personal statement 怎么写:医患咨询流程

personal statement 怎么写:医患咨询流程


personal statement 怎么写:医患咨询流程

Opening Phase: After the preparation of the interview, the next plan was for opening the interview with the client. Here, the interviewer Junizing and observer Steven took the lead to meet the client with lose weight, healthy diet to control the cholesterol goal. Both Junizing and Steven had verbal greeting with Miss. Keng and introduced by both were followed. Both self-comfort and client comforts were kept in priority so the interview can be done without any problem. To make this interview more comfortable, both Junizing and Steven started small casual talk with Zeng so that interview should not feel boring. Junizing and Steven then discussed the objective of the counselling with the clear established agenda. After this, the interview turned for exploration for more details with actual benefits and offering. Exploration-Education Phase: After the each other’s introduction and objective explanation, both Junizing and Steven started talking about the assessment forms, comparison with various plans and benefits. The problems were identified, self-motivational statements were recorded, changes if needed in the plan by client were discussed, the motivation for change in healthy lifestyle routine were discussed, the entire plan and experience was changed as per the need of the client.
This phase was kept highly smooth so that the client had no issue at all. During entire conversation and discussion eye contact was made with client so client feel more strength and so will be able to ask or discuss if appears in the assessment phase. Closing Phase – After all the explanation about the program and details by the client, the focus was on to review all the process with effective manner. All questions by the client were answered and strengths & issues of the program were evaluated in line to the need of the client. In entire conversation, the respect was offered to both side so all discussion and communications were professional and nice. The goals and objectives were restated with next meeting time schedule planning. All three shake hands together with appreciation smile on face and left the place with all details. The closing phase was really nice as all clients and the interviewer and observer were happy and there was great smile on their face.



这首诗的主题是清晰地描述一个渔夫的生活,他努力按照自己的日常琐事来结束一天的生活。这个主题代表了一个渔夫在回家之前独自捕鱼的生活的平凡、日常失败的经历、经历和内心的沉思(Barnstone和Chou 76)。这首诗开始于一个渔夫的漫游,描述夕阳的余辉如何落在红叶上。红叶代表夕阳的余晖,余晖落在村庄的西边。落下来的光线的方向说明陆地在西大洋的东边。这条线解释了落日是如何使树叶看起来更红更亮的,这种现象只有在傍晚落日是红色的时候才会出现。诗人在诗中运用光线落在红叶上的修辞手法,使读者了解太阳的光线。
第二行写着“当月亮升起在沙洲上的黄色红色之上时”,代表着与日落的相关性。太阳落山时月亮升起,但在这里,它似乎反映了太阳落山和月亮升起是同时发生的。黄色的芦苇代表着绿色的草,月光的温暖照射在上面。这个场景提出了一个关于那个时代人们生活的问题,捕鱼是主要的还是主要的职业,还是高级职业的附属品。是只有农村居民才有生计,还是其他所有人都有生计?在这样一个隐喻(Hightower and Yeh 108)中,这些线条优美地描述了一个人们甚至没有意识到的简单事件。前两行与乡村生活必然经历的日常自然事件相吻合。


The general theme of the poem is the articulate presentation of happenings in the life of a fisherman, striving to end the day as per his daily chores. The theme represents the mundaneness of life, the experience of daily failure, the experience and the internal musings in the life of a fisherman working alone to catch some fishes before he goes home (Barnstone and Chou 76). The poem starts with the wanderings of a fisherman describing how the evening rays of the setting sun falls on the red leaves. The red leaves indicate the rays of the setting sun, and the rays fall on the west of the village. The direction of the falling rays speaks about the land to be on the east of the westward ocean. The line explains how the setting sun makes the leaves look red and brighter, an occurrence which is rare only to be seen during evening when the setting sun is reddish in color. The poet presents rhetoric in the line by using the rays to be falling on red leaves and makes the reader understand about the rays of the sun.
The second line which says “as the moon rises over yellow reds on the sandbank” presents a correlation with the setting sun. The moon rises when the sun sets, but here it seems to reflect the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon as taking place at the same time. The yellow reeds indicate the green grass over which the warmth of the cooling moon beams throws its light. The setting raises a question about the livelihood of the people of those times, whether fishing was the main or primary occupation or a subsidiary to something superior. Is the livelihood presented only of village residents or of all others as well? The lines are beautifully placed describing such a simple occurrence, which one is not even conscious of, in such a metaphor (Hightower and Yeh 108). The first two lines coincide with the daily natural occurrence that a village life is certain to experience.



硝酸钾是研究中发现的化合物。硝酸钾是一种水溶性化合物,由于其水溶性,通常被用作植物的营养来源。硝酸钾的化学式是KNO3。KNO3的氮含量约为13%,K2O含量约为44 ~ 46%。溶解度在(20°C) 316 g/L溶液pH 7 ~ 10左右。化合物的颜色:无色,可以是菱形或三角形晶体,也可以是白色颗粒状或晶体状。它通常没有气味(O ‘ Neil 1370)。这种味道通常是一种冷的咸味,有点辛辣。化合物的沸点是400摄氏度,这是它分解的地方。如果熔点为333-334℃,则其熔点为333-334℃。在25℃时,其溶于水的量为每100毫升克。溶于水和甘油,微溶于酒精。
它不溶于乙醇和无水乙醇。它的密度约为2.1g/cm3。pH值约为7,光谱特性表明折射率为1.335 (Alpha)、1.5056 (Beta)和1.5064 (gamma) (Rouxel 3020)。硝酸钾广泛用于火药、化肥和医药中。它是一种强氧化剂。从药理学上讲,硝酸钾是不可燃的,因此它本身并不构成安全问题,但是当它与其他可燃物质接触时,就会起到促进剂的作用,从而导致燃烧。这种情况在发生大火的情况下更为严重,因为大火也可能导致爆炸。这种化合物长时间暴露在高温下也会导致爆炸。当化合物暴露在高温下,产生有毒的氮氧化物时,也会产生安全问题。


Potassium Nitrate is the compound identified in the work. Potassium Nitrate is identified as a water soluble compound and is usually made use of as a source for nutrients to plants because of its water soluble nature. The chemical formula of potassium nitrate is KNO3. The nitrogen content in KNO3 is around 13 percent and it has K2O content around 44 to 46%. Water solubility is around (20°C) 316 g/L Solution pH 7 to 10. Color of compound: It is either colorless, and can be rhombic or as trigonal crystals or it can be a white granular or crystalline powered. It is usually odorless (O’ Neil 1370).The taste is usually a cooling taste which is saline and is slightly pungent. The boiling point of the compound is 400-degree C. This is where it decomposes. Its melting point if 333-334-degree C. Solubility in water is established as gram per 100 ml at 25-degree C. It is soluble in water and glycerol and is slightly soluble in alcohol.
It is insoluble in ethanol and absolute alcohol. It has a density of around 2.1g/cm3. The pH is about 7 with spectral properties indicating index of refraction at 1.335 (Alpha), 1.5056 (Beta) and 1.5064 (gamma) (Rouxel 3020).Potassium Nitrate popularly made use of in gunpowder and as a fertilizer and also in medicine. It is a strong oxidizer. By pharmacology, potassium nitrate is non-combustible and hence does not pose a safety issue in itself, however where it comes into contact with other combustible materials, then it would work as an accelerant and it would result in combustion. This situation is even more in the case of where there are large fires as it could result in an explosion too. Prolonged exposure of this compound to heat will also result in an explosion. There are also safety issues because of ingestion when the compound is exposed to heat as toxic oxides of nitrogen are produced.



亚马逊起源于美国,最初通过在线平台销售图书。亚马逊在美国使用心理图形和人口统计策略,它分析消费者的购物行为,而不是他们表达购买兴趣的内容和地点。该公司研究更多的是最终结果的集体数据,而不是消费者提出的各种购物表达。该公司还利用霍夫斯泰德文化分析(Hofstede cultural analysis)来研究移民到美国定居后人口结构的变化。分析了消费者购买决策背后的文化意识形态,以及产生巨大但不可逆转影响的外部因素。因此,如果美国市场处于特定的情况下,公司会采取相应的应对措施,调整策略,以维持其市场份额和客户。
例如,当亚马逊进入奢侈品时尚领域时,很多奢侈品零售商开始怀疑自己是否会失去奢侈品牌的身份。他们的产品在网上销售市场上销售。当它意识到需要知道什么任务最适合避免进一步的混淆时,可以将此视为一种情况。相反,该公司决定专注于中级奢侈品牌,如Theory和Lacoste (Schlossberg, 2015),这是亚马逊采取的行动,以期待一个特定的结果。该公司发现了自己预计将面临的不可逆转的局面,从奢侈品牌的撤出保持了它们的形象。奢侈品牌意识到,他们的商品无法在网上销售,因为它们担心假冒商品和失去宝贵的声誉。


Having originated in the United States of America, Amazon’s started by selling books through the online platform. Amazon uses the psychographics and demographics strategy in America, where it analyses consumers’ shopping behaviour and not in what and where they have expressed interest to buy. The company studies more of end result collective data instead of various shopping expressions put forward by consumers. The company also uses Hofstede cultural analysis for studying the changing demographics with immigrants coming to settle in the US. The cultural ideologies behind consumers’ buying decisions are analysed, along with the external factors that have an immense yet irreversible impact. Thus, if the American market is under a specific situation, the company adopts the consequences and adjusts its strategy to sustain its market share and customers.
As for example, when Amazon entered luxury fashion segment, a lot of luxury retailers became sceptical for losing their luxury brand identity. Their products were sold on an online selling marketplace. This can be taken as a situation when it realised that it needed to know what task would be most suitable to avoid further confusion. The company decided to instead focus on mid-level luxury brands like Theory and Lacoste (Schlossberg, 2015), and this is the action which Amazon took to expect a particular result. The company found out about the irreversible situation that it was anticipating to be in, and a withdrawal from luxury brands kept their image intact. Luxury brands realised that their goods cannot be sold online fearing counterfeit goods and losing their precious prestige.