

在经营企业的同时拥有竞争优势是很好的。然而,道德问题不应该妥协。这是管理层在评估市场竞争时应改变观念的一种方式。影响感知水平的主要影响因素之一是晕轮效应(Chan et al. 2016, p. 165)。这种现象会产生一种认知偏差,导致一个人或一个员工对另一个人或实体的品质产生一种看法。这种印象是根据一个人的魅力指数来判断的。当员工在魅力型领导下工作时,这种行为可以表现出来(Gilboa and Marinacci, 2016, p. 400)。即使是领导人所描绘的模棱两可的品质,也会得到积极的评价,或者至多是基于以往经验的中性评价。

因此,我们可以把光环效应称为一种特殊的确认偏误。另一个影响人类感知水平的主要因素称为基本归因错误(Fischer et al. 2015, p. 70)。根据这一理论,一些人根据人的内在品质来判断人的行为,从而完全忽略了外在的影响因素。这种观点导致了对应偏差(Restubog et al. 2015, p. 1133)。如果一个人期望从同事或在压力下工作的管理人员那里得到理想的行为,那么这种期望很有可能无法实现。然而,如果一个人开始相信另一个人的性情是消极的,因为这个人固有的某些行为问题,那么就有可能作出的判断充满了错误。


This is good to possess competitive edge while running a business. However, ethical matters should not be compromised. This is a way wherein perceptions should be changed when management body evaluates competition in the market.One of the major influencing factors that affect levels of perceptions is halo effect (Chan et al. 2016, p. 165). This phenomenon gives rise to a cognitive bias that leads a person or an employee to construct an idea about another person or entity’s qualities. Such impressions are made based on attractiveness quotient of a person. Such kinds of behaviours could be displayed in regard when employees work under charismatic leaders (Gilboa and Marinacci, 2016, p. 400). Even ambiguous qualities portrayed by the leaders are viewed positively or at most neutrally based on previous experiences.

Thus, one may term halo effect to be one particular kind of confirmation bias.Another major influencing factor that affects the perception levels of human beings is termed as fundamental attribution error (Fischer et al. 2015, p. 70). According to this theory, some people judge human actions based on internal qualities, thereby totally ignoring the external influencing factors. Such kinds of outlook give rise to correspondence bias (Restubog et al. 2015, p. 1133). If a person expects ideal behaviour from a fellow colleague or from someone in the management under hours of stress, then there is a high probability that expectations might not be fulfilled. However, if the person started to believe that the temperament of the other person was negative because of certain behavioural problem intrinsic to that person, then there is a possibility that the judgement made is full of errors.



绩效考核:员工的绩效考核深深地依赖于知觉过程。一个工人的潜力与他或她的评估直接相关——晋升、加薪和工作的继续只是一般影响中的少数几个。绩效评估意味着对员工工作的评估(Keller, 2011)。评价员工的努力程度:在众多企业中,员工的努力程度具有重要意义。评价一个人的尝试是一个主观的决定,对感性的扭曲和偏爱作出反应。评估员工的忠诚度:管理者对员工做出的一个更重要的决定是他们是否对公司忠诚。杰出领导者与其他人的不同之处在于,他们在处理个人和等级问题时处理观念的能力。

个人经常看到或评价的作为一个领导者的能力和他的生存能力变成了他们的看法。这种看法变成了事实。这些未经管理的认知变成了一个意想不到的事实,描绘了企业领导者的形象。在这种情况下,员工开始根据形成的感知推断来自领导者的数据和决策。管理这种感知需要询问和接受他人的批评。许多领导者通常不会一直受到批评,如果有批评,通常也不是最有成效的(Elliott, 2008)。不过,好的批评会提供数据,告诉员工他的表现如何。


Performance Appraisals: A worker’s performance appraisal is deeply reliant on the perceptual procedure. A worker’s potential is directly related to his or her assessment – promotions, payment rises and continuance of job are few of the general effects. The performance appraisal signifies an estimation of a worker’s job (Keller, 2011). Evaluating the Extent of Attempt: In numerous firms, the extent of a worker’s attempt is to provide huge significance. Appraisal of one’s attempts is a subjective decision responsive to perceptual twists and partiality. Evaluating Devotion: One more vital decision that managers take regarding workers is whether they are devoted to the firm or not.What separates extraordinary leaders from others is their capacity to deal with perceptions during dealing with individuals and hierarchical issues.

What individuals regularly see or evaluate as one’s capacity to be a leader and his viability turns into their perception. This perception gets to be the truth. The unmanaged perceptions turn into an unexpected truth that depict the firms’ leader’s image. In that case, staffs start to infer data and decisions originating from the leaders with regards to the perception formed. Managing of the perception needs to make inquiries and get criticism from other people. Many leaders normally don’t get criticism all the time and, if provided, it is generally not in the most productive way (Elliott, 2008). Though, a good criticism gives data that tells the employee how he’s performing.






Folktales and Fairy tales across all regions serve a basic function. They are used to teach lessons and morals in a simple and easy to understand manner. Before the advent of the written word, these stories were handed down from generation to generation. The stories kept accumulating with each generation. This accumulated treasure trove of knowledge continues to educate as well as inform one and all. The three stories shosen for the purpose of this essay are A Nigerian folktale called The King’s Magic Drum; A Chinese folktale called How Greed for a Trifling Thing Led a Man to Lose a Great One ; and – A European Folktale called The two brothers and the white-bearded old man.In the tale of greedy son, the differences in the behavior of son’s is seen. He is an innocent who selflessly loves and cares for his mother.

He has aspects of the Orphan wherein all men are created equal and the Caregiver (he takes care of his mother). However, we see the elder brother’s greed and his readiness to risk his mother’s life for personal gain. The old man is the magician, and the creator. The two brothers created from his mother’s body- teach a lesson in humility and love to the elder brother.In the tale of the greedy brother, the elder brother is greedy, while the younger brother is picturised as the hero. Yet, he is the regualar guy next door, who is ready to work hard and be a caregiver (helping the old man carry the sack).Each story is crafted in a manner that would appeal across all ages and remain a favorite across generations.