

然而,他也提到,一些尝试性的、模棱两可的欲望被组合在一起,来解释这种欲望,然后随着这些欲望的转变而逐渐发展。因此,他得出结论,这些欲望在很大程度上依赖于对语境的解释(Wilkerson &Khan, 2009)。威尔克森的论证也基于两种不同的观点,即认识论和形而上学。根据认识论的观点,他认为性欲望肯定需要解释,否则人们就不会知道自己的性欲望。根据他的观点,当它是关于不需要解释的欲望时,它只指向一个事实,即性欲望可能有自我暗示的因素。因此,通过对这些观点的分析,可以看出,性的欲望不一定是不言而喻的,也并不意味着欲望不是自我暗示的。克劳迪娅•卡德(Claudia Card)认为,当谈到婚姻时,它意味着一个邪恶的制度。这是因为这一制度包括两个可预见的主要组成部分,即应受谴责的错误行为和不可容忍的损害。这两个部分互为因果关系。
根据对Card的研究,很明显,婚姻有助于满足这两个标准。在她看来,将LGBT群体排除在婚姻权利之外是完全不公平的,也是武断的。她阐明了一个事实,即婚姻和相关的法律制度本身就是一个充满不公正的千疮百孔的体系。因此,与持久的亲密伙伴关系相关的不同的替代形式,在没有国家权力的情况下,对社会会更好(Nagel, 1997)。卡德简单地提出了婚姻中的不公平问题,导致了家庭暴力形式的严重罪恶。她明智地描述了奴隶制也是一种罪恶的制度,从社会上被废除了,这是一个明显的可预见的因素与暴力有关。根据她的研究,必不可少的法律肯定是制止暴力的预防性行动。然而,这里应该记住的另一个事实是,法律不能阻止暴力。正是这种权力的不平衡使得暴力成为可能,而研究所所创造的暴力与婚姻的基本假设有关,这非常有趣。因此,她得出结论,婚姻是父权的组成部分,这是她的潜在主张。


However, he also mentioned that some tentative as well as ambiguous desires are grouped together to interpret such a desire and then gradually develop along with transform of those. So, he came to the conclusion that these desires are greatly dependent on the interpretations of the context (Wilkerson &Khan, 2009). The arguments of Wilkerson are also based on two different views, known as epistemic view and metaphysical view. As per the epistemic view, he stated that sexual desires definitely require interpretation otherwise people would not know their sexual desires. According to him, when it is about desires that do not require interpretations, it points towards only one thing which brings to the fact that the sexual desires might have self-intimating factors. So, by analyzing all these points, it can be mentioned that the sexual desires do not have to be necessarily self-evident and it also does not mean that the desires are not self-intimating. Claudia Card has argued that when it comes to marriage, it entails about an evil institution. It is because that this institution comprises two major foreseeable components, which are culpable wrongdoings and harm that is intolerable. These two components are causally linked with each other.
As per the study of Card, it is quite clear that marriage helps to meet both of these criteria. According to her, it is purely unjust as well as arbitrary when it is about the exclusion of LGBT categories from the marriage rights. She put light on the fact that marriage and the related legal institution itself is a riddled system full of injustice. So, different alternative forms associated with durable intimate partnership would be better for the society without the power invoked to the state (Nagel, 1997). Card simply put forward an issue of injustice in marriage which causes serious evil in the form of domestic violence. She wisely described that slavery is also an evil institution which was abolished from the society and it was an obvious foreseeable factor linked with violence. In line with her study, indispensable laws are surely preventive courses of action to end violence. However, here another fact should be kept in mind that law only can’t prevent violence. It is the power imbalance which allows violence and the institute creates it in relation to the underlying assumption of marriage which is very interesting. So, she came to the conclusion that marriage is patriarchal component and it is her underlying claim.





Plot of the story is based on the theme of path to self-discovery. Main protagonist of this story line is about a barista in Cozy coffee shop. For the script, the main protagonist is named Melissa, working as a barista. Melissa has a passion for cooking, but she chooses to remain as a barista, mainly owing to her shyness and her lack of focus. Past events become hurdles for the character to move forward in life. Circumstances in her path to self-discovery and the tides along the way form the crux of the story. Emotions of love, hope and being true to the self would be essayed in the story line. Eventually, she moves to Sydney ad after subsequent to initial hurdles, she becomes a chef in one of the popular restaurants in Sydney. A seemingly shy waitress who worked in a diner was interviewed for this process. The waitress was in early 20s and had fixed views about the world. There was a defeated sense that could be viewed in her demeanor. This was seen in the way the waitress dressed and spoke. During the course of the interviews and interactions, the waitress became a close friend with me. It was surprising to note that it was certain familial issues that had pushed the waitress to develop a dismal view of the world.
During the course of interview, from a personal standpoint, there was a feeling to change the way the waitress viewed world. It was evident that fear of failing was preventing her from trying something new. Interestingly, the waitress had profound talent in cooking but chose not to express her talents. This frustration of not being able to change her situation is the root of inspiration for this script. Even though there are many stories that handle the journey of self-discovery, there is a fresh taken in the story line. Owing to the personal events, this character is chosen as the main protagonist for the story. Initial part of the script deals with events occurring in the hamlet in Fort Douglas. It is a conjured village that has all the drama and it essentially portrays that people are all alike in certain facets. In this imaginary village, real people characters would be portrayed. Everyone knows each other in the small village community. From this, the protagonist shifts to the bustling city of Sydney. Initial struggles and hurdles faced by the protagonist are portrayed in the storyline. In Sydney, there will be shots taken in and around the city.