将能够评估和评估的基础上,只有任务或活动,正在处理的学生,学生不会提出新的单词或其他输入,可以作为一个补充,教师评估。然而,选择Williams(2010)的分析单元被认为可以克服这个缺点。例如,考虑第30页中提出的基于任务的方法。


The student activity here is to read the text, and answer questions on the text that focus on student understanding of organization of text, purpose, function, and characteristics of leadership. Student with such a learning activity will learn how to critically analyze and understand text in an organized way. It encourages disciplined learning and viewing the text from different perspectives. Students functionally breakdown the text so as to both infer the meaning of text critically and understand language representation meaningfully. Understanding language representation would be a strong point towards learning persuasion techniques later for the student. Real life skills hence are imparted to the student by task based learning in the unit work of Williams (2010). The cons of this methodology is that it would be quite challenging to find the right form of materials for use for adult learners. Adult learners are not be able to use these materials as it is too basic for them. Adult learners will already have beginner level language skills and must be critical learners. Finding tasks or activities that might be helpful for the adult learner and enables them to learn could be the main challenge here.
Higher level tasks have to be identified. In this context as Krashen (1982) presents it is necessary to involve the adult learner in the building of such activities. Authentic and useful material identification for the adult learner is hence the main con. In the given unit for analysis, much of the material and activities do target a learner that is slightly more than the average beginner. Thus the form of task based learning would be helpful in ensuring that students make meaningful connections which is transferrable onto the real world.Another problem with the methodology identified in the unit in general application is that the activities offer little scope for introduction of newer elements of learning (Li et al., 2012). It argues that teachers will be able to assess and evaluate based on only the task or activity that is being handled by the student and the student would not present newer words or other input that could be an add on for the instructor to assess. However, the unit of Williams (2010) chosen for analysis is seen to overcome this con. For instance, consider the task based methodology presented in page 30.



这个学习过程是一个自然的有机过程,类似于学习功能,如走路。根据研究,这些人天生就想学习这种语言。甚至在社会上的脑损伤儿童中也观察到了这种现象。他们发现天生就能理解语言和语法代码(VanPatten & Williams, 2014)。L1学习过程是一个生物驱动的过程。奥拉天生就喜欢阿拉伯语。她会对语言结构有很好的理解。她必须利用这些原则来加强对第二语言的掌握。以阿拉伯语为母语的人应该把它与英语进行比较。英语词汇的音系、写作和系统的启发式结构等方面的分析。学习第二语言应该付出相当大的努力。这是一个复杂的动态过程,需要持续的评估。第二语言的原则将在下面讨论。


Ola must become a bilingual learner to survive in the current environment. Bilingual learner is a person who can communicate with other in two languages. It is imperative to learn the local languages. The bilingual people develop the ability to be in a compound state of mind with to kind of grammar. The people need to reposition their learning of the second language in terms with the primary language that they had learnt in their childhood for communication. Forman (2010) states that the people who wish to learn the second language need to essentially deconstruct their native language. From this they should develop a form of comparative analysis with the second language that they wish to learn. The L1 language acquisition is a process that is enabled by genetic triggering built in each individuald. This L1 learning process is the syntactic system that becomes encapsulated as a form of rules governing the language learning process. The L1 language learning process becomes an integral element of the cognitive development of the mind. Children are innately drawn to the L1 learning acquisition.
This learning process is a natural organic process that is similar to learning functions such as walking. According to research, the individuals innately try to learn the language. This has been observed even in the brain-damaged children in the society. They found to innately comprehend the language and the grammatical code (VanPatten & Williams, 2014). L1 learning process is a biologically driven process. Ola is naturally attuned toward the Arabic language. She will have a great comprehension of the language construct. She must use these tenets to develop a stronger grasp of the L2 languages. The native speaker of Arabic should compare it with the English language. There should be analysis of the phonology, writing and the systematic heuristics structuring of words in the English languages. There should be considerable efforts taken to learn a L2 language. This is a complex dynamic process that requires continual evaluation. The tenets of the L2 language are discussed in the following.



克罗斯是负责制定战略决策的中尉,对事件有一定程度的控制。某些事件是不可预测的,但是克罗斯对他的国家和球队有责任在这些事件中更多的出现。应该有更多的交叉(O ‘Gorman 300)的参与。需要指出的是,十字架让自己参与行为的救赎,并试图成为一个更好的版本的自己。这种行为是一种正常的人类情感。拉文德的死促使克罗斯重新审视自己作为一名士兵和一个人的轻重缓急。克罗斯最初认为拉文德的死是由于他的自满和缺乏判断力,这源于他对玛莎的爱。尽管如此,他还是要求奥勃良称赞他在战争中对玛莎的表现。作者奥布莱恩用叙事性的段落来解释这种情况。这些对故事情节中较小元素的描述被用来探究人类更深层次的情感。


Cross was the lieutenant who was in charge of making strategic decisions and has a certain level of control over the events. Certain events are not predictable however Cross had the duty to his nation and the team to be more present during such incidents. There should have been more involvement by Cross (O’Gorman 300). It needs to be noted that Cross involves himself in acts redemption and tries to be a better version of himself. This act of Cross is a normal human emotion. Lavender’s death had caused Cross to reexamine his priorities as a soldier and as a person. Cross initially assumed that the death of Lavender was due to his complacency and lack of judgment that stemmed from his love for Martha. Nevertheless he asks O’Brien to laud his performance to Martha when he served in the war. The author O’Brien uses the narrative passages to explain about the situation. These description of the smaller elements in the storyline are used to probe into the deeper human emotions.
The emotional weight of the smaller personal items were found to be similar to the heavier physical objects owing to the intangibles sentiments involved in personal items. There is ambivalence observed in the characters. The dichotomy of human emotions is based on a number of events and is never simple. This is highlighted when there is character analysis done on Cross. Cross must have been more aware of the events however it cannot be proven it directly caused the death of Lavender (Kaplan 44). On the other hand it cannot be said with certainty that Lavender’s death. On a subconscious level he wanted to change his persona that resulted in his action by burning the letters from Martha. At a later stage he continues to have the same sentiments towards Martha and hopes that he could live with Martha.This shows the ambivalence of Cross and the nuances of human emotion can be understood from a greater analysis of Cross.