



根据牛津英语词典的定义,抄袭(plagiarism)的定义是:“The action or practice of taking someone else’s work, idea, etc., and passing it off as one’s own; literary theft.” 这个定义是比较宽泛的,只要窃取他人的想法、工作成果等然后作为自己的成本发表即为抄袭。而大家进入大学之后每个大学都会给出一个更为详细的定义,一般需要大家自己去学校的官网搜索下载,因为加拿大的学生从高中基本就会被老师耳提面命不要抄袭。下面就是根据维多利亚大学官网给出的“Avoiding Plagiarism”文件所列出的更为细致的抄袭的类型:

1. 有意识抄袭




这里可以看到学校对于抄袭的定义是真的很严格了,有意识抄袭和无意识抄袭被发现后的严重后果其实是一样的,我自己在上大学的时候虽然在加拿大高中已经被English 12的老师耳提面命了一整年,还是在大学第一年English 135的课堂上因为八个字引用忘记加双引号被老师判为抄袭导致一个大作业直接0分,然后整堂课下降了一个letter grade,从A掉到了B+。



现在高等院校中比较流行的集中引用格式分别为MLA、APA、Chicago、IEEE以及Turabian。大家可以在学校官网找到这几种引用法的详细介绍,每一所加拿大大学也会在图书馆有专门的citation helping desk帮助大家正确的运用引用法来避免抄袭的情况发生。



谷歌、雅虎和必應等搜索引擎也會通過用戶的搜索請求收集、存儲和分析個人信息。搜索引擎維護“服務器日誌”,根據谷歌私有策略,包括您的“web請求”。 Internet協議地址、瀏覽器類型、瀏覽器語言、請求的日期和時間,以及一個或多個可能惟一標識您的瀏覽器的cookie。 “對我最有吸引力的一段話是,谷歌、雅虎(Yahoo)、必應(Bing)等搜索引擎一直在利用人們的數據為自己謀利。我曾經認為,這些搜索引擎的工作是為了人民的利益,而不是為了他們自己的利益。我認為谷歌的收入只是通過廣告的幫助。
然而,作者指出,谷歌從用戶的數據分析中獲得了很多收入。作者指出,這些搜索引擎維護服務器日誌,可以獲得與web請求和internet地址相關的信息(Orwell, 2010)。她還表示,這些公司分析日誌是為了產生越來越多的收入。雅虎是最受歡迎的搜索引擎之一,它甚至使用這種方法來產生更多的收入。雅虎甚至使用用戶電腦上的cookie來生成更多的廣告。這清楚地表明,這些搜索引擎的每一項活動都是為了自己的利益。重要的是,用戶應該了解這些公司的這些策略,因為它們不是為了自己的利益。


“Search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing also collect,, store and analyze information about individual users through their search queries. Search engine maintain “server logs” which according to Google private policy, include you “web request”. Internet protocol address, browser type, browser language, the date and time of the request and one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your browser.”The paragraph which has been most appealing for me is the one which states that Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines have been using the data of the people for their own benefit. I used to think that these search engines work for benefits of the people and not for their own benefits. I think that Google earns the revenues only through the help of advertisements.
However, the author states that the Google earns a lot of revenues from the data analysis of the users. Author states that these search engines maintain the server logs which can get the information related to the web request and internet address (Orwell, 2010). She also states that these companies analyze the logs in order to generate more and more revenues. Yahoo which is one of the most popular search engines even uses the method for the purpose of generation of more revenues. Yahoo even uses the cookies on the computer of the user for the purpose of generation of more advertisements. This clearly indicates that each and every activity of these search engines is for their own profits. It is important that the users should be aware of these tactics of these companies as they are nothing for their own benefits.



度假和水疗市场是一个需要专家和专业人士的很多见解的领域,因为它是微妙的,也影响着国家的经济。随着资本的大量流入和房地产的增长,spa行业在奢侈品市场上占据了更好的地位。不过,有几家度假村和水疗中心未能在这一利基市场站稳脚跟。度假村和水疗行业面临的第一个挑战是其定价结构。这种结构没有实现基于消费者需求的灵活性。此外,这种结构仍然不健康,不适合经济发展。这显示了资本流入恶化的可能性。这种结构还将行业置于麻烦的境地,因为业务模型缺乏一致性。第二个挑战是劳动力市场。由于行业所处的细分市场更加优越,受众的需求在于高度的专业性和专业性(Spa balance, 2012)。
行业提供的服务被认为是为客户创造更好的体验。然而,该行业有时处于那些难以与熟练工人联系起来的市场。最后一个挑战是缺乏需求分析。通常,感知到的需求和提供的供应之间存在差距。这不仅影响了spa模式的功能,而且以一种不健康的方式传播spa服务,会对整个行业产生影响(spa balance, 2012)。上面提到的每一个挑战都仍然是影响这个行业增长的主流问题。尽管水疗和度假行业在目标人群中得到了普及,但其商业模式和定价政策共同证明了其在危机面前的脆弱性。这些挑战需要立即解决方案,以便消除服务提供者和客户之间的差距。这一差距也将丰富各国之间的经济和社会联系。


The resort and spa market is one such area that requires a lot of insights from the experts and professionals as it is delicate and also influences the economy of the nation. With abundant capital inflows and real estate growth, the spa industry has gained better position in luxury market. Still, several resorts and spas fail to sustain in this niche market position. The first challenge faced by the resort and spa industry is its pricing structure. This structure has not achieved flexibility based on consumer demands. Moreover, the structure remains unhealthy and unsuitable to the economy. This shows the possibility for deterioration of capital inflows. This structure also places the industry in troublesome position because of lack of coherence in the business model. The second challenge lies in the labor market. As the industry deals with more privileged segment, the demand from audience lies in high degree of professionalism and expertise (Spa balance, 2012).
The services offered by the industry are assumed to create better experiences to customers. However, the industry is at times positioned in those markets where it is difficult to connect with skilled labor. The final challenge is the lack of need analysis. Often, there is a gap between perceived demands and offered supplies. This affects the functioning of spa model and also communicates the spa services in an unhealthy manner that would affect the industry on the whole (Spa balance, 2012).Each of the challenge that has been identified above has remained as mainstream issues that impact the growth of this industry. Though the spa and resort industry is popularized among its target audience, the business model and pricing policies have together proved the vulnerabilities to crisis. These challenges require immediate solutions so as to eliminate the gap between two ends – service providers and the customers. This gap will also enrich the economic and social association among countries.