

由于这些周期,雌性在排卵后会产生卵子,而卵子必须由雄性精子受精。这只能发生在交媾之后,也就是男性和女性性交之后。在此过程中,雄性会将其精子释放到雌性体内,雌性会前往卵子并使其受精(Boesch, Hohmann和Marchant, 2002)。卵子受精后,会附着在女性的子宫壁上,在完成妊娠期后,新生婴儿就会出生。几乎所有灵长类动物都是如此。但人类同时也被称为性灵长类动物,这两种行为之间存在显著差异,使得智人的性行为独一无二。

在灵长类和智人身上,性最重要的意义在于它们必须通过繁殖后代来繁衍后代,为了繁殖后代,它们必须有性行为。但从灵长类动物到人类,性别的重要性各不相同。性在最重要的性别中被称为有用的,记住几乎所有的动物都是有性的。这是因为新生儿或后代的遗传多样性会随之增加这让进化过程变得迅速更重要。因此,性对于包括智人(Crow, 2002)在内的所有动物来说都是非常重要的。


Owing to these cycles, the females produce eggs after ovulation, which has to be fertilized by the male sperm. This can only happen after copulation that is after the sexual intercourse between the male and the female. During this, the male releases its sperm in the female which travels up to the egg and fertilizes it (Boesch, Hohmann and Marchant, 2002). After the egg is fertilized, it attaches itself to the uterus wall of the female and on completing the gestation period a new born takes birth. This is true in almost all the primates. But human beings at the same time are known as the sexual primates, and there is a notable difference between the behaviour displayed by the two making sex for Homo sapiens unique.

The most important significance of sex in primates and in Homo sapiens is the fact that they have to reproduce and continue their line by producing offspring’s of their own kind, and for reproduction they have to engage in sex. But the importance of sex varies when one moves from primates to the human beings. Sex in the most significant sex is termed to be useful, keeping in mind that almost all the animals are sexual. And it is because the genetic diversity in the new-borns or the off-springs increases with this and it permits rapid and more importantly the evolutionary changes. Thus, sex is important at a general level for all animals including the Homo sapiens (Crow, 2002).





There can be analysis of economic growth a number of different vantage points, like the rates in growth of several components of GDP or the key contributions for the achievement of growth. All of the measures are known to be having advantages and specific weaknesses also. As a significant example, rates of growth have been highlighting the dynamic aspects of domestic industry across the economy. However, more often, the component of GDP in fast growth are the small ones. The key components tend to be making less proportionate contribution to the overall increasing GDP as their rates of growth are applicable to initially small values.

In the converse sense, the key contribution made in growing the components of GDP helps in the enhancement of the role played by services in contributing towards growth of economy. This further diminishes the overall significance delivered in terms of private investment. There is only consideration of minor effects in contributing towards the contributions of government expenditures GDP components and net foreign trade towards the economic growth of USA. However, in context with this particular approach, certain imprecision lead towards aggregated percentages of component, with the persistence of residual amount.



此外,彭明盛指出,考虑到IBM在印度的扩张,关键因素在于以低成本获得劳动力。然而,他一直认为印度的技术基础也是极其重要的(Doole和Lowe 2008)。IBM可以考虑在印度寻找一个更大的高度熟练的人力资源来源,为全球服务运营和全球无缝转移提供人员。值得注意的是,大多数印度人都精通英语。然而,处于初始阶段的IBM在整个组织的人力资源开发中面临着压力。这对于将自己视为全球公民和全球专业人士的工程师和管理人员的培养是必要的,他们能够毫不费力地在全球各地移动,并在几个国家的背景下表现出有效的商业活动(Hill et al., 2012)。

组织设计以使业务与现有的或新的业务模型保持一致,以及最大化效率水平的关键战略方法而闻名。通过明确工作职责,重新定义工作及其相互关系,可以最大限度地提高这种效力。此外,组织的治理机制和其他要素对于推动新的支持性行为的业务结果和战略变化至关重要(Lakkaraju和Ajmera 2011)。


Further ahead, it has been noted by Palmisano that the key factor considering which IBM expanded in India was focused on gaining accessibility of labour at low cost. However, he has been arguing that the base of technical skills in India is also extremely significant (Doole and Lowe 2008). IBM can consider looking for a larger source of highly skilful human resource in India for staffing the global operations of services and seamless movement across the globe. It is worth noting that majority of the Indian population is fluent in English language. However, IBM, being in an initial phase, is facing the thrust in the development of human resource across the organization. This is required for the production of engineers and managers seeing themselves as global citizens and global professionals, who have the ability of moving effortlessly across the globe and performance of effective business activities in the context of several nations (Hill et al., 2012).

Organizational design are known for enabling businesses for the alignment of the organization with the existing or new model of business, and the key strategic approaches for maximizing the level of effectiveness. This effectiveness can be maximized by the clarification of responsibilities at work and redefinition of job along with their relations with each other. In addition, mechanisms of governance and other elements of the organization are crucial for driving business results and strategic change with respect to new supportive behaviour (Lakkaraju and Ajmera 2011).