



What does Singer argue about the distinction between duty and charity with respect to famine and affluence? Charities seem to ask the people for fixed sum of money. In this scenario the charities accept the money and thank people for their contributions. It is assumed that everyone in the society would make the fixed small amount of money. This is not the reality. People in developed nation who live in affluence choose to give their money in charity. It is considered that acts of charity are completely up to the subjective perception of the individuals. Individuals in the affluence society do not consider it duty to donate to people who are starving. They are not judged for spending money on luxuries. They reserve the moral condemnation for acts that are considered to be aberration their subjective societal conformities. It is not considered that giving money should be the duty of the individuals. This is the nuance distinction between definition of duty and charity in the society.
What does Arthur argue about “the ideal moral code” in response to Singer? Arthur in response to Singer states that there would only be detrimental effects to the society. Ideal moral code should be the incentive of hard work. People should be allowed to keep the large fraction of money they earn. If they were made to feel guilty about their earning, people would be forced to conduct acts of altruism. They may not work as hard in the societies. They would consider that their hard work would be squandered away with people. People would feel guilty and the majority of the people in the society will be made to feel bad for working hard and ensuring productivity. In this scenario there would be detrimental effects to productivity and happiness in the society. This is Arthur’s argument for Singers opinions.



绝对贫困提出了贫困线的概念,即创造充分参与社会所需的最低生活水平(Sen, 2002)。从广义上说,绝对贫困是缺乏个人所需的基本需要,例如水、食物、住房、基本服装和卫生设施。但是,社会学家认为,这个定义没有考虑到这个国家和各个国家普遍存在的社会经济差异(Chen & Martin, 2007)。此外,还设立了一条贫穷线来衡量个人的饮食需求,以确保以最低成本获得足够的营养。这突出了消除贫困所需的生活水平。在1997年工党政府执政之前,在讨论英国的政策时很少使用“社会排斥”一词。贫困被用来描述该国公民缺乏资源或机会(John, 2005)。然而,一些政策制定者用贫穷这个词来描述低收入的状况;另一些人则认为,造成这种长期和严重状况的还有其他因素。因此,政府建议使用“社会排斥”作为一个包罗万象的术语。社会排斥本身是不言自明的,它突出了某些人与社会疏远的重要性及其所涉及的复杂性。
绝对贫困是指一种固定的标准,在一段时间内不会改变,而且在所有国家都是一样的。一个标准的例子是每天生活费低于X美元的个人。这意味着世界上任何地方的个人都不应低于这一最低收入标准。另一方面,相对贫困在不同的国家和一段时间内是不同的。相对贫困的一个标准例子是生活在英国平均收入不到X %的个人。在英国这样的富裕国家,标准随着国家的富裕而提高,任何人都不应该低于更高的标准。相对贫困和绝对贫困都是有效的概念,但显然,绝对贫困是一个更严重的问题(Edward, 2006)。在许多第三世界国家,情况就是这样,因为他们的重点是将收入门槛(大约每天1或2美元)作为生存的最低要求。但在英国,这样的门槛并不重要,因为几乎没有人生活在如此低的收入水平。因此,可以说英国要么没有绝对贫困,要么绝对贫困的门槛远远高于1或2美元。但是,还可以进一步指出,以什么理由来决定绝对贫困的阈值水平。


Absolute poverty brings forth the idea of the poverty line which is the creation of a minimum standard of living required to fully participate in the society (Sen, 2002). Broadly, absolute poverty is the lack of the basic needs required by an individual such as water, food, housing, basic clothing and sanitation facilities. But it is argued by the sociologists that this definition does not take into account the socio-economic differences prevailing in the country and across nations (Chen & Martin, 2007). Further, a poverty line was created to measure the dietary requirements of the individuals to ensure adequate level of nutrition at a minimum cost. This highlights the level of subsistence required to abolish poverty.The term social exclusion was very rarely used while discussing the policies in the United Kingdom, prior to the Labour Government of 1997. Poverty was used as term to describe the lack of resources or opportunities available to the citizens of the country (John, 2005). However, some policymakers used poverty as a term to describe the situation of low income;, others argued that there were other factors as well contributing to the chronic and severe situation. Thus, it was suggested by the government to use “Social Exclusion” as an all-encompassing term. Social exclusion in itself is self-explanatory and highlights the importance of alienation of certain people from the society and the complexities involved with it.
Absolute poverty is referred to a set standard which does not change over a period of time and is the same across all countries. A standard example would be individuals living on less than X dollars per day. This means that no individual anywhere in the world should fall below this minimum income standard. On the other hand, relative poverty differs between countries and over a period of time. A standard example of relative poverty would be individuals living on less than X percent of the average income in UK. In a rich country like UK, the standards rise as the country becomes richer and no one should fall below the higher standards. Both relative poverty and absolute poverty are valid concepts but clearly, absolute poverty is a more serious issue (Edward, 2006). In much of the third World, this is the case as their focus is on the threshold of income (around 1 or 2 dollar a day) as a minimum requirement for survival. But in UK, such thresholds do not hold much importance as hardly anyone lives on such low income level. Therefore, it can be said that either there is no absolute poverty in UK or the threshold level for absolute poverty is much higher than 1 or 2 dollars. But further it can be argued that, on what ground to decide the threshold level for absolute poverty.




优步的历史可以追溯到2008年在巴黎召开的一次会议。卡兰尼克和坎普这两个孩子经常在讨论出租车的问题时,这个突破性的想法出现在巴黎的灰色云层下(Stone, 2015)。最初,加勒特带头设计了应用程序,这将彻底改变世界。截至2010年,优步已经在纽约和旧金山推出了自己的汽车。正如今天所看到的,该公司估值高达170亿美元,是一个值得分享的成功故事。这家以科技为基础的初创公司传播快乐的面孔,让人们以比以前更快的速度、更简单的方式、更便宜的方式做事。这是问题的核心,因此技术团队有能力使用它以多种方式解决问题。然而,研究清楚地表明,有时需要一些其他模式来解决问题的某些分支(Smith, 2011)。这是问题的理性答案,因为它提供了可用性问题的答案。该属性具体描述了哪些方面需要改进,哪些方面需要更改。这是需要立即注意的最后也是最重要的细节,因为这个属性讨论了概念的实际应用和可用性。
以Uber app为例,它被广泛设计为创造高品质的用户体验。谈到每个人的私人驱动程序的概念,这个应用程序把这带到一个新的层次。这可以帮助用户更多地了解司机,知道谁会送他们去目的地,他们甚至可以询问他们要乘坐的汽车。这个应用程序可以选择了解驱动程序的一些更全面的细节,并优先考虑这些细节(Taylor, 2015)。现在,下次用户使用应用程序时,服务器将搜索优先级驱动程序及其位置,从而为问题提供有利的解决方案。然后是理解和概念化交互的问题。任务是正确理解设计空间概念化的问题,从而开发概念模型(Kurosu, 2014)。Johnson和Henderson提出的概念模型描述了如何组织和操作一个系统,并对其进行了详细的高层描述。概念化空间有很多好处。


Uber dates back to 2008 to a conference in Paris. The two kids Kalanick and Camp were usually cribbing over the issues of cabs when the breakthrough idea emerged under the grey clouds of Paris (Stone, 2015). Initially, Garrett took the lead and designed the applications, which would revolutionize the world. As of 2010, Uber was already rolling cars in the city of New York and soon after in San Francisco.As seen today, the company is highly valued at $17 billion and is a successful story to share. Spreading happy faces, this tech-based startup allows people to do things at a faster pace, in easier ways and a lot cheaper way than before. This is the core of the problem, and the technical team thus has the power to use this to solve the problem in numerous ways. However, the studies clearly show that sometimes, there are some other patterns needed to solve some branches of the problem (Smith, 2011).This is rational answer to the problem as it provides answers to the problems of usability. This attribute specifically describes which aspect needs improvement and which of these needs to be changed.This is the last and the foremost detail which needs immediate attention, as this attribute talks about the real life applicability and usability of the concept.
Considering the example of Uber app, it is widely designed to create quality user experience. Talking about the concept of everyone’s private driver, this app takes this to a next level. This helps the user to know more about the driver who is going to give them a ride to their destination, and they can even enquire about the car they are going to travel in. This application gives the choice to know some more comprehensive details of the driver and also prioritize them for later (Taylor, 2015). Now the next time the user is going to use the application, the servers search up the prioritized driver and their location and thus offer favourable solutions to the problem.Then comes the problem of understanding and conceptualizing interaction. The task is to properly understand a problem of conceptualizing the design space, and hence developing a conceptual model (Kurosu, 2014). A conceptual model according to Johnson and Henderson describes how to organize and operate a system with a detailed high level description of it. There are various benefits of conceptualizing the space.