

管理学术研究的重点是组织变革作为一种综合性的东西。它涉及各种各样的问题、过程和顺序,这些都是组织生产所必需的。组织的初始、发展和创新,以及变更管理实际上是组织成功的基石(Hayes, 2014)。管理文献和组织发展文献实际上借用了很多术语来表达这一点,包括进化生物学理论、成长阶段过程理论、功能理论、混沌理论等等。应用于案例研究的理论的多样性导致了视角的划分。这会导致产生孤立的结果(Gioia&Pitre, 1990)。在应用理论来理解案例研究或工作场所时,有必要从更全面的角度来考虑理论,因为它们是如何相互补充或相减的。生命周期理论是建立在有机增长隐喻的基础上的。组织风险有一个生命周期;它从一个诞生开始(被称为初创公司),然后继续成长、成熟和衰落,最后消亡(Hannan, & Freeman, 1984)。

唯发展主义、生物发生和个体发生是理解组织生命周期所必需的一些理论(费瑟曼,1986;皮亚杰,1975)。生命周期理论认为,变化是迫在眉睫和不可避免的,随着一个过程的增长和变化,有必要考虑外部和内部因素的影响,并为未来的福祉作出决定。生命周期理论中的事件进展通常是线性的、不可逆的,并且从头到尾都是展开的(Jones, 2010)。另一方面,目的论将考虑人类行为的目的。根据这一理论,事业或行动的最终目标比任何其他目标都重要。因此,人类行为被认为是有目的的(Van de Ven, & Poole, 1995)。目的是最终状态,无论是组织的成功还是组织的扩展。然而,在任何一端,本组织都应具有生产力。


Management scholarly research focuses on organizational change as something comprehensive. It involves a variety of issues, processes and sequences which have been necessary for the organization to be productive. Organizational inception, development and innovation, along with change management are in fact the corner stone of organizations success (Hayes, 2014). Management literature and Organizational development literature in fact borrows on many terms in order to present this, ranging from evolutionary biology theories, growth-stage process theories, functional theories, chaos theories and more. The diversity of theories as applied to a case study has resulted many times in a compartmentalization of perspectives. This leads to situations where there are isolated result productions (Gioia&Pitre, 1990). In applying theories to understand the case study or a workplace, it is necessary to consider theories in a more holistic standpoint, as how they complement or subtract from one another.The lifecycle theory is based on the argument of the metaphor of organic growth. An organizational venture has a life cycle; it starts with a birth (referred to as the startup), moves on to grow, mature and the decline before dying out (Hannan, & Freeman, 1984).

Developmentalism, biogenesis and ontogenesis are some of the theories that have been necessary in understanding the life cycle of organizations (Featherman, 1986; Piaget, 1975). The life cycle theory considers change to be imminent and unavoidable, as a process grows and changes it is necessary to consider both external and internal element impact and take decisions for a future wellbeing. The event progressions in the life cycle theory are usually linear and irreversible and unfold from beginning to end (Jones, 2010).The Teleological theory on the other hand will consider the purpose of human actions. According to this theory, the final goal for a cause or action is more important than any other. So, human actions are seen to be purposive (Van de Ven, & Poole, 1995). The purpose is the end state, either in terms of organizational success or in terms of organizational expansion. In either end states the organization however should be productive.






Advocacy for a healthier and a stress free life is the idea behind this script. People in current times are not taking time out for themselves. They are always in a rush. From when gets entered into the schooling system to when one graduates and then moves on to get a job, people in current times are seen to always be harried in their life. While they are always in a hurry, but with purpose (like to earn their livelihood, meet a goal, their ambition etc.) the constant fast paced life could put them in several risks. Current research studies and media report suggest that heart disease, attacks and diseases of the circulatory system are fast on the rise. People die of a health attack, or are diseased by hypertension and more. The idea presented in the script will show how people are not taking time out for themselves. One part of the script will show the fast paced nature of people and they have no time to exercise or take in the fresh air. The second part of the script will show how men and women can be much happier if they take some time out from their slow paced lives.

The proposed character who will be focused on mainly is an adult who is in the business (professional) world. The person works for a full time job and will be shown to be tensed about everything happening in their life. The person will not sleep much, have no time for a social life and would not take much time out to exercise or for other activities that would help them relax. The portrayal in the script will move from showing the person to showing more people who are on the run. The first part of the script will show the person in a fast paced environment, then the second part will show them slowing down. The person will take some time to walk in a park, listen to music, paint or draw, socialize with friends and more. Since this is a script where the person will be shown in different work related settings, one location would not quite capture the idea. However, one location that I visited has more appeal and could very well function as a good place to portray the change points in the script (from the fast paced life portrayal of the individual to the individual taking some time out for themselves).