


在此基础上,对品牌提出了战略建议。凯文•莱恩•凯勒(Kevin Lane Keller)推出的以客户为基础的品牌资产(CBBE)模式,侧重于打造一个极其强大的品牌,同时塑造客户对产品的思维过程和感受。必须在整个品牌中建立正确的体验,使顾客对同一品牌有特定的积极的看法、意见、信念、感觉和想法。当品牌权益较强时,客户会进行更多的购买,而推荐会提供给其他人。本报告的重点是以下模型中突出显示的图像元素。


The company selected for the purpose of this report is Louis Vuitton (LV). LV is among the most successful brands of luxury fashion all across the globe. However, the brand faces certain issues in terms of ethics that affect the brand image negatively. There is use of leather and skin of other animals for the purpose of crafting the bags. The luggage pieces and handbags of LV consist of elements that are hand stitched with the painstaking by worker, and then are combined by process of merchandise for the increment of productivity. In addition, the classic logo of LV that was used for the quick establishment of itself in emerging market platforms across the globe have ended up running the course.The report focuses on analysing the brand of LV in reference with different theoretical frameworks and models of brand management.

Based on this analysis, strategic recommendations have been provided for the brand.The Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) Model, introduced by Kevin Lane Keller, focuses on building an extremely strong brand, while shaping the thought process and feeling of customers towards the product. There must be establishment of right experiences across the brand so that there are specific positive perceptions, opinions, beliefs, feelings and thoughts of customers regarding the same. When there is strong equity of brand, the customers will be making more purchases, while recommendation will be provided to other people. The focus of this report is on the element of imagery as highlighted in the model below.



X-Technologies的产品具有独特的销售主张(USP),是市场上最节能的电视之一。Place element公司在过去10年的市场地位已经得到了重视,消费者也可以很容易地购买到电视机。电视的价格要素必须保持竞争力,以吸引顾客,并确保它不奢望高于其他同类产品。在推广方面,公司必须超越单纯的品牌宣传活动,采取进一步的措施,如推出促销活动、一些节日活动、个人销售和使用社交媒体来推广产品并突出其美国品牌。在这种情况下,主要是市场营销团队的效率要高得多。



The X-Technologies have the product in place with the unique selling proposition (USP) of being one of the most energy efficient television in the market. Place element is already taken care as the company is in market for past 10 years and consumers do get to buy the television easily. The price element of the television must be kept competitive in order to attract the customers, and also ensure that it’s not extravagantly higher than other products of similar category. For the promotion element, the company has to go beyond the mere brand awareness campaign take it to further steps like introducing sales promotion, some festival offers, personal selling and use of social media to market the product and highlight its USPs. People in this case mainly the marketing team are to be much more efficient.

As the consulting company, Accountable Solutions have suggested that they are performing poorly. Marketing team has to be proactive and emphasize on structuring their actions to ensure that the proper customer relationships are maintained. Processes involved in the business dealing of X-Technologies must take care of procedure for delivery, as well as post-delivery maintenance and services. Service in the sale of televisions is not the general norm in the industry. It is not a necessity if the quality of product is good. However, companies provide one or two years of warranties on the sold units.

留学 论文代写:康德义务论

留学 论文代写:康德义务论

康德义务论是另一种伦理学理论,它的基础是,如果一个人的行为被认为是合乎道德的,那么这个人的行为就被认为是合乎道德的(Tabb, 2004)。在这里,它表明规则支配着行为,如果一个人完全按照规则行事,并且不管出于什么原因避免任何偏差,那么这个行为就被认为是道德的,而实施这个行为的人就是一个道德的存在。考虑到义务论在大众汽车案例中的应用,我们可以看到,如果安装失败设备的行为属于公司的规则,那么这种行为就是道德行为。

留学 论文代写:康德义务论

留学 论文代写:康德义务论

Kantian Deontology is another ethical theory which is based on the foundation that any action of man is considered to be moral if the man is said to have enacted exactly as he was required by being aligned to the rules of action (Tabb, 2004). Here it indicates that rules dominate action and if one acts exactly as per the rules and avoids any deviation for whatsoever reason, then that act is said to be moral and the person enacting the act to be a moral being. Considering the application of deontology in the case of Volkswagen, it is seen that if the act of installing a defeat device is within the rule of the company, then the act is considered to be moral.

留学 论文代写:康德义务论
However, there is severe contradiction here when there is an attempt to identify the origin of the rule and what rules are really relevant in this case, be it the universal rule of morality, rules associated with benefits of Volkswagen, rules confined to the benefits of mankind, or rules confined to the benefits of the company’s customers. Since Kant basis his dependence on the rule of a universal morality; the action of installing a defeat device is considered to be immoral because it is arising from a will that takes pleasure in seeing other people suffer from bad health. Additionally, the company does not bother about the consequences of such a device on pollution and subsequent health issues of people, and only considers its own benefit as the basis of the act.