


選題的重要性 選題能夠決定畢業論文的價值和效用 選題可以規劃文章的方向、角度和規模,彌補知識儲備的不足 合適的選題可以保證寫作的順利進行,提高研究能力。


選題的原則理論聯繫實際,注重現實意義(實用價值和理論價值)勤於思索,刻意求新(從觀點、題目到材料直至論證方法全是新的、以新的材料論證舊的課題,從而提出新的或部分新的觀點、新的看法、對已有的觀點、材料、研究方法提出質疑,雖然沒有提出自己新的看法,但能夠啟發人們重新思考問題) 知己知彼,難易適中(要充分估計到自已的知識儲備情況和分析問題的能力、要考慮到是否有資料或資料來源、題目的難易要適中、題目的大小要適度 )







会计进一步外部现实视图与个人问题。这些问题包括现实的经济学可以提出和外部自然的现实主义。这些矛盾问题,被认为是必不可少的方式。关键的问题是,系统处理对象的物理性质和对象的会计在类似的方式(Kakkuri-Knuuttila et al ., 2008)。潜在的假设的方式,可以减少一切一个物理性质的过程,但这种假设需要被删除。许多对象的会计等优点被社会建构和没有一个独立的存在与物理对象。会计对象的存在已经相当依赖会计规则以及流程。这些类型的规则获得通过设置过滤和体力劳动,这就是为什么他们是社会建构的对象(李,2006)。社会建设的对象存在,但它们并不是独立账户的人类。

应用程序的规则以及会计的过程,其中包括主观性质的因素塑造经济现实的图像。采用这种观点建构主义的主要范式解释的支持者。根据迈耶(1983),描绘,组织并发症。这种并发症包括机构与几个原因和技术不断扩张的断开连接的性质(Mouck 2004)。然而,会计本质,它迫使边界的概念性质是一样的。描述使用定义解决问题,获得这样的界限,这意味着要考虑现实收购的公司。据海恩斯(2002),描绘了,账户内金融性质的公司并不是唯一的数据通信公司,但他们也描述如何通过边界描述组织建设中扮演着重要的角色(Ahrens et al .,2006)。


Accounting further has an external reality view with its individual issues. These issues are inclusive of the way in which reality of economics can be presented and realism of external nature. These are ambivalent issues and considered as essential ways. The key issue is that the system deals with objects of physical nature and objects of accounting in similar fashion (Kakkuri-Knuuttila et al., 2008). The assumption of latent manner is that it is possible to diminish everything to a process of physical nature, but this assumption needs to be removed. Many objects of accounting such as advantages have been socially constructed and do not have an independent existence unlike physical objects. The existence of accounting objects has a considerable dependence over rules of accounting as well as processes. These types of rules obtain filter and are set through physical labor, and this is the reason why they are objects of social construction (Lee, 2006). Objects of social construction are present, but they are not independent of their accounts of humans.

Application of rules as well as processes of accounting are such that they include factors of subjective nature shaping the economic reality image. This view of constructionism is adopted majorly though paradigm of interpretive supporters. According to Meyer (1983), it has been depicted that an organization has complication. This complication consists of institutions that continuously sprawl with several reasons and technologies of disconnected nature (Mouck 2004). However, accounting has such a nature that it forces boundaries of conceptual nature over the same. The accounts depict the use of definitions for settling matters and to obtain such boundaries, it implies to consider reality acquisition for firms. According to Hines (2002), it has been depicted that accounts of financial nature within firms are not the only ones to communicate data of a company, but they also depict how organization construction plays an essential role through boundaries description (Ahrens et al., 2006).

personal statement 怎么写:气候与葡萄酒的影响

personal statement 怎么写:气候与葡萄酒的影响


personal statement 怎么写:气候与葡萄酒的影响
另一方面,温度在法国和新西兰酿酒葡萄的生产在中国是相当不同的。温度在法国和新西兰是非常有利的,它可以帮助离子酿酒葡萄的生产。在这两个国家,夏天不是很热的气温比一个在中国。因此,夏季的温度通常是轻微的,有利于酿酒葡萄的生长。葡萄园的生理过程开始时温度是10摄氏度左右。在17摄氏度的温度20摄氏度,开花的过程开始了。葡萄葡萄酒全部链周围的气温27摄氏度(Herath et al ., 2013)。因此,它可以表示,新西兰和法国的温度是非常有利于经济增长和生产大量的酿酒葡萄。这是更好的相比,中国有大量的温度的变化。这也影响酿酒葡萄,导致许多疾病和感染妨碍这些地区的酿酒葡萄的生长。

personal statement 怎么写:气候与葡萄酒的影响

On the other hand, the climatic conditions in France and New Zealand are very much favourable for the production of wine. In France and New Zealand, the climate is the maritime climate. This is the kind of climate that is found in the regions which are in the close proximity with the large water bodies. The characteristics of these climatic conditions may be shared from both the continental climate and the Mediterranean climate. This climate has a very favourable and a growing season for the growth of the grape wines. The summer season is not very hot and is generally warm.The climate in most times of the year is hot. Because of the high temperature, there are some different impacts on grapevine. The high temperature leads to the acceleration of growth and development of grape vines. In addition to this, it also enhances the development of the grape and the quality of wine. Because of increase in temperature, there is also the requirement for high water. The cool stimulus for grape decrease which may also lead to the condition of irregular bud breaking. In addition to this, there are lots of winds. These are important for grapevine. But in case the winds are very high and consistent, they can lead to the decrease in the growth of grapevine and the yield of crops.

personal statement 怎么写:气候与葡萄酒的影响
On the other hand, the temperature in France and New Zealand for the production of wine grapes is quite different from the one in China. The temperature in France and New Zealand is very much favourable and it helps ion the production of the wine grapes. In both these nations, the temperatures in summers are not very hot as compared to the one observed in China. Thereby, the temperature in summers is generally mild which favours the growth of wine grapes. The physiological process of the grapevines starts when the temperature is around 10 degree Centigrade. During the temperature of 17 degree centigrade to that of 20 degree centigrade, the the process of flowering begins. The grape wines are its full strands at the temperatures of around 27 degree centigrade (Herath et al., 2013). Thus, it can be stated that the temperature in New Zealand and France is very much favourable for the growth and production of wine grapes in huge quantities. This is much better in comparison to China where there are a large number of variations in the temperature. This also has an impact on the wine grapes, leading to a number of diseases and infections which hamper the growth of the wine grapes in these regions.






Media article does not provide alternate hypothesis.Research article does not goes by making hypothesis and testing them, but alternate ideas which are proposed in previous studies have been stated. Afterwards, author has explained the direction of research and their concept or hypothesis of the research article.Media article gives the conclusion without criticizing it in the last few paragraphs.Each and every conclusive idea has been critically analyzed, studied, experimented and then analytically discussed in the discussion section. Research article has talked about the ideas of other researchers about activity during saccades while media article skipped this part.Research article has mentioned a limitation of research that it does not study the time encoding of LFP signals. It also mentions that experimental setup limitations hindered. In case of conclusion, research article has given a deeper conclusion.The title of media article does not do justice with the content of both the articles. The title of media article ‘The eyes are the window into the brain’ give the perception that it may just have talked about general functioning of eye. Whereas, the research has been aimed at a way to deeper objective.

The research basically gives evidence of multiplex signaling capability or characteristic of Purkinje cells in cerebellum, importance of time and rate of spikes in relation with LFP.This exercise is so much helpful in understanding the difference between research article and media reporting of that research article. Format of both the articles, way of presentation, language and terminologies used have been observed closely. It has been learned after completing this exercise that the way of delivering the content varies with the expected audience or reader. The readers of the research articles are mostly the students of researchers of that specific field who knows the complex terms and concepts incorporated in the research. Hence the research article has described the models, calculations, statistical results and figures to educate the readers about the whole research. On the other hand, the readers of the media article are usually common people who are interested in knowing the current advancements in science and are not necessarily related to the field. Therefore, the whole research has been described in a very general manner.