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第二項研究比較輕快,節奏複雜,尤其是在對比使用複合時間符號的同時,保留了強烈的旋律感。在第三個研究中,重複使用了不同的音程,這在構成中很明顯的增廣曲元中可以看到。第五項研究是《憤怒的託卡塔》(furious toccata),其中使用了無情的半分音符形。它具有較強的旋律感,與第二項研究相同。在整個研究過程中,巨大的張力和不斷的高潮,直到嚴酷的高潮。每一個姿態都是有效的,都是經過精心策劃的。最厚的不和諧的音符被給予足夠的時間來增加音樂的紋理的深度。即使在這幅作品中,對自由色彩技巧的獨特運用和它對音調的暗示也被認為是與音樂形式一起工作的。他提倡使用十二種聲調。在所有的演奏中,和弦的發展過程中都可以看到動詞的音型。
舒伯特奏鳴曲d959是他最後的大型奏鳴曲之一(D958;D959;D960)。它於1828年9月完工,比他去世早兩個月。作曲家打算把它獻給亨梅爾。在這三首奏鳴曲中,它包含了對1927年初貝多芬作品的回憶。這三首奏鳴曲直到1920年施納貝爾將這三首奏鳴曲收錄在他的獨奏曲中才為人所知。從這部作品中,它後來被許多鋼琴家引入音樂會曲目。三首奏鳴曲顯然是在暗指舒伯特自傳的三個主要章節,即在舒伯特的譯文中有對過去、現在和未來的參考或類型化。 D959是一首敞開心扉的抒情樂曲。它不像C小調那樣猛烈,也不像B調奏鳴曲那樣超凡脫俗。這是一種調和的傾向,似乎是在中間地帶鋪路。這首曲子是在宏偉的管弦樂隊之間的平衡,同時也結合了親密的類似歌曲的元素。


The second study was light with complicated rhythm, particularly in its contrasting use of compound time signatures while retaining a strong melodic sense. In the third study there is the recurrent use of the various intervals this is seen in the particularly the augmented triton that is evident in the composition. The fifth study is a furious toccata with relentless semiquaver figurations. It has strong melodic sense, which is same as the second study. The tremendous tension throughout this study and keep crescendo until the harsh climax. Every gesture is effective and is carefully manoeuvred. The thickest dissonance of the notes are given ample time to add to the depth of the musical textures. Even in this work the characteristic use of free chromatic techniques and its tonal implications are seen to work in cohorts with the musical form. He was a proponent of using the twelve tones. Intervallic verb patterns are seen in the chord progression that is quite evident in all of the renditions.
Schubert Sonata D 959 is one of his last large scale sonatas (D958; D959; D960). It was finished in September 1828, two months before his death. The composer intended to dedicate it to Hummel. In the three sonatas that was developed it contains reminiscences of Beethoven’s work that passed in early 1927. These three sonatas were unknown until Schnabel featured these three sonatas in his recitals in 1920. From this work it was later introduced into the concert repertoire by many pianists.Three sonatas are apparently an allusion to the three main chapters of Schubert’s autobiography i.e. there is references or typifications to the past, present and future in the renditions by Schubert. D959 is an open-hearted and lyrical piece. It is not as stormy as the C minor or as transcendent and ethereal as B flat sonata. It is a conciliatory disposition that seems to pave in the middle ground. The piece is a balance between the grandiose orchestra and also combines elements of the intimate song-like phrase.



这种情况的利益相关者是公众、议员和奥克兰委员会。在这个案例研究中,市议会提出了改善该地区住房的建议。根据这一提议,该地区的单户住宅将随之减少,该地区将有高层建筑。目前的单体住宅将被划分为多层公寓(Radionzconz, 2015)。这一建议将在2040年完成,并将采取更多的分区努力。议员是人民代表,他们根据大多数人民的意见选择了自己的立场。委员会已经决定将该地区的住房扩展到多层建筑(Howden-Chapman, 2015)。这遭到了议员们的反对。由于这种情况受到广泛欢迎,21名议员中有11名提议将该计划定在日期。这是人民压倒一切的观念。这一地区的大多数人认为,他们的本土住房审美价值将会下降,这一观点将会普遍不受欢迎。人口中的一些人认为这对经济有好处,因此他们认为由于这一地区的影响,情况将会改善。
他们认为,安理会在该区域再容纳100万人民的计划将有利于人民。资本主义促进了该地区的增长。为此,应该有效利用资源,任何计划都应该有助于经济形势(Luu, 2015)。需要考虑到人口增长和大多数人住在城市附近的利益。社会中的所有这些人都将受益。这个国家的失业、通货膨胀和竞争问题日益严重。全球化导致了该地区人口的增加(Milligan et al., 2015)。越来越多的人想要增加这个地区的贸易。因此,从经济学的角度来看,这种扩张政策是有益的。不断增长的人口将在这种情况下得到容纳。在这种情况下,会有很多人从中受益(Milligan等,2015)。这种方法的缺点是,它们没有考虑到人民的感情和局势的可持续性。


Stakeholders of this situation are the public, councillors and Auckland council. In this case study there is proposal by the city council to enhance the housing in the area. According to this proposal the single house dwelling in the area will be subsequently reduced and there will be high rise building in the region. The current single dwellings will be zoned for multi story apartments (Radionzconz, 2015). This proposal will be completed by the year 2040 and there will be more zoning efforts that will be taken for the same.The councillors are the people representatives who have chosen to take a stand based on the views of the majority of the people. Council has taken the decision expand the housing in the area to multistory building (Howden-Chapman, 2015). This has been opposed by the councillors. Owing to the widespread popularity of this situation 11 out of 21 councillors propose to date the plan. This is the overwhelming notion of the people. Majority of the people in this area feel that their indigenous housing aesthetic value will be reduced and this view is left with widespread unpopularity. Some people in the population feel that this is good for the economics thereby they feel that the situation would improve owing to this effect in this region.
They feel that the council plan of accommodation 1 million more people in the region would be beneficial for the people.Capitalism promotes growth in the area. For this there should be effective utilization of the resources and any plan should aid in the economics of the situation (Luu, 2015). The growing population and the interest of the majority of the people to live near the cities need to be factored in. All these people in the societies will be benefited. There is growing unemployment, inflation and issues of competition on the country. Globalization has leaded to increase in the population in the areas (Milligan et al., 2015). There have been a growing number of people who want to increase the trade in the area. Owing to this from the aspect of economics this expansion policy will be helpful. The growing population will be accommodated in this situation. There are a number of people who will actually be benefitted in this situation (Milligan et al., 2015). Disadvantage of this approach is that they do not factor in the sentiments of the people and the sustainability of the situation.

personal statement 怎么写:员工整体士气影响因素的调查

personal statement 怎么写:员工整体士气影响因素的调查

在英国获得学位的医生与亚洲特定地区的医生之间进行了一项研究(Oikelome, and Healy, 2007)。证明了员工奖励、工作量、自由度和员工整体士气的影响因素。在2004年对1715名工作人员和助理专科医生进行了一项定量研究。在缺乏自主权和士气低落的情况下,有资格的海外医生填补岗位空缺,以延长工作时间。尽管困难重重,他们还是继续工作。在英国工作的医生却不是这样。这项研究指出,不仅仅是钱的问题导致医生在特定的环境中工作。除了钱,当他们来自其他国家的时候,劳动力资源是次要的(Oikelome, and Healy, 2007)。在这些系统中也观察到了先天的种族主义和制度性的种族主义(Oikelome, and Healy, 2007)。尽管有这些不利因素,医生们还是继续在新制度下工作,而不顾他们明显不相称的方面。这种形式的系统只能表明,它最终会导致员工士气受到影响(Oikelome, and Healy, 2007)。
如果不解决系统中固有的差距,就会产生大规模的问题。全球化应该只对社会产生积极的影响。劳动力的灵活性和为不断增长的跨国公司工作的人数的增加都被认为是积极的因素(Bradley et al., 2000)。此外,还重视外国直接投资比率、经济地位、可支配收入和国内生产总值如何具有积极的属性。自由化意识形态受到了更高的重视,新自由化意识形态似乎已经表现为只允许社会中的人们发生积极的事情(Bradley et al., 2000)。技术进步、基础设施建设、产品交付体系不断完善,产品设计和质量全面提高。各个领域的人们一直只重视全球化的积极特性(Bradley et al., 2000)。他们没有考虑到一些明显的问题,而是选择把目光从全球化的问题上转移开。外包的重要性日益突出。在过去的几十年里,人们越来越重视外包的概念,关于这个概念的争论也越来越多(Taylor, and Bain, 2005)。

personal statement 怎么写:员工整体士气影响因素的调查

A research was undertaken between the doctors who had procured the degree in UK with the doctors in the Asia specific region (Oikelome, and Healy, 2007). The factors of employee rewards, workload, freedom and the overall morale of the employees were proved. A quantitative study of 1,715 Staff and Associate Specialist doctors was undertaken in the year 2004. Overseas qualified doctors were filling to work for more duration when they did not have much autonomy and a lower morale. They continued to work despite the odds. This was not the case with doctors who were working inside the UK. This study points out that it is not only the case of money that causes the doctors to work in a specific environment. Apart from money, the labor pool is subservient when they come from other countries across the spectrum (Oikelome, and Healy, 2007). There was also innate racism and institutional racism that has been observed in these systems (Oikelome, and Healy, 2007). In spite of these odds, the doctors continued to work in the new system irrespective of their obvious disproportionate aspect. This form of system can only suggest that it will eventually cause the worker morale to be affected (Oikelome, and Healy, 2007).
There would be large scale issue if the inherent gaps in the system are not addressed.Globalization is supposed to have caused only positive effect on the society. Flexibility of the labor and the increase in the number of people working for the rising MNC have all been contended as the positive factors (Bradley et al., 2000). There is also importance given to how the FDI rates, economic status, disposable income and the GDP have been positing positive attributes. There is higher importance given to the ideologies of liberalization and the Neo liberalization ideologies seem to have manifested as an aspect that allows only positive things to happen for the people in the society (Bradley et al., 2000). There has been technological growth, growth of infrastructure, better system of product delivery and overall improvement in the product design and quality has been attributed in the current times. People across the spectrum have been giving importance to only the positive attributes of the globalization (Bradley et al., 2000). They have not factored in some of the post apparent issues and have chosen to look away from the problems of globalization. There has been growing prominence of outsourcing. In the past few decades, people have been giving more and more importance to the notions of outsourcing and there has been more debate on this concept (Taylor, and Bain, 2005).