

然后应为所有有关各方(工人和管理人员)举行一次会议,讨论委员会的组成和目标。会议将至少有一个单独的星期通知。委员会将由选举产生的具有代表性的雇员组成。根据规例第6(4)条,雇主代表人数不得多于雇员代表人数。委员会将由8名委员组成。雇员代表和雇主可以通过协议根据人数而有所不同。与管理层就这一观点进行谈判,是为了确保委员会成员代表所有工作场所的行业和部门。管理层代表应包括有权代表公司实施预防措施的人员(Grammeno, 2009)。根据条例6 (2A)的规定,需要有一个特定的豁免,以帮助委员会拥有超过4名成员。委员会将进一步提名,并进行选举。此外,委员会的每一名成员将负责审查根据《卫生和安全条例》(1)(a)第24条所采取的措施,使卫生和安全工作场所成为可以饮用的场所。委员会还将负责解决卫生和安全问题。
如果问题能够得到解决,则可以根据法案第24(1)(c)和24(2)条要求新南威尔士州工作范围管理局的检查员提供支持。委员会将帮助开发一个系统,记录事故和危险的问题在工作场所按规定条款12 12 (a)和(b)。委员会成员职责而且在于检查工作场所的方式决定了委员会,每三个月一次按规定条款13 (1)(a)和(b),获得的细节变化将进一步提出至关重要,会影响健康和安全的法规条款13 (1)(c) (Grammeno, 2009)。根据规例第13 (1)(d)条,委员会成员应可查阅雇主保存的所有有关工作地点内意外及疾病的资料。第13 (1)(e)及13 (1)(f)条规定委员须就任何违反职业健康及安全法例的行为,向主席提供培训及教育,并通知主席。成员在按照规例第15(1)及15(2)条履行其作为成员的职责时,将获支付适当的价格。


A meeting should then be held for all the parties interested (labourers and management) for discussing the committee make-up and aims. There will be at the least an individual week notice for the meeting. The committee will be made of elected representative employees. The employer representatives number should not be high than the employee representative number as per regulation 6 (4). Committee will be comprised of 8 members. Employee representatives and employers can vary with number through agreement. Negotiating with management over this perspective is to ensure that committee members represent all workplace trades and sections. Representatives from management should be inclusive of a person having authority for implementing a preventive measure on company’s behalf (Grammeno, 2009). A specific exemption is needed that helps committees to have more than 4 members as per the regulation 6 (2A).Nominations will further be called for and committee elections will be conducted. Furthermore, each member of the committee will be responsible for reviewing measures undertaken to make health and safety imbibed workplace as per the Section 24 of WHS act (1) (a). The committee furthermore will be responsible for resolving problems of health and safety.
If the problem can be resolved, the issue can ask the inspector from New South Wales Work Cover Authority to support as per the Act section 24 (1) (c) and 24(2). Committee will help in development of a system that records accidents and hazardous issues in working places as per the Regulation clause of 12 (a) and 12 (b). Committee members duties furthermore lies in inspecting workplace in a manner that determines the committee, once in every 3 months as per the regulation clauses 13 (1) (a) and (b). Obtaining details of changes proposed will further be essential that can impact health and safety as per the Regulation clause 13 (1) (c) (Grammeno, 2009). As per regulation clause 13 (1)(d) committee members should have access for all data kept through the employers over accidents and diseases within working place. Clause 13 (1) (e) and 13 (1) (f) requires the members to train and education as well as inform chairpersons for any occupational health and safety law breach. The members will be paid appropriate price while they carry out the duties as members as per the regulation clause 15 (1) and 15 (2).





There are certainly both positive and negative consequences to bureaucracy, and strong arguments for both the efficiency and inefficiency of bureaucracies (Weber, 2009). Max Weber’s work is still used by the majority to reference ideologies in the field of sociology. Weber’s theory of bureaucracy states that in the modern times, it has been considered that the most efficient forms of governance and productivity can be obtained through bureaucracy. Weber claimed that it is imperative to have bureaucracies for continuous production and efficient functioning of society. But this would add to the complexity of the issues. This leads to the societies to become more modern and complex in the past century. According to Weber without the structured system in the organization, the situation would become chaotic and some form of regulation in mandatory. The complex society would get worse and there would be no social order (Weber, 2015). He essentially stated that bureaucracies in organizations help people towards forming goals. He stated that heavy regulation in the societies would lead to more productivity in the societies.
He stated that bureaucracy ensures that the objectives are met but there are certain inherent issues in the system. Weber states that this issue of bureaucracy will lead to the overall downfall of the society. There are many issues within the bureaucratic system and this was not addressed by the ideologies of Weber. Oligarchy was practiced and this leads to ensuring that only few people had the autonomy to make rules for the company. According to Weber, no one can escape bureaucracy. This would create homogenization of the values in the society. This would lead to the people feeling like machines and losing their uniqueness in the process. In this scenario, the people in the societies tend to shift focus toward meeting the primary objectives and loosing themselves in this process. The oligarchy form of governance would lead to more issues and lead to the people feeling alienated from the mainstream communities. There would be mechanization and the workers would feel essentially alienated from the system. Weber theory in summary postulated towards maintaining individual ambiguity and productivity. These were the two variables that were considered by Weber.

留学 论文代写之论文写作问题

留学 论文代写之论文写作问题

论文写作问题是令加拿大留学的同学最头疼的问题,没有之一。所以留学生们偶尔会找留学 论文代写,今天小编就是总结在代写过程中遇到的问题,一共有五个方面,这些都是论文写作的关键步骤,如果出现差错,论文肯定会出现问题。希望大姐仔细阅读。


大家都是用数据库来搜索相关的论文和文献,但是很多同学在这个方面做的不是很好。有的时候查不到相关的内容,这个主要就是因为搜索的关键词不对。很多时候,换个关键词,就能出来更多相关的材料。另外,很多时候,大家可能只是依赖学校数据库,其实我个人一般会首先google,除了很多基础的概念之外,很多时候会出来一些相关的组织和机构,他们的数据一般也是比较有权威性的。然后google scholar一下,查看各个文章的引用次数和时间,基本就能知道哪些文章是比较重要的。




对于读本科和硕士的学生而言,论文基本上就是重复总结一下上课的内容,因为这个知识水平其实是很难提出崭新的观点。那么在写作的时候,可以先看一下讲义PPT。注意,在这个过程中,很多学生还是蒙蔽的状态,那我建议学生可以百度一下,用中文最起码把相关的概念能理解清楚。然后可以搜一下中文相关的东西。这样虽然不能保证内容是最新的,但是最起码是不会跑题的。这里还要重点说一下,不同的题目其实是有不同的写作的方法的。比方说case study,一般的方法就是“定义+把定义结合案例+评论”。很多学生就不写定义或者理论,这个其实就不行。





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