代写 英文:企业的开发和管理

代写 英文:企业的开发和管理

在90年代早期,尼桑启动了NX ‘ 96的改进计划,重点放在四个要素,即开发和管理,交付,成本和质量。因此,作为这一举措的结果,日产可以考虑衡量供应商中这些部件的性能水平,同时设定和实现改进的目标(Oliver 2004)。但是,由于各供应商之间技术和产品的性质有很大的不同,因此在评价发展方面的情况并不相同。这导致了整体表现不佳,加剧了高度竞争的威胁(Ballou, 2007)。这些在NX ‘ 96年倡议下的发展问题已被NEXT21的倡议所取代和审议,该倡议为发展和设计的目的纳入了新的方法。尼桑公司的供应商管理部门已被邀请到中国网通,就实现世界一流的质量和设计所需的共同发展的主要问题进行讨论。克兰菲尔德大学(Cranfield University)和NETC与日产(Nissan)的第一级供应商紧密合作,将沟通作为业务的基本要素(Masclef, 2002)。有一个供应商邀请举办为期一天的活动,由三个讲习班高度加强工作,听取与本组织有关的核心信息。

代写 英文:企业的开发和管理
主要集中在三个主要领域,以协调与合作发展有关的各个方面,其中包括协调各种看法、过程、关键里程碑和项目目标。供应商被要求考虑与他们与尼桑公司的关系有关的目前看法,分析他们自己目前的发展过程,以及他们实现NEXT21目标的计划(Ngai, 2005)。这使供应商和日产能够确定可能的改进活动,以加强发展的能力,并确定开始改进的关键领域的优先次序,从而产生一个已明确界定的改进计划。在供应链的买方网络中,供应商通过新的服务、流程和产品的供应商进行整合(Ngai, 2005)。供应商的早期参与是对供应商具有实质上或实质上的可靠性的过程;较早地在供需规划、战略规划、持续改进项目、新产品和新技术的项目开发和规划方面提供支持(Masclef, 2002)。

代写 英文:企业的开发和管理

In the early years of 1990s, Nissan initiated the improvement initiative of NX’96 with key focus on four elements that are Development and Management, Delivery, Cost and Quality. Thus, as a result of this initiative, Nissan could consider measuring the level of performance from these components among the supplier, while setting and achieving the targets of improvement (Oliver 2004). However, the scenario had not been the same in assessment of development because of the highly diversified range of issues and challenges with respect to highly different nature of technologies and products among the supplier. This resulted in overall poor performance and increased threat of highly intensified competition (Ballou, 2007). These issues of development in the initiative of NX’96 had been replaced and considered with the initiative of NEXT21 that incorporated new approaches for the purpose of development and designing.The management departments of supplier companies under Nissan had been invited to NETC to discuss major points of co-developments, as required for the achievement of world class quality and design. Cranfield University and NETC worked together in an intensive manner with the first tier suppliers of Nissan for initiating communication as a basic essence for the business (Masclef, 2002). There was an invitation of supplier for a day-long event of highly intensified work by three certain workshops taking by the core messages related to the organization.

代写 英文:企业的开发和管理
The major concentration is on three major areas to align various aspects related to co- development, in which there is an alignment of perceptions, processes, key milestones and project target. The suppliers had been asked for considering the present perceptions related to their relationship with the company of Nissan, analysing their own current processes of development, and their plans for meeting the targets of NEXT21(Ngai, 2005). This has enabled the suppliers and Nissan for identification of possible improvement activities for strengthening the capabilities of development and also for prioritizing key areas of initiating improvement that results in an improvement plan that has been defined clearly. There is an integration of suppliers within the network of buyers in the supply chain by sources of involving supplier for new services, processes and products (Ngai, 2005). Early involvement of supplier is the process having reliability upon suppliers, both virtually or physically; providing support earlier in supply and demand planning, strategic planning, projects of continuous improvement, project development and planning of new products and technologies (Masclef, 2002).


供應鏈管理是維護的運動產品從原材料階段到成品階段,然後形成了製造單元到銷售點的位置在一個有效的方式,以欣賞需求生成同步響應(Burt,燕八哥和多布勒,2003)。供應商管理是對供應商集團或個人進行管理、收購、維護和開發,使產品流向最終產品製造(Hugos, 2003)。日產Cogent推出的項目是關於聯合理解和聯合行動,以更好的產品,這是公認的正確從前期開發階段與供應商和客戶。這個程序作為最簡單的業務形式,表示所有相關實體的目的都很明確。他們有打釘的與供應商和客戶溝通時多在開發產品之前,因為當產品推出後廣泛協商的兩個最重要的實體,供應商和客戶,日產將很少有應對措施在未來糾正後發射。

該項目旨在改善溝通,使其成為供應商和日產的一致目標。這是絕對必要的,他們讓供應商參與這個項目是正確的。然而,更重要的是,在供應商被納入該計劃之前,他們必須在情感上、主要上、財務上和客觀上與日產保持一致。這是至關重要的,因為當製造商和供應商在內部不一致時,任何一種有效的計劃都沒有能力產生預期的結果(Binder和Clegg, 2010)。這些核心對齊包括財務術語、客觀術語、衝突解決術語、戰略術語、通信術語和原則對齊,以便在兩個實體之間保持無錯誤的清晰性。當核心級別協議在所有級別的運營員工中一致時,Cogent的影響將是顯著的,並能成功地產生預期的結果。


Supply chain management is the maintenance of the movement of a product from raw material stage to the finished product stage and then forms the manufacturing unit to the point of sale location in an efficient manner so as to appreciate the demand generated with synchronised response (Burt, Starling and Dobler, 2003). Supplier management is the management, acquisition, maintenance, and development of supplier groups or individuals to have a streamlined flow of products to the end product manufacturing (Hugos, 2003). The Nissan Cogent program launched was about the joint understanding and joint action taken for a better product which is recognised right from the pre-development stages with the supplier and the customer. This program, as the simplest form of doing business, denotes the clarity of purpose of all entities involved. They have hit the nail right when they are communicating with the supplier and customer more before developing a product, because when a product is launched after extensive consultation with the two most important entities, the suppliers and customers, Nissan will have very few counter measures to rectify in the future after the launch.

The program is about improving the communication to such an extent that it becomes an aligned objective for the supplier and Nissan. This is absolutely necessary and they have done the right thing by indulging the suppliers in the program. However, it is more essential that before the suppliers are inducted in the program, they are emotionally, principally, financially, and objectively aligned with Nissan. This is essential because when the manufacturer and the suppliers are not aligned internally, any kind of effective program will not have the ability to bring out the desired results (Binder and Clegg, 2010). These core alignments includes financial terms, objective terms, conflict resolution terms, strategy terms, communication terms, and principle alignment to have an error-free clarity between the two entities. When the core level agreements are aligned at all levels of operating employees, the impact of Cogent will be phenomenal and successful in producing the desired results.



供应商开发是买方和供应商协同工作以扩大能力和改进产品质量的一项举措。在这一过程中,为了促进更好的关系和提高供应商的能力,某些供应商优先于其他供应商。它还有助于与个别供应商建立更好的沟通和融洽关系。这是一个依赖于买家和供应商之间有效沟通和友好关系的动态模型。在1990年初,对自由贸易开放的边界给日产带来了独特的问题。全球化和新竞争的进入使得公司需要采用更具战略性和竞争性的敏捷模型(Waters & Rinsler, 2014)。他们不得不调整自己的供应链做法,以满足日益增长的需求。球状模型内的供应商管理是日益激烈的竞争供应商,提供反馈给供应商改善流程,为供应商提供证书和证书会议还标准,确保供应商有足够的训练为他们提供增加效益,降低成本,确保可持续性的供应商(Handfield,克劳斯& Scannell, 1998)这将有助于公司实现其主要目标。

日产还采用了类似克劳斯模型的供应商开发指标。日产采用了更倾向于精益生产的车型。公司需要降低开发生产成本,减少产品开发时间,优化资源,达到欧洲标准,提高产品的供应商能力。NX1、Next 21和Cogent是日产随后开发的三款车型,目的是增强供应商的产品能力。Cogent模型是一个相对较新的模型,在很多方面取代了NEXT21模型(Waters & Rinsler, 2014)。所有这些模式都是盈利的。令人信服的模型尤其显示了一个令人印象深刻的11%的增长,而从模型预测的增长率是5%。将供应商分为三大类,为每一类供应商提供定制化的培训。它投入了大量的资源和时间为供应商提供培训。为他们提供足够的认证,确保供应商持续提供优质的原材料。


Supplier development is an initiative where the buyer and the suppliers work in cohesion to expand capabilities and improve product quality. In this process, certain suppliers are given priority over others to facilitate better relationship and enhance supplier capability. It also helps build better communication and rapport with individual suppliers. This is a dynamic model that is dependent on effective communication and amicable relationships between the buyers and suppliers. In the early 1990, opening of the borders to free trade had given rise to unique issue for Nissan. Globalization and entry of new competition had given the need for the company to adopt a more strategic and competitive agile model (Waters & Rinsler, 2014). They had to manoeuvre their supply chain practices to meet the growing demands. Krause model of supplier management was about increasing competition within the supplier, providing feedback to the supplier for improvement in processes, supplying with credentials and certificates for suppliers meeting standards and also ensuring that the supplier have adequate training provided for them to increase benefits, reduce costs and ensure sustainability of the suppliers (Krause, Handfield, & Scannell, 1998) This would help any company to meet its primary objectives.

Nissan also adopted a supplier development metrics similar to the Krause model.Nissan adopted models that were more inclined towards lean production. There was a need for the company to cut costs in developmental production, reduce time taken for product development, optimize resources, meet European standards and enhance supplier capabilities of the product. NX1, Next 21 and Cogent models were three subsequent models developed in Nissan to enhance supplier product capabilities. Cogent model is a relatively new model that is in many ways lieu with NEXT21 model (Waters & Rinsler, 2014). All of these models were profitable. Cogent model in particular showed an impressive 11% growth when the predicted growth rate was 5% from the model. It classified its supplier into three main groups and provided customized training for each group of the suppliers. It has devoted a lot of resources and time to provide training to the suppliers. Provided them with adequate certification and ensured that the suppliers delivered the superior raw materials continually.



基督教是世界上最大的宗教或信仰体系之一,拥有数百万信徒,每天都有数百万人加入。其根本原因在于他们对上帝的定义的看法,以及他们如何看待这个世界上的上帝。基督教信仰单一的上帝,认为上帝是宇宙的创造者,并以他所有的力量支撑着宇宙(Armstrong, 1993)。神被描述为全能的,全在当下的,全知的。这表明,根据基督教,上帝是强大的,并通过奇妙的世界显示他的力量,也有能力维持同样的方式,它目前正在维持。神知道一切,这表明他知道自己在做什么,并且清楚地知道过去、现在和未来。它知道一切可感知的和一切不可感知的。“神无所不在”表明神无处不在,但它对我们是看不见的,因为我们没有装备那神圣的眼睛去看他和感觉他。因此,上帝一般被描述为一种普遍的生命力量,这是我们存在的原因,也知道我们何时以及如何离开这个世界。

这与其他宗教更相似,其他宗教也把上帝描述为“活在当下,对过去、现在和未来都有认识”。同时,宗教也描述了上帝不能被很好地描述,因为它是不确定的和无限的,没有属性作为永久的。它说,它永远无法定义,因为它是无限的,只有我们的心和头脑才能感觉到(Coldcasechristianity.com, 2015)。上帝的完美被认为是上帝无限本质的一部分。因此,一方面,据说上帝无所不知,无所不在,无所不能,但另一方面,它又说,由于上帝的无限本性,上帝不能轻易被描述。因此,上帝的本性是无限的,是无法描述的。人们通常关注上帝的爱和恩典,而不是他的神圣属性和浩瀚,因此很难理解。


Christianity is one of the largest religions or faith systems in the world with millions of followers and many millions joining every day. The underlying reason is about the outlook they have for the definition of God and how they view God in this world. Christianity believes in one single God and takes God as the creator of the universe and also sustains the universe with all his powers (Armstrong, 1993). God is described to be all powerful, all present and all knowing. This indicates that God, according to Christianity, is all powerful and displays his power through the wonderful world and also has the capacity to sustain the same in the manner that it is sustaining currently. The God all knows indicating that it knows what it is doing and is well aware of the past, the present, and the future. It knows everything which is perceived and all that which is not perceived. ‘God is all present’ indicates that God is present everywhere, but it is invisible to us as we are not equipped with that divine eyes to see him and feel him. Thus, God in general is described as a general force of life which is the reason for our existence and also knows when and how we will go away from this world.

This is more similar to other religions which also describe God to be all present and have the knowledge of the past, present, and the future. At the same time, the religion also describes that God cannot be described well as it is indefinite and limitless and has not attributes as permanent. It says that it can never be defined because it is infinite and only be felt with our hearts and mind (Coldcasechristianity.com, 2015). The perfection of God is said to be a part of the essence of the infinity of God. Thus, at one hand, it is said that God all knows, all present, and all powerful, but on the other hand, it says that God cannot be described easily due to its infinite nature. Thus, God’s nature is of infinity and is not describable. People generally focus on the love and grace of God rather than his divine attributes and vastness, and therefore find it difficult to understand.