

考虑到竞争的竞争,对英国航空公司的影响是非常高的。这是因为在长途飞行中,服务和价格的差别最小,而在短途飞行中,有几个竞争者参与其中。在这一因素的背景下,总体战略计划展示了其在行业中蓬勃发展的地位(Walsh, 2011)。该公司反映出,它有未来的战术计划和完整的管理和营销纪律相应。该公司的联盟可以被认为是其竞争战略手段,对目前的运营至关重要。这样的策略不仅可以帮助降低成本,也可以吸引更多的客户。

考虑到新公司进入带来的威胁,总体影响较低,首先也是最重要的原因是英国航空公司的声誉良好。由于航空行业所处的困难和竞争的环境,整个航空行业是极其复杂的。这为新组织在承担巨大成本的同时进入环境带来了巨大的困难(Wheelen and Hunger, 2011)。此外,退出该行业存在许多严格而充分的障碍,这实际上消除了新公司进入的范围和机会。英国航空公司战略方法中制定的计划目标为公司提取所涉及资产的最大价值提供了另一种选择。这些措施进一步有助于为新项目(如果有的话)提供福利。


Considering the rivalry of competition, the effect is extremely high for British Airways. This is because in flights of long haul, there is minimum distinction in context with servicing and pricing, and in flights of short haul, there is an involvement of several competitors. In context with this factor, the overall strategic plan provides a demonstration of its thriving position in the industry (Walsh, 2011). The company reflects that it has tactical plans for the future and intact disciplines of management and marketing accordingly. The alliance made by the company can be identified as its competitive strategic approach, and crucial for the current operations. Such a strategic approach will not only provide assistance for curtailing cost, but will also be useful for the attraction of more customer.

Considering threat from the entry of new companies, the overall effect is low, first and foremost due to the well-established reputation of the British Airways. The overall segment of airline industry is extremely complicated due to the difficult and competitive environment set up. This creates significant difficulty for new organizations to break into the environment while bearing large value of costs (Wheelen and Hunger, 2011). In addition, there are a number of strict and sufficient barriers for exiting the industry and this actually eliminates the scope and opportunity for entry of a new company. The planned objective set in the strategic approach of British Airways provides an alternate to the company for extracting the maximum value of the assets involved. These further help in the provision of benefits over the new entries, if any.



为了理解国际组织所扮演的角色在当前时间和这些组织的原因是考虑到前所未有的权力和范围管理的全球经济危机,这是非常重要的原因的理解,组织实例化。这本书提供了完整的细节、解释和评价不同的机构和行动者,这些机构和行动者的行为可能类似于“新世界秩序”的行动者,从而导致“贫穷的全球化”。作者还概述了轮廓的世界新秩序存在的基础上人类贫困和环境的破坏,代社会种族隔离制度,鼓励越来越多的种族主义和也创建了一个种族冲突和破坏世界的权利(艾伦和Bayly 24)。

为了证明这一点,他对世界各地的例子进行了评估。作者试图强调新的干涉主义框架,这种框架导致了国家机构的解体、经济边界的撕裂和世界上一些人的贫困。“国际货币基金组织(imf)、世界银行(World Bank)和世界贸易组织(wto)等一些机构是一些监管机构,它们可能被认为对世界上占主导地位的经济和金融利益的数量负有重大责任。”目前的国际官僚机构可以通过蓄意操纵世界上不同的市场力量来加强对国家一级经济的监督。


In order to understand the roles which are played by the international organizations in the present times and the reasons why these organizations are given the unprecedented power and scope for the management of the global economic crises, it is very important to do the understanding of the reason from where the organizations instantiated. The book gives the complete details, the explanation and the assessment of the different institutions and actors which may act similar to the agents of the “New World Order” for which they lead to an advancement of the “Globalization of Poverty”. The author also outlines the contours of a New World Order which exists on the basis of the human poverty and the destruction of the environment, generation of a social apartheid, encouragement of more and more racism and also creates an ethnic strife and also undermines the rights of the world (Alan and Bayly 24).

In order to prove the same, he gives the assessment of the examples from different parts of the world. The author tries to emphasize on the new interventionist framework which has led to the dismantling of the number of state institutions, the tearing of the economic borders and the impoverishment of a number of people in the world. Some of the bodies such as the “International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade organization are some of the regulatory bodies which may be considered to be responsible massively for the number of dominant economic and financial interests of the world. The present international bureaucracy can be used for the increase in the supervision of the national level economies through the deliberate manipulation of the different market forces in the world.














