


超过66%的印度人口从事农业生产来谋生,使其成为最大的部门(Balasubramanyam, 2001)。制造业的增长率预计也将取得显著进展,尤其是在政府把重点放在“印度制造”运动上的情况下。这包括建筑、生物技术、航空、旅游、零售、电信和制药。然而,服务部门的扩大使印度成为客户服务和技术支助领域外包过程的中心。印度经济的发展在整个独立时期完全遵循社会主义观点的政策。这一时期主要是对国有部门的广泛监管和控制(Pritchett, 2000)。它导致该国与全球市场的贸易利益隔绝。即使独立后,印度的人均收入年增长率也只有1%。


The Economy of India is the 7th largest in terms of nominal GDP in the world. Though it is one of the fastest growing economies throughout the world, but it is still considered a developing economy witnessing a growth rate of 7 percent on an average over the past two decades. India, a south Asian country, shares its borders with Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Pakistan, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. The country is rich in terms of abundance of resources and is classified as a newly industrialised country. In the context of PPP (Purchasing Power Parity), the economy of India ranks 3rd largest in the world. However, besides income disparity, poverty still remains a significant concern.A steadily expanding and dynamic economy of India is characterised by a number of major sectors comprising of agriculture, manufacturing, handicrafts and textile industry and services sector. The Indian economy is as diverse in terms of opportunities as it is large in terms of area.

Over 66 percent of the population of India is engaged in agricultural production to earn its livelihood, making it the largest sector (Balasubramanyam, 2001). Growth rate in the manufacturing sector is also expected to make dramatic progress especially with the focus of government on ‘Make in India’ campaign. This includes construction, biotechnology, aviation, tourism, retailing, telecommunications and pharmaceuticals. However, the expansion of service sector has made India a hub of outsourcing processes in the areas of customer services and technical support.The development of Indian economy followed a policy completely inspired by the socialist view throughout the period of independence. This period was dominated by extensive regulations and control of state-owned sectors (Pritchett, 2000). It led to the isolation of the country from the benefits of the trade with global market. Even after independence, the per capita income of India increased at an annualised rate of only 1 percent.






An aggressive growth strategy was pursued by the IKEA Group in the year 2014, in order to enhance its sales by 2020 up to 50 billion Euros. The management of the group planned achieving the growth through market share increase of their present 303 stores and through opening 200 plus stores several of which tapped into several new customers across the emerging economies of Russia and China. The key strategic issue that the company faced, while planning for such strategic expansion was the fact that the company faced problems with regard to aligning its aggressive growth strategy with its equally ambitious strategy for sustainability. Issues of sustainability within the group’s wood supply chain were particularly challenging in nature as the company looked at procuring wood and products of wood closer to the markets of customers for minimizing the costs of transportation but the plans of growth focused over emerging nations wherein supply chain for wood lacked properly developed wood markets that met the stringent standards of sustainability by the company.

The wood procurement for IKEA Group at enormous scale made it a particularly salient problem for the bottom line of the company, activist group environmentally and various ecosystems. This supply chain was one of the various dimensions of strategy that the Group would require addressing, when moving forward within its plan of ambitious growth. From these perspectives, the case involves strategic tensions in the sense to balance ambition and sustainability. Strategic paradox understanding is also essential from this perspective with regard to balancing the growth and sustainability strategy over the paradoxical nature. Nature of strategic thinking furthermore, in this situation will result in providing much benefit to the extent of this case and the explanation formulated over it. IKEA has been expanding and its growth strategy is also focused over the same. This brings forward the issues of cross cultural management and analysis over the same to describe strategic thinking.