

在第一波女权运动中,妇女的选举权和妇女的基本权利成为关注的焦点。在第二次女权主义浪潮中,社会性别角色和平等主义得到了更多的重视和强调。它发生在20世纪50年代末和60年代初,女性作曲和在观众面前表演是音乐的一个重要角色。在这首音乐中,对女权主义和社会中的性别角色有着微妙的解释(Eyerman和Jamison 137)。这些女权主义音乐家的目的是展现女性积极主动和自信的形象。对女性的刻板印象和女性在音乐中的角色在这个时代发生了改变。在这一时期,出现了一批颇受欢迎的女音乐家和女演员。音乐在改变文化和向人们灌输进步精神方面发挥了重要作用。它也一直是宣传议程的工具。


Women Suffrage rights and the basic rights for the women were focused in the first wave of feminism. During the second wave of feminism, there was more importance and emphasize given to the gender roles and egalitarianism in the society. It occurred during the late 1950s and early 1960, women composing music and performing in front of an audience were a significant role of music. There was the nuanced explanation of feminism and gender role in society that is explored in this music (Eyerman and Jamison 137). These feminist musicians were aimed to show a proactive and assertive image of the women. The stereotypes regarding women and the role of the women in music were changed during this era. A number of popular female musicians and performances were marked during this era.Music was instrumental in bringing changes to the culture and instilled progressiveness in people. It has also been a tool to propagate an agenda.
Apart from this, music also plays a role in symbolizing the social culture of a place. This has been explored in the subsequent section.Music is also used to elucidate the culture and the spirit of the people. In the 1930s, the people in the United States had undergone deep recession and the morale of the people was generally low. It was at this juncture, swing music spread across the nation as an escapism to venture into a frivolous world. Swing music provided Hollywood with a new kind of suave debonair music. Swing music had a unique distinctive impact on the people. It caused the people to explore feelings of frivolity and gaiety. This music was used as an instrument to bring elation to the people (Eyerman and Jamison 46). There were under tremendous pressure to meet their economic needs and music aided them to remain calm during nebulous economic times. This swing music epitomized the American culture in the 1930s and 1940s.



在伽伐尼进行的一项实验中,这只青蛙在一台静电机器附近被解剖。在这期间,伽伐尼的助手不小心把手术刀碰到了青蛙腿上的神经。青蛙的腿跳了起来。伽伐尼重复了很多次。观察到类似的肌肉痉挛。当这只青蛙被挂在铜钩上,并被铁格子碰触时,它的腿偶尔会抽动。在这之后,伽伐尼把每一种金属的长度连接在一起,形成黄铜和铁弧,每当接触铁弧时,铁弧就会收缩。这被伽伐尼(Toumey & Christopher 426)称为“动物电”。人们假定电实际上存在于青蛙本身。人们认为,双金属电弧只是将青蛙的一部分电传导到神经,导致青蛙的腿跳了起来。这些实验后来被称为青蛙舞蹈大师。


In one of the experiment conducted by Galvani, the frog had been dissected near a static electricity machine. During this, the assistant of Galvani accidently touched the scalpel to the nerve which was in the leg of the frog. On this, the leg of the frog jumped. This was repeated by Galvani multiple times. It was observed that there was a similar kind of muscle spasms observed. Occasional twitching had been observed in the leg of the frog when it was hung from the brass hook and were touched with the iron trellis. After this, Galvani joined the length of each and every metal together for the formation of the brass and the iron arc which led to the contraction of the iron arc whenever it was touched. This was called as “animal electricity” by Galvani (Toumey & Christopher 426). It was assumed that electricity actually existed in the frog itself. It was believed that bimetallic arc had only done the conduction of electricity from one part of the frog to the nerve, which caused the leg of the frog to jump. These experiments came to be known as Frog dancing master.
One of the earliest readers of Galvin was Alessandro Volta who was an Italian physicist. He had earned a significant reputation because of his discovery of the electrical capacitance, potential and the charge. He was also known for the discovery of the isolate methane gas. He did the replication of the Galvani’s work. When he conducted the experiments, he had made some of the very different conclusions. He stated that the electricity in the previous experiment had come from the two metals which had been used in the arc and the frog was acting only as a conductor. He replaced the frog’s leg with the paper soaked with brine and detected the current. This challenged Galvani. After these significant experiments, the world was divided in the two views, animal electricity and electricity versus dissimilar metals. In the year 1799, Volta further did the invention of the Voltaic pile which was the stack of discs consisting of the two different metals separated by the brine soaked paper (Magdalinski, Tara and Brooks 202). This was the very first battery of the world and it led to the invention of the automotive lead-acid batteries.