


第一部分: 先思考。就是为什么要做这件事情,逻辑是什么,目的是什么。一般论文的摘要是放在正文前面,然后摘要内容需 简明扼要,直切主题,概括文章重点,使导师准确的了解文章的中心内容。


第二部分:精辟的开头。即简短指明文章的主要发现。开头可以以“Here we describe…”或“Here we show…”直切主题,但要注意的是在写摘要主体内容时,最好用第三人称的完整的陈述句来表达,字数和一般控制在300字左右即可。

第三部分:主体内容。即Body. 很多初次完论文的学生往往会写很多细节,把我的方法是什么,结果正的方面是什么,反的方面是什么,做很多的详细烦琐的描述, 其实大可不必要的。还有一点要提醒:尽量少用特殊名词,不要用缩写。

最后部分:明确摘要内容的意义。摘要内容要说明这个论点为什么重要,有什么理论依据或实际意义等等。 但要注意不要吹,更不能说大话,你可以在文章中以假如、或做一些说明,但要有度,不要吹的太厉害了,这样反而会被引起导师重视的以发现在不足之处,最后留给老师不好的印象。







首先必须通过系统地研究文献(Fadda 123),确保收集了最新和最好的资料来源。在一般意义上,Hyland(2011)认为学术写作的目的是在表达观点的同时保持客观,因此需要努力避免特别提及个人观点。学术写作的风格必须集中模仿这种风格,消除第一人称,直到或除非需要。某些学科需要遵循不同的知识观念、不同的研究实践和不同的世界观(Hyland 2011)。这些具体的差异对我个人来说是有帮助的,它让我反思了不同的表达形式和论点,因此我专注于涉及到这个主题的不同的读写形式。这为我提供了与同学交流的学科资源,最终提交给教授。我的主要策略是通过逻辑的方式选择词汇来表达思想,以便于理解和准确,采用Hyland(2011)提到的准确的身份。


The University provides a number of opportunities for writing and composing different assignments, individually and in a group. Referring to Bartholomae’s essay, writing and composing for the university involves the consideration of several concepts and terms such as setting of academic writing identity. As a thesis statement, everyone individual has their own different academic writing identity that further has to be negotiated with composing or writing within the fields of study. The aim of this research is focused on describing what it is to write in the university, while describing my own academic writing identity. In this context, I will focus on presenting my own personal process for negotiation of writing identity with the fields of study. In writing for my University, I understand the huge significance of integrating material of such sources as a logical one and for presenting the paper accurately, meeting the requirements set by my tutor. I find these assignments good as the information and sources used for writing it.

One has to begin by ensuring that there has been collection of the most recent and best sources by systematically studying the literature (Fadda 123).In the general sense, according to Hyland (2011), the aim of academic writing is to be objective while expressing ideas and hence, involves the effort for avoiding particular reference to individual opinions. The style of academic writing must focus on imitation of this style by the elimination of first person until or unless required. Certain disciplines are to be followed involving different perceptions of knowledge, different practices of research and different ways to view the world (Hyland 2011). These specific differences personally help me by providing a reflection on diversified forms of expression and argument, and hence, I focus to involve different forms of literacy specific to the subject. This helps in providing me with disciplines source for communicating with my peers, while finally making submission to the professor. My key strategy is on the presentation of ideas by choice of words in a logical manner for being understood easily and accurately, with the adoption of an accurate identity as mentioned by Hyland, (2011).



今天,人们谈论最多的语言似乎是通过媒体将整个世界联系在一起的,而仅仅局限于阅读和写作的旧式识字概念已经远远落后于媒体。现在,媒体及其无数的媒体甚至对塑造任何社会及其人民的文化或文字方面都有很大的影响。通过广播、电视、互联网、广告牌、报纸和其他媒介向人们发送和分享的强烈信息是如此简单而又如此复杂,以至于他们分享的信息必须被解码和理解,以获得对任何情况的更广泛的视角。因此,媒体专家的批判性分析有助于他们更好地理解正在解决的问题(Creeber, Glen, Martin, & Royston, 2008)。媒体教育或媒体素养并不是一个非常古老的概念,它在20世纪90年代早期在英语国家中得到普及。在美国,一群媒体专家聚在一起,对其进行定义,以判断和分析他们通过任何一种媒体收到的所有信息。

它还培养了学生的批判性思维,帮助他们制作自己的信息,培养他们对所见所闻的看法(Smith, 2015)。一个人越是参与到最新的媒体传播模式中,他作为社会的一部分就会越成功,因为他会更加警惕和意识到人们头脑中正在被灌输的东西。新媒体素养也唤起了对媒体信息的一种获取,分析它,评估它,并提出一个意义(Lin, Chen, & Chai, 2015)。McGuire在1964年提出的“预防接种理论”认为,人们如何才能抵制那些尽力改变他们的个性或态度的媒体。2008年,班纳吉和格林在遵循同样的理论模式的同时进行了多项研究,并得出了有趣的事实(Crano & Prislin, 2011)。Austin和Johnson在2002年提出,决策也应该受到重视,因为当信息被共享时,大脑监视和处理它们的能力(Johnson & Perlmutter, 2013)。


Today the most talked about language through which the whole world actually seems to connect itself is the Media and the old school concept of literacy which was just confined to reading and writing has lost its way somewhere way behind.The Media and its countless Medium now hold much impact in even shaping the cultural or literal aspects of any society and its people. The strong messages being sent and shared with people through radio, TV, internet, bill boards, newspaper and others are so simple yet so complex that the messages they share must be decoded and understood to get a wider perspective of any situation. And for that matter the Media Experts come in whose critical analysis helps them to better understand the issues being addressed (Creeber, Glen, Martin, & Royston, 2008).Media Education or Media Literacy isn’t a very old concept it gained its popularity in the early 1990’s amongst the English Speaking Nations. In the United States a group of Media Experts got together and defined it in a way to judge and analyze all the communication that they received through any kind of media.

It also developed a critical thinking of the students and helped them to make their own messages and grow their own opinion about what they see or hear (Smith, 2015).The more involved one is in the latest communication modes of the Media, the more successful he would be as being part of the society since he will be more alert and conscious of the stuff being driven into the minds of the people. The New Media Literacy also evoke an access to the media message analyze it assess it and come up with a meaning (Lin, Chen, & Chai, 2015).The “Inoculation Theory” by McGuire in 1964 argues how people can be made resistant to the media that tries its best to change their personality or attitudes. Banerjee and Greene in 2008 conducted various studies while following the same patterns of the theory and came up with interesting facts (Crano & Prislin, 2011).Austin and Johnson in 2002 argued that the decision making should also be stressed upon because it is the ability of the mind that watches and processes messages as they are shared (Johnson & Perlmutter, 2013).