

新媒体文学包含了传统文学在数字媒体和大众媒体中以不同的文化形式和印刷文化的演变。在参与新的参与文化之前,年轻人应该具备写作和阅读的技能(Lenhart and Madden, 2005)。在核心素养之前,年轻人还需要研究技能。把其他事情放在一边,有必要认识到如何访问和使用某些资源。这对于呈现可感知的科学可视化来获取不同的信息,理解不同的方面是至关重要的(Jenkins et al., 2009)。将新媒体素养水平的下降归结为技术技能,将是混淆写作和书法的一个错误。上面提到的每一项技能都是必要的,但还不够。
新媒体文学的整体范围必须被视为在更大的社区中进行互动的关键社交技能(Lenhart and Madden, 2005)。新媒体文学不能仅仅被看作是为个人表达目的而使用的个性化技巧。更进一步,网络定义了个人搜索、综合和传播信息的能力。在一个集体生产知识和跨媒体传播的时代,网络必须作为一种能力、文化能力和核心社交技能出现(Jenkins et al., 2009)。因此,可以说,新媒体文学性是年轻人在新媒体环境下所需要的社会技能和文化能力的结合。这些技能是根据本部分讨论的不同技能建立的。


New media literacies are inclusive of the evolution of traditional literacies with different forms of literacy and print culture across digital media and mass media. Before engaging with the new culture of participation, young people should have the skills of writing and reading as well (Lenhart and Madden, 2005). Way ahead of core literacy, young people also require skills of research. Keeping other things aside, there is a need for acknowledging how to access certain resources and use them. This is crucial for presenting sensible scientific visualizations for grasping different information, to understand different aspects (Jenkins et al., 2009). Reduction in the level of new media literacy to come down to technical skills will be a mistake in confuse between composition and penmanship. Each and every skill mentioned can be identified essential and necessary, but they are not enough.
The overall scope of new media literacies have to be considered as social skills crucial to interact across the bigger community (Lenhart and Madden, 2005). New media literacies must not only be considered as individualized skills utilized for the purpose of personal expression.Further ahead, networking defines the ability of an individual for searching, synthesizing and disseminating information. In an era for collective production of knowledge and occurrence of communication across different sources of media, there must be emergence of networking as a capacity, cultural competence and core social skill (Jenkins et al., 2009). Hence, it can be stated that new media literacies are a combination of social skills and cultural competencies required by young people in the new landscape of media. These skills are established in accordance with different skills discussed in this part.