









结论 结论包括对整个研究工作进行归纳和综合而得出的总结;所得结果与已有结果的比较以及在本课题的研究中尚存在的问题;对进一步开展研究的见解与建议。它集中反映作者的研究成果,表达作者对所研究课题的见解和主张,是全文的思想精髓,是文章价值的体现。一般写得概括、篇幅较短。








NOPAT is calculated by deducting tax from operating profit, while NI is computed by deducting all expenses, dividends, tax and profit from income or revenue. Thus, while NI is helpful for evaluating a company’s performance, while NOPAT is used to compare between two firms or companies. Net income can avail of the tax shield on interest while this is not possible in case of NOPAT. Corporate valuation refers to the process of evaluating the economic worth of a company based on the business model and the external environment. This valuation is useful when looking at raising funds through loans, determining the sales price of the company and improving the staust of the company in the industry as well as the busness community.The Asset based method, the value of operations method, the NPV method, are all various methods of computing the value of a company.

The price per share of common equity is merely the price to book ratio of the common equity. This is also called the DDm or the Dividend discount model. The dividend per share and the earnings per share are compares Year on year to determine the growth and future prospects of staying invested in the company.Value of operations: is based on inward operating cash flows after the deduction of capital expenditures.Total corporate value: is calculated by simply multiplying the current market price of the company’s stock by the total number of shares outstanding.Intrinsic value of equity: This is the in-the money part of the option premium. Thus, for a stock with an option strike price of $ 10 and market price of $ 45, the intrinsic value would be $ 35.Intrinsic stock price per share: This refers to the actual worth of the stock, and is calculated using the expected dividend , expected rate of return and Annual growth rate.



一些例子将在后面进一步讨论。澳大利亚的重点是制定到2020年温室气体排放量比2000年减少5%的国家目标(Brasseur和Granier, 2013)。此外,巴西的重点是与1994年的水平相比减少排放,同时到2020年以80%的速度减少森林砍伐。另一方面,当加拿大签署《京都议定书》时,它的重点是在1990年的水平上减少6%的温室气体排放。该委员会后来考虑提出一个新的、但不那么雄心勃勃的目标,即到2020年,在2005年的基础上减排17%。这一承诺或多或少与美国的承诺相同。中国并没有成功地做出任何减少碳排放的承诺(Gorman, 2016)。随着经济的增长,排放最终会增加。

然而,中国的重点是在2015年将能源效率提高40%。此外,欧盟及其27个成员国已承诺,到2010年,将以低于1990年水平20%的速度减少排放。欧盟已表示,如果其它国家也考虑签署类似的承诺,它将以30%的速度取消这一承诺。此外,与中国一样,印度不承诺减少碳排放,以影响使大量公民摆脱贫困的努力。然而,该国达成了到2015年将能源效率提高20%的协议(Hersher, 2016)。除这些国家外,其他国家如印度尼西亚、日本、俄罗斯、南非和美利坚合众国也根据《京都议定书》作出了若干承诺。


Some of the examples will be discussed further ahead. Australia focuses on setting a national objective for the reduction in emissions of greenhouse gas by the rate of 5 per cent below the levels of 2000 by the year 2020 (Brasseur and Granier, 2013). Also, Brazil focuses on the reduction of emission in comparison with the levels of 1994, while cutting deforestation at the rate of 80 per cent by the year 2020. On the other hand, when Canada placed its signature onto the protocol of Kyoto, it focused on reducing the emissions of greenhouse gas at the rate of 6 per cent below the levels of 1990. It later considered proposing a new, yet less ambitious objective for reducing emissions at the rate of 17 per cent from the levels of 2005 by the year 2020. This pledge is more or less the same as that of the United States. China has not been successful in making any pledges for the reduction in emissions of carbon (Gorman, 2016). With the growth of economy, emissions will end up increasing.

However, China focused on becoming more efficient in energy by 40 per cent in the year 2015. Further ahead, European Union along with its 27 states in membership have pledged for reducing emissions at the rate of 20 per cent below the levels of 1990 by the year 2010. It has been stated by EU that it will be bumping this commitment at the rate of 30 per cent if other nations consider signing up for the commitments similarly. In addition, as China, India is not committed for a reduction in emissions of carbon stating to affect efforts for bringing a large population of citizens from the condition of poverty. However, the country made an agreement for increasing its efficiency of energy by 20 per cent by the year 2015 (Hersher, 2016). Other than these countries, several pledges have been made by other countries under the Protocol of Kyoto such as Indonesia, Japan, Russia, South Africa, and the United States of America.