

在过去的几十年里,我们的州和联邦政策采取了主动行动,以解决早期教育的关键组成部分和方面。在联邦一级,在奥巴马的领导下,政府通过向制定全面早教计划的各州发放500美元的奖金,努力推行早教改革。除此之外,新西兰政府还宣布了许多将列入2012年预算的举措。这些项目的实施是为了通过充分和适当的资金来增加幼儿教育的权益和受益人(Olsson, 2009)。

该法案加快了对各州的发展前景和支持,扩大了低收入家庭幼儿早期教育的范围和范围。这是通过为学习优质伙伴关系、儿童保育、母婴家访提供资金来执行的,以改善和提高幼儿时期的教育质量。有许多证据表明,许多州设立了机构来协助儿童早期教育。这些国家的行政当局与地方机构合作确定了五项政策,鼓励和改善儿童教育的标准和水平,从而对儿童的幼年发展产生积极影响(Halgunseth, 2009)。


In the past decades, initiatives have been taken by the state and federal policy of US so as to address the key components and aspects of early education. At the federal level, the administration under the leadership of Obama strived to bring out reforms in the trend of early education by awarding 500$ to the states coming up with comprehensive early education plans. In addition to this, there were many initiatives which were announced by the New Zealand government to be included in the budget of 2012. These programs were implemented so as to increase the early childhood education equities and beneficiaries through adequate and proper fundings (Olsson, 2009).

This act accelerated the prospect and extended support to the states so as to expand the scope and arena of the early education for the young children belonging to the low income families groups. This was executed through the provision of funds for learning quality partnerships, child care, maternal and infant’s home visits, so as to improve and upgrade the quality of the education during early childhood years. There is much evidence that many states have created agencies to assist in the early childhood education. The administration of these states, in collaboration with the local agencies has identified five policies which encourage and improve the standards and levels of childhood education and as a result create a positive impact on the development of children at young age (Halgunseth, 2009).



另一项研究表明,在创新和竞争力方面,加拿大未能实现自己的目标,因为该国在研发方面的投资水平较低、高等教育院校入学率下降以及基础设施质量不断恶化,继续阻碍该国的表现。世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)在2015年全球竞争力报告(Global Competitiveness Report)中为加拿大提供了第22个排名。过去几年,加拿大未能采取主动改善排名。随着世界范围内对人才和投资的竞争加剧,加拿大面临着严峻的竞争。如果它计划跟上步伐,那么初创机构和企业家就需要被倾听。

他们被认为是中国创新的精髓,必须为他们提供一张桌子,让他们在场分享自己的想法和担忧。决策者应将这些关注和想法纳入决策模型,使其更有效。当谈到加拿大未来的形成时,他们的创业社区也可以发挥关键作用,起到带头作用。这个国家的初创企业需要敢于冒险,勇于竞争,敢于接受生活中的任何挑战和失败,因为只有这些特质才能通向创新之路(Anthony Lacavera and Victoria Lennox, 2016)。


Another research suggests that Canada has underachieved their goals when it comes to innovation and competitiveness, as the country’s performance continues to hamper by lower level of investments in R&D, dropped enrollment rates in post-secondary academic institutions, and the deteriorating quality of country’s infrastructure. World Economic Forum has provided the 22nd ranking to Canada in its Global Competitiveness Report of 2015, as the country fails to take the initiatives to improve its rankings over the past few years. With increased competition for talent and investment within fields and industries worldwide, Canada is facing severe competition. If it plans to catch up with the pace, startup institutions and entrepreneurs need to be heard.

They are considered as the quintessence of the country’s innovation and they have to be provided with a table and presence to share their ideas and concerns. The policy makers should incorporate these concerns and ideas into the decision-making model to make it more effective. When it comes to the formation of Canada’s future, their startup community can also play a pivotal role by leading the way. The country’s startup needs to be risk-takers, bold and competitive enough to accept any challenge and failures of life, as only these traits will lead towards the path of innovation (Anthony Lacavera and Victoria Lennox, 2016).