

这项研究将表明,体验旅游的发展趋势将更加注重葡萄酒和食品。这将提供一个更大的范围,以强调这一特定领域的旅游业的具体方面。目前,有必要考虑食物和葡萄酒在吸引游客到特定地点的关键作用(Alant & Bruwer, 2014)。此外,还需要关于成功的葡萄酒和食品区构成的资料。消费者的生活方式、葡萄酒和食品之间有着密切的关系。因此,了解不从事与葡萄酒和食品相关的游客态度和澳大利亚几个葡萄酒产区的度假人群的消费模式是至关重要的(Harrington & Ottenbacher, 2010)。旅游业的创新和持续研究对了解市场行为和制定营销和商业活动的战略方法至关重要。对食品和葡萄酒及其旅游业的全面研究将为这一特定旅游领域的快速增长提供有洞察力和无价的信息。
烹饪旅游包括跨区域的额外经济价值的生产,调查了600名特定地区的游客。研究结果表明,烹饪型游客的经济增加值高于非烹饪型游客。这是为了完成最低限度的促销活动。了解旅游业的经济贡献的影响将是明显的,在不可预见的危机或灾难,如非典爆发。对政策和具体政策的看法最终会影响旅游业的经济,就像加拿大的情况一样,考虑到过境需要护照(Harrington & Ottenbacher, 2010)。为了确定某些衡量烹饪旅游经济贡献的指标,有必要对同样的指标进行更多的调查,而不是利用旅游业的一般指标。与致力于推广孤立的美食旅游产品的目的地相比,旅游服务、旅游景点、美食旅游产品互补活动等目的地取得了更大的成功。


The research will be indicating an increased trends for experiential tourism strongly focusing upon wine and food. This will be providing a wider scope for emphasising upon specific aspects of this particular domain in tourism. Currently, there is a need for considering the crucial role played by food and wine in the attraction of visitors to a specific location (Alant & Bruwer, 2014). There is also a need for information regarding the constitution of successful wine and food area. There is a strong relationship between consumer lifestyle, wine and food. Hence, it is crucial to understand consumption patterns of the population not engaging in wine and food related visitor attitudes and holidays towards several Australian regions of wine (Harrington & Ottenbacher, 2010). Innovative and continuous research within the tourism sector is crucial to understand behaviours of market and formulate strategic approaches for the marketing and business activities. The overall research on food and wine and its tourism will provide insightful and invaluable information regarding the rapid growth in this specific domain of tourism.
Culinary tourism involves the production of additional economic value across areas surveying 600 tourists of a specific area. It has been indicated by key findings that the economic value added by culinary tourists is higher in comparison with non- culinary tourists. This is for the accomplishment of minimum activity of promotion. Understanding the effect of economic contribution made by tourism will be evident in case of unforeseen crisis or disaster like the outbreak of SARS. Perceptions about policies and specific policies would end up affecting the economy of tourism as evident in the case of Canada, considering the requirement of passport for crossing specific borders (Harrington & Ottenbacher, 2010). For the establishment of certain measurements for economic contribution made by the culinary tourism, instead of utilizing the general indicators of tourism, there is a need to conduct more surveys regarding the same. Destinations including tourism services, attractions and activities for complementing products of culinary tourism achieve more success in comparison with destinations putting in efforts for the promotion of isolated culinary tourism products.



“摘要”一般是以提供文献内容概要为目的, 不加评论和补充解释, 简明、确切地记叙文献的重要内容;是一篇与论文正文结构相对应、对论文主要内容高度浓缩的独立短文。研究型论文一般采用结构化的报道性摘要, 包括研究目的、研究方法、研究结果和结论几部分内容。

其中, 研究目的主要阐述“文章的研究问题是什么, 为什么要做这项研究, 其研究价值在哪, 或研究的必要性在哪”;研究方法主要阐述“采取什么方法手段来解决问题, 如所采用的原理、理论、材料、手段等或数据的获取、处理和分析方法等”;研究结果主要阐述“发现了什么, 如实验、研究、观察的量化结果或达到的效果等”;研究结论主要阐述“该发现说明了什么, 一般是定性化的表述, 如反应的因果关系、解释基本事实、总结主要规律”.


1) 研究目的缺失, 没有交代“我为什么要做这项研究”.

2) 以研究结果代替研究结论, 或者是研究结论缺失, 缺乏深层次的挖掘、总结和归纳;

3) 不太注意去凸显文章的文献贡献;

4) 表述不精练, 非摘要性的内容多, 如研究意义性的表述、某些背景性的内容等;

5) 对文章进行自我褒扬性评价。而评价一般应该是由读者来给予的, 作者只需客观陈述文献贡献和创新之处即可。

其中摘要中的“结果”和“结论”是作者最容易混淆或互为替代表述的, 很多作者将其混为一谈。其实两者的区别是很清晰的。这里以着名地理学家胡焕庸先生1935年发表的《中国人口之分布》一文的结果和结论作为典型实例进行区别:

该文所得结果为:“今试自黑龙江的瑷珲, 向西南作一直线, 至云南腾冲为止, 分全国为东南与西北两部:则此东南部的面积, 约占全国总面积的36%;西北部之面积, 约占全国总面积的64%.惟人口之分布, 则东南部约占总人口的96%;西北部之人口约占总人口的4%.”

“结果”之后, 作者进一步对其进行原因分析:“该线东南以平原、水网、丘陵、喀斯特和丹霞地貌为主要地理结构, 自古以农耕为经济基础;线西北方人口密度极低, 是草原、沙漠和雪域高原的世界, 自古游牧民族的天下。”由此作者得出结论:中国人口分布的结构差异是与中国自然地理的空间结构差异相一致的。

从这个案例我们可以看出, “结果”一般是量化的表述, 是基于文章的方法、数据、材料等分析所得出概括性的统计结果;而“结论”则是定性的表述, 是对“结果”进行分析、解释后提升而得出的具有理论意义或规律性的内容。




Martha(2012)将精准奶牛养殖解释为利用信息和通信技术(ICT),以加强精细规模动物控制和物质资源的可变性,从而优化奶牛养殖场的环境、社会和经济效益。精准奶牛养殖是一种针对特定物种的精准家畜养殖方式(Sharma, 2015)。正如Mariam(2009)所指出的,前瞻性牲畜系统有效地解决了动物产品的输出系统、动物的生长、动物的行为、地方性疾病和牲畜建筑环境的物理问题。Kevin(2005)暗示乳制品生产商越来越多地采用精密技术,以提高对单个动物、围栏或群体的管理,管理整个农场和农场的总生产效率(Porcher and Schmitt, 2012)。对奶农而言,精准奶农相关技术有可能消除决策过程中的主观性因素。


According to Martha (2012), Precision dairy farming is explained as the utilization of information and communication technologies (ICT) for the purpose of enhanced fine scale animal control and of variability of physical resource in order to optimize the environmental, social and economic performance of the dairy farm. Precision dairy farming is an approach that is specific to species for farming of precision livestock (Sharma, 2015). As suggested by Mariam (2009), systems of prevision livestock have effectively addressed the output systems of animal product, growth of animal, behaviour of animal, diseases of endemic nature and the physical livestock building environment. It is implied by Kevin (2005) that precision technologies are increasingly implemented by the producers of dairy for the purpose of improvising the management of individual animal, pen or group management, managing entire farm and total production efficiency of the farm (Porcher and Schmitt, 2012). For the farmers of dairy, technologies associated with precision dairy farming holds the potential to eradicate the element of subjectivity from the processes of decision making.
This lowers the need for labour that is experienced and skilled in the management of animal as suggested by Frost (2011). Technologies generally enable the reduction of requirement for labour that is specialized or allows shifting its focus in order to accomplish higher amount of work by using less number of labourers. This notion is supported by Frank (2004). Utilization of technologies for the monitoring of animals within the farm is beneficial as long as the technology monitors in continual manner with regard to the parameters, reliability within the behaviour observation and describe the behaviours accurately with the help of algorithms of reliable manner as mentioned by Benchman (2008) (McDowell and Nash, 2012). The work routine can also be improvised in terms of efficiency if the technologies meet the level of reliability offered by the labours that are replaced. Enhancements made within the efficiencies of the work routine lowers the time needed for the completion of certain work, stress of the employees and deliver the operators time in order to shift the focus over alternative areas of function.