

当我第一次选修这门课的时候,我不知道这门课会给我带来什么,除了我可能会发展出更好的沟通能力。我听到了很多积极的故事,我真的很想被雇佣,并最终开始创业。有很多这样的作业让我能够批判性地分析不同的观点。我能够从这门课中判断主题、目的和观众。我从来都不擅长沟通,比如口头沟通。我应该说,这些课程帮助我更清晰地思考问题。有一些小的因素让我想成为一个更好的企业家。我认为阻碍我前进的最重要的因素是我在公共演讲和与人交流时的紧张。这种不断的自我批评也让我周围的人感到紧张。我为自己设定了目标,成为一名能够引领新潮流的创新者。起初,当我没有达到我的期望时,我有点生气。我知道我必须做一个更好的自己。然而,有些事情阻碍了我(Lumley and Wilkinson, 2014)。


When I first enrolled in this course, I did not know what to expect from this course other than that I would maybe develop better communication. I heard of many positive stories and I really wanted to be employable and eventually start a venture. There were many assignments such as this one that enables me to critically analyze the differentiated viewpoints. I was able to gauge the subject, purpose and the audience from this class. I was never really good at communication such as verbal communication. I should say that these classes helped me to think with more clarity on the issues. There were a number of smaller elements that had made me want to become a better entrepreneur. I think the most important factors that hold me back is my nervousness when it comes to public speaking and interacting with people. This kind of constant self-criticism makes the people around me nervous as well. I have set goals for myself to be a form of innovator who can develop a new trend. Initially, I was a little offended when I did not meet my expectations. I knew I had to be a better version of myself. However, something is holding me back (Lumley and Wilkinson, 2014).
This is the innate lack of self-confidence which is again rooted in verbal communication. My verbal communication is mandatory to explain what I want to express. Honestly, this form of critiquing was not in my comfort zone. The course had content that we could relate to in the class. The assignment work on leadership was a team effort. This effort had essentially forced us in a situation where I had to work as teams. These aided in the progress and development. When I end my career, I want to do it without any regrets knowing that I had fully utilized all my areas of strength and weakness. There is definitive confidence and gaining of verbal communication that I had felt from this course. In short the course had given me the tools to hone my skills. I feel that I should be able to have a plan for the future given my innovative attitude and my clarity of thought. I understand that there is a lot more to actually do to achieve my ultimate goals and this is a long way to progress.



凯勒虽然没有托马斯或杰基那样的支持,但谁会支持他继续前进。因此,死亡是凯勒唯一的出路。凯勒的妻子和儿子被送到纳粹集中营,因为他们是犹太人,凯勒也是犹太人。他登记为犹太人,到营里去拥抱死亡。凯勒逃离了德国的毁灭性力量,而查理则在这个家庭的帮助下与这些毁灭性的力量进行斗争,包括学校里的恶霸和邻居们(Patterson, 2012)。澳大利亚视觉也重视澳大利亚的两种重要动物,它们的形象出现在盾形纹章中,这两种动物分别是袋鼠和鸸鹋。在澳大利亚所有的动物中,这两种动物和鸟类被赋予了重要的地位,因为它们不能后退,只能前进,这是非常具有象征意义和意义的(Caruana, 2014)。它暗示着一个国家应该永远向前发展,这种特殊的暗示已经在《黑气球》中得到了体现。
如果托马斯回顾过去的消极,那么他就不会与他的兄弟妥协,而是向前迈进。在最后一个场景中,由智障儿童上演的戏剧也反映了这样一种观念,即时间已经到来,每个人都要向前走,无论正常还是残疾(Vize, 2014)。这在小说《大师》中是缺失的,因为凯勒总是回顾过去,再现过去的记忆。因此,这一动物的象征在澳大利亚的视野中非常突出,在小说中再次被否定。Elissa通过她的电影让观众有了远见,这将使他们带着乐观向前迈进。因此,我们可以得出结论,澳大利亚的多元文化主义对于研究澳大利亚人的视野是很重要的,它影响着人们对澳大利亚人的看法。的确,澳大利亚的愿景没有一个结构化的定义,但如果把与这个国家相关的概念、理念和符号放在一起,就会出现一个梦幻般的澳大利亚愿景。《黑气球》试图迎合这一愿景,让观众看到这一愿景。


Keller, although did not have any support like Thomas or Jackie, who would support him to move forward. Thus, death was the only way out for Keller. Keller’s wife and son were sent to the Nazi concentration camp because they were Jewish, which was Keller, too. He registered as a Jew, and went to the camp to embrace death. Keller escapes from the destructive forces of Germany, but Charlie fight against these destructive forces, which include the school bullies, and the neighbours with the help of this family (Patterson, 2012).The Australia vision also gives importance to two important animals in Australia, whose images is found in the Coat of Arms, and these two animals are Kangaroo and Emu. Among all animals in Australia, these two animals and the birds are given importance because they could not move backward and they only move forward, which is very symbolic and significant (Caruana, 2014). It implies that the nation should always move forward and this particular implication has been reflected in “The Black Balloon”.
If Thomas had looked back to the negativity of the past, then he would not have come in terms with his brother and had moved forward. The drama that is being staged, in the last scene, by the intellectually disabled children also reflects the notion that time has come to move forward with everyone, whether normal or disabled (Vize, 2014). It is something that is absent in the novel Maestro, because Keller always look back to his past and recapitulates the memory of the past. Thus, this symbol of the animals that are very prominent in the Australian vision is again negated in the novel. Elissa Down through her movie allowed the audience to have vision, which would allow them to move forward with optimism.Therefore, it can be concluded that the multiculturalism that is there in Australia is important for the study of Australian vision, and it influences people’s perception about the Australians. It is true that there, is no structured definition of Australia’s vision, but if the concepts and ideas and the symbols that are associated with the country are put down together, then there will be a dream-like vision of Australia. “The Black Balloon” tries to cater to that vision, and allows the audience to have a look into that vision.