

从上面的图表为产品A和B可以在解释,从产品中值B是一个多,这表明平均获利产品B更/ A .四分位值,将整个数据分成四组,比如25%,50%,75%,100%。Q1发生在25%到50%之间,Q2是数据集的中值,Q3发生在50%到75%之间。产品B的Q1(4.25)和Q3(8.00)也大于产品A的Q1(3.25)和Q3(8.00)。结果表明,B产品在四分位1和三分位均有较高的利润,t检验用于评价两个样本均值差异的含义。这是基于自由度蕴涵的特定层次上的t分布(Dane, 2010)。T从样本数据中计算,然后用其可能的值求值。



From above charts for product A and product B it can be in interpreted that the median from product B is more than A which shows that the average profit from product B is more over product A. Quartile is value which divide whole data into four groups such as 25%, 50% 75%, 100%. Q1 takes place between 25 to 50 percent, Q2 is the median of the data set and the Q3 falls between 50 to 75 percent. The Q1(4.25) and Q3(8.00) of product B is also greater than product A’s Q1 (3.25) and Q3 (8.00). It indicates that the product B gives more profit in first in quartile 1st as well as quartile 3rd .T test is used to evaluate the implication of dissimilarity between the mean of two sample. This is based on t distribution at particular level of implication of degree of freedom (Dane, 2010). T is computed from sample data and then evaluate with its possible value.

It will be used for accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis. It also used to evaluate the implication of a sample mean. If two samples are interconnected, then paired t test is use to evaluate the implication of the mean of dissimilarity between two interrelated samples.Hypothesis is a prognostic declaration which is competent of being experienced by systematic method. Hypothesis should be precise and clear. Hypothesis means assumption to be confirmed or refuse. It is proper question that be set to resolve. In the given problem, the null hypothesis is inhaler increase lung capacity in 80% of cases. Alternate hypothesis is inhaler does not increases lung capacity in 80% of cases.



IBM在印度和埃及的承諾非常不同。在埃及的例子中,IBM的承諾引起了關注,因為工業和貿易部和其他利益攸關方想知道該組織有什麼隱藏的議程。此外,人們還認為,埃及擔心IBM及其更區域性的互動將如何影響該國的失業率。必須在這方面取得平衡。在中國這樣的國家,IBM需要通過確保本地嵌入的平衡來進行全球集成。 IBM還必須處理不同層次的關係,如供應商關係等。然而,在中國等國家面臨的另一個挑戰是,民族主義情緒高漲。這種民族主義意識也是IBM面臨的集成適應挑戰。


Where there were challenges to understanding decision making for integration at the lower levels, this form of adaptation helped IBM. The gravity based approach was also focused on repositioning the center of IBM away from Armonk. The US centered approach had to go for that is global integration as well. In this, IBM faced the challenge of having to present the organization in a local way, where they showed IBM interests in customers at regional level. And at the same time, they had to maintain a global image as well. In each county, IBM faced different form of adaptation concerns. For instance, in the case of India, there were integration challenges to be achieved such as how global standards of open source software’s, interoperability, trade liberalization and more were to be treated. These are standard challenges of globalization and integration, but then in other countries such as Egypt, the challenges were different.

The commitment that IBM had to show in the case of India and in the case of Egypt were very different. In the case of Egypt, the commitment of IBM was seen with concerns, as the Ministry of Industry and Trade and other stakeholders wanted to know what hidden agendas the organization had. Also, Egypt was seen to have concerns in the form of how IBM and its more regional interaction would affect the unemployment rate of the country. A balancing act had to be achieved here. In the case of the countries such as China, IBM needed to work on global integration by ensuring the local embeddedness was balanced. IBM also had to work on different levels of relationships such as that of suppliers, and more. Yet another challenge faced in countries such as China was that there was a heightened sense of nationalism. This sense of nationalism also was an integration adaptation challenge for IBM.



性别的刻画方式在个体的性别认同中起着重要的作用。要分析这一点,就必须理解女性身份在社会中的作用。从历史上看,对女性的压迫在许多文化中都得到了支持(Naiman, 2012, p. 264)。正因为如此,社会上爆发了不同形式的女权主义,以确保男女得到平等对待(第269页)。尽管有这些运动,大多数加拿大妇女仍然不参与政治,宁愿呆在家里。女性在职场的薪酬低于男性,被认为在社会中不如男性(Naiman, 2012, p. 274)。

这些观点得到了弗洛伊德和亚里士多德等杰出人士的支持(Naiman, 2012, p. 264)。媒体是一个地方文化价值的反映。女性被压迫和被物化的情感在纪录片《温柔地杀了我们》中得到了体现,对女性的物化进行了详细的解释。女性主要被用作物品。在纪录片《粉碎》中,展现了男性物化,以及青少年和年轻男性追求成为完美的男性客体。这段视频基本上证明了,在现代社会,男性也被强调要以某种方式打扮。这段视频也质疑了《温柔地杀死我们》中的叙述。


The way in which the genders are portrayed plays an important role in gender identity of individuals. To analyze this, there should be understanding of the role of female identity in the society. Historically, there has been oppression against women and that has been espoused in many cultures (Naiman, 2012, p. 264). Owing to this, there were different forms of feminism that erupted in the societies to ensure that women and men are treated equally (p. 269). In spite of these movements, a majority of Canadian women continue to not partake in politics and prefer to stay at home. The women are paid less than men in workplace and have been considered to be inferior to the men in the society (Naiman, 2012, p. 274).

These arguments have been bolstered by eminent people such as Freud and Aristotle (Naiman, 2012, p. 264). Media is a reflection of the cultural values of a place. Sentiments of women oppression and objectifications have been showcased in the documentary “Killing us softly” where the objectification of women has been explained in detail. Women are used mainly as objects. In the documentary “Shredded”, male objectification and the pursuits taken by adolescents and young men to be perfect male objects has been shown. This video basically is a proof that men are also stressed to look a certain way in the modern societies. This video also questions the narratives shown in “Killing us softly”.