


如果规章制度分散了良好实践的注意力,那么组织就不能以负责任的方式行事,因为他们相信道德上的正确可以帮助他们在竞争中获得优势。当涉及到限制公司权力时,那些热衷于逃避监管责任的政府已经接受了这样一种观点,即监管阻碍了本组织自愿为即兴行为所做的努力。英国国际发展部(International development department of UK)驳斥了为全球组织建立具有全球法律约束力的概念框架的想法,认为这将分散人们的注意力,并将削弱企业社会责任的激励作用,使其转向具有法律性质的过程。如本文所述,在没有任何有效性证据的情况下,政府只是简单地选择了CSR,将企业的任何剥削和由企业造成的滥用行为定为非法。


CSR is adopted as a reaction of corporate to mistrust of people and calls for more regulations. According to a UK research poll, most executives from financial department depicted through an interview that binding to regulations for organizations seems to be problematic and shows strong resistance. Organizations further argue that when standards are minimally set, they lead towards stopping innovation. Unless organizations gain a competitive benefit, CSR adoption cannot justify cost. Organizations essential hold the government to ransom over the problem of regulation illustrating that regulation threatens the positive work they are performing. Consultancy businesses for CSR support lobbying of the corporate in opposition to the set regulations and argue that regulations only defend against practices that are bad. They never promote any good practices. Such arguments, simply serve, however, to expose the CSR sham. This implies perhaps that organizations need to be selective on what areas of bad practices they want to remove and want to utilize their good practise to distract attention from the bad practices.

If regulations distract from good practises, then organizations cannot act in a responsible way due to the belief that being morally right can help in gaining advantage on the competitors. The argumentative perspective that regulation hinders the efforts of voluntary nature on the part of the organization to improvise the behaviour has been accepted through governments who are keen to avoid regulatory responsibility when it comes to curbing the power of the corporate. The International development department of UK dismissed the thought of a globally legal binding conceptual framework for global organizations arguing that this would distract focus and will take power away from motivating CSR and towards processes of legal nature. As depicted in this argument, without any proof for effectiveness, the government has simply selected CSR to make illegal any exploitation by corporate and abuse caused by them.



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每个学校的study guidance 里面,都会解释抄袭的定义,以及告诉你如何避免这个问题。





如果窃取了其他学生的ideas ,而没有注明出处或获得他人的同意,也会导致抄袭;

如何避免抄袭?根据个人的经验,总结四点重要的TIPS :




其实,在写论文的时候并不需要你要写出最新的观点,或是提出别人都没有说过的观点,而是要学会critical thinking ,学会转述他人的观点,通过自己的理解和整理,最后用自己的语言和表达方式写出来。

注意使用引号,正确使用文中引用和文献清单。另外,根据不同的学科,也会有不同的引用格式,例如,社会科学,传媒,法律就会有不同的style ,如APA, OSCOLA, Harvard 等等。
