

在我看来,与其他类型的交流相比,对话形式的交流是最好的交流方式。这一立场的原因详细解释如下。通信基本上有三种类型。通信是用来传递信息的;它被用作战略控制,也被用作对话控制(Carroll, 2015)。信息交流是指一个人将信息或知识传递给另一个人,而不受因素的影响。这并没有考虑到观众和人群的多样性(Thompson, 2013)。在这种情况下,它假设所有参与对话的人都能够获得说话人传递的准确信息。我注意到这不是真的。人们经常误解别人在说什么,很多问题都是因为沟通不畅而产生的。我认为这是真的,特别是在人们来自不同文化的情况下。让他们理解我的感受就更难了。

这已经被拒绝了,因为它没有考虑到一个人的行为在这个模型中没有被考虑。沟通通常被认为是一种战略控制。从这个角度出发,交际者根据情境的主观需要选择策略,制定目标。这种方法的主要问题是,它只考虑说话人的主观要求(Bohm, 2004)。这与实际情况无关。有些人试图创造一种情境,然后只从他们的角度来解释。我常常想知道为什么他们不考虑我的想法,却一直告诉我什么对我有好处。在这种交流方式中不考虑整体视角。为此,规定了交流的对话形式。在这种情况下,双方都进行了积极的沟通,以确保各方都能表达自己的观点。


According to me, dialogues form of communication is the best form of communication when compared to the other types of communication. Reasons for this stand are explained in detail in the following. Communications are fundamentally three types. Communication is used for transfer of information; it is used as a strategic control and also used as a dialogue control (Carroll, 2015. Communication of information assumes that one person will transfer the information or knowledge to another person without distortion of factors. This does not factor in the audience and the diversity of the people (Thompson, 2013). In such a scenario it assumes that all the people involved in the conversation are able to gain the exact information passed by the speaker. I have observed that this is not true. People often misunderstand what the other person is saying and a lot of issues arise because of miscommunication. I have seen this to be true esp. in cases where the people are from different cultures. It is even more difficult to make them understand what I am feeling.

This has been rejected owing to the fact that it does not factor in the behavior of a person is not considered in this model. Communication is often considered to be a form of strategic control. In this perspective the communicator chooses strategies based on the subjective requirement of the situation and develops goals.Major issue with this approach is that it only factors in the subjective requirements of the speaker (Bohm, 2004). It does not factor in the reality of the situation. I have people who try to create a situation and explain it only from their point of view. I usually wonder why they do not think of what I am thinking but keep telling me what is good for me. Holistic perspective is not considered in this form of communication. For this purpose the dialogue form of communication is prescribed. In this situation there is active communication by both the parties to ensure that all the parties express their views.