essay 代写:舒缓的玩具

essay 代写:舒缓的玩具

舒缓的玩具可以帮助孩子平静下来,在某些情况下还能使孩子入睡。目前市场上的一些舒缓玩具通过播放音乐和保持安静来分散孩子的注意力。其中一些是奶嘴模型的一部分,年幼的孩子可以使用奶嘴,也可以玩奶嘴;其中一些是振动的蹦床,孩子可以在上面睡觉。已为新产品确定的安抚玩具的需求是应该安抚的,必须可用作追踪食物摄入量的监视器,必须有安全监视器检查方面,还必须包括一些提醒设置。在创造一个抚慰性的玩具时,必须满足的首要需求是它必须抚慰。如果孩子在常规医疗注射后情绪暴躁、需要关注或感到疼痛,安抚玩具必须安抚孩子,帮助平息孩子的愤怒(Seiter, 1992)。

essay 代写:舒缓的玩具

Soothing toys help calm the child and in some cases lull the child to sleep. Some of the soothing toys in the current market helps distract the child by playing music and keeping them quiet. Some of them are part of the pacifier model where the younger child gets to use a pacifier as well as play it; some of them are vibrating bouncers on top of which the child gets to sleep. The needs of soothing toy that have been identified for the new product is one that should pacify, must be usable as a monitor to track food intake, must have a safety monitor checking aspect and must also include some reminder settings. The primary need that has to be met in creating a soothing toy is that it must soothe. If the child is in a cranky mood or needs attention or is in pain after its regular medical shots, the soothing toy must pacify the child and help calm down its tantrums (Seiter, 1992).
A second need identified is that the same toy could either have some form of monitoring mechanism for the food intake of child or could come with some notepad like toy pad which would be useful for parents to jot down details right there. It can also have some form of reminder module which would alert the parents about the time for feeding baby, tracking the time of sleep, etc. The above mentioned needs are that of functional needs, based on the purpose that the product is going to be made use of. Apart from the functional needs, there are some basic requirements of the product in terms of safety that has to be handled as well. Any product which comes into close proximity to the skin surface of baby must be non-toxic. Toxic chemicals or toxic plastics must not be used here. The material in question must not bend or change form or properties under heat conditions, stress, cold conditions or humidity. The product material as such must not come apart easily under stress. It should be baby proofed and must be checked for any loose ends, such as screws which could be harmful for the child and its health.





Starbucks had failed in Australia in the previous ventures. They had to close a number around 61 stores in 2008. Their value proposition was that the coffee was of premium quality, superior service marketing and an upscale coffee experience. The people in Australia however did not share the same sentiments with the brand. The people in Australia felt that the coffee did not resonate with their taste. According to the Australian organic market governmental report the need for organic coffee in the markets are growing rapidly. There has been 15.4% of the growth in this sector. This was not utilized by Starbucks. They did not change the taste according to the preference of the local Australian people. It was estimated in this report that the growth of the organic markets for coffee would increase toward 40% in the next few years. Ewingsdale coffee, BioBean coffee have been gaining ground in the markets owing to these factors. The consumer of Starbucks felt that the hot coffee smoothie was not like the organized kind that is popular in Australia.
The menu of the company was not Australian consumer preference. They preferred the local companies and were more comfortable with the local brand. This had caused the company sales. There is considerable brand image loss and there was no real consumer patronage for the products. This is the main issue that has been felt by the people. This would affect the demand of the products. In short the Starbucks coffee was costly and did not resonate with the needs of the people. This failure has cost the company to face the issue of brand image. The company was aggressively expanding in the foreign markets when they face market saturation in the domestic US markets. This expansion policy was not established properly in the country. In the previous venture the company did not have a proper supply chain established. This was the issue for the company. The company continues to operate on the Australian paradigm. This was the reason for the company to fail in the Australian markets.





I believe leaders are not just born and leadership is always in the making. Now that I understand leadership as a continuum instead of an end point, it is easier for me to work on a development plan for it. The purpose of this leadership self-analysis journal is to critically reflect on and discuss some of the opportunities for leadership development that I was able to identify from the activities taken up in this course. Based on the activities, I was able to identify challenges and it is based on these challenges that I identified the necessary goals for improvement. Existing research work and course notes were instrumental in choosing a feasible goal and for working realistically towards it based on opportunities. In taking this course, the morning activities were insightful in understanding the form of strengths and weaknesses in me which are not conducive for the making of an effective leader. In the first set of exercises, one of the tasks was to find something to read and to write a review on it, to develop a vision statement and to practice media deprivation.
I am just highlighting some of the few tasks that I found interesting and which was also instrumental in helping me assess my self-strengths and weaknesses and how it connects to developing my leadership potential. Primarily consider the first element of reading something in the library. This activity taught me how long it was since I took time out to read something that was not a short blog or an article review or anything that could not be read in five to ten minutes. It showed me how short my attention span had become. Except for in course sessions and when preparing for classes, as a student I believe I spend less time in reading something in leisurely time. I believe this has shortened my attention span. Secondly, the media deprivation was yet another element that I found was needed to highlight to me how my lessening attention span came to be. Even after switching of some application such as Facebook on my phone, I kept checking continuously for updates. It was some time before I was able to properly wean myself away from it.