

以工业为基础的活动通过影响土壤、水和空气的质量,对环境的每一个因素都产生重大影响,从而进一步导致其污染。不同种类的废物的产生以及能源和自然资源的过度利用造成了污染(Tietenberg & Lewis, 2000)。近年来,随着经济的发展,人类对环境的影响在传播和强度上都有了明显的提高。这是环境污染的主要来源,通过大量的技术过程产生大量污染物,最终进入水、土壤甚至空气。所有这些都对人类在地球上的生存和可持续性至关重要(Agyeman, 2003)。一些商业和工业场所有可能对环境造成重大损害,同时威胁到水的供应、公众的健康和野生动物的可持续性。环境事件如溢漏、爆炸或火灾事件不断增加。所有这些事件都导致不同地理区域不同元素的污染(Foulger, 2009)。

在这方面,威尔士和英格兰的机构,即苏格兰环境保护署和北爱尔兰环境保护署制定了防止污染的准则。这些已经在指导监管改革和企业部的业务守则中阐明(Tietenberg & Lewis, 2000)。预防污染的准则是根据重要的立法和对现有最佳做法的反思而制定的。当局在处理地盘内与环境有关的事故时,已引入这些指引,以制订事故应变计划。此外,一些政府机构一直在为企业和农民提供预防污染的建议和指导,帮助他们减少造成环境污染的风险(Agyeman, 2003)。这些机构一直在与其他机构合作,以防止和减轻最终发生的事件。已经有20万欧元的投资,主要用于每年的救援和消防设备,以保护环境免受此类污染引发事件的影响。若干设施已被指定为具有较高公众利益的地点,以确保适当集中处理与当地社区有关的问题。


Activities based on industry have a significant impact on every factor of the environment, by impacting the quality of soil, water and air that further result in their pollution. There is occurrence of pollution by the generation of different categories of waste and through the excessive utilization of energy and natural resource (Tietenberg & Lewis, 2000). The effect of human race on the environment has more obviousness in terms of dissemination and intensity since the past few years due to the development of economy. This is the key source of environmental pollution, by the ample processes of technology generating pollutants in large quantities which end up getting in the water, soil and even air. All of these are crucial for the survival and sustainability of human race on earth (Agyeman, 2003).A number of commercial and industrial sites hold the potential of causing a significant harm to the environment while threatening the supplies of water, health of public and the sustainability of wild life. There have been increased events of environmental incidents such as spillage, explosion or fire. All of these incidents result in triggering pollution of different elements across different geographical areas (Foulger, 2009).

In this context, guidelines for prevention of pollution have been produced by the Agency of Wales and England, namely, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and Northern Ireland Environmental Agency. These have been stated with respect to the Code of Practice to guide the Regulatory Reform and the Department for Enterprise (Tietenberg & Lewis, 2000). The Guidelines of Pollution Prevention are set on the basis of significant legislation and reflection present best practices. These guidelines have been introduced for the planning of incident response while dealing with environmental related incidents across the site. In addition, several government based agencies have been advising and guiding on the prevention of pollution to businesses and farmers for helping them with the reduction of risk that cause pollution of environment (Agyeman, 2003). The agencies have been working with others for the prevention and mitigation of incidents whenever they end up taking place. There has been an investment of 200,000 Euros is essentially responding to equipment of Rescue and Fire Services on yearly basis for the protection of environment from such pollution triggering incident. Several facilities have been designated as sites with higher level of public interest for ensuring appropriate focus in addressing the concerns related to local communities.





第二,他人的研究成果。 这方面的资料收集对于你论文的思路、研究方向和研究角度是有很大的启发的。因为毕业研究Topic需要有意义,所以最好能在他人研究成果上出发。我们首先搞清楚专家们的一些研究结果,我们从此挖掘一些有意义的研究方向。所以一定要借鉴他人的研究成果,从此找出一些你觉得有意义的、觉得不足或者解决的不满意的,然后在继续研究和探索。也就是大家一定要多借鉴一些专家的看法,集思广益最终找到自己合适的研究方向。不要像一只无头苍蝇一样乱撞,这样会让你们很累。





