





The author and her brother have a fight, while they were going to their room. Author enters inside her room and closes the door. Eric comes and slams the door. Author thinks that he is trying to enter the room. Just then Eric calls from outside and says asks her to come out. Author thinks that he would try to hurt her, but Eric says that he would not do this. Author comes out and finds a foot sized hole at the corner of the gate. They decide not to tell their mom about this, and cover the hole with the horse calendar photos. The hole gets discovered by their mom after two years. Story is light, graceful and easily understandable. Good efforts are done by a new writer. Summary: Sesame Street by Laurel Waterman
The short story “Sesame Street” by Laurel Waterman is a story written by a new writer. The story explores a typical morning, where a five years old daughter is trying to annoy his sleeping father. The main priority for the daughter is to look out towards Sesame Street in the morning.

The main focus of the story is to show, instead of explaining different aspects of the story. The writer used different signs to explain that this house has a single father and a very young daughter. Showing different aspects of the story through different signs is more efficient and real approach towards the main subject matter. This story is about a young child, who is being reckless, before the sun has completely risen, and before her father wakes up. Informing that she didn’t find any girl that morning with his father explains that he is a single parent. From the plot of the story, readers can understand that its early morning and child is very young. The story also reflects great sense of imagination from the door squeak to the father’s snoring. The story is successful in providing the real feeling of a childhood morning, where children wake up early and keep on disturbing their parents till they wake up.



色情业是世界上最吸引人的行业之一。色情产业吸引了所有年龄段的人。在这篇文章中,我们将讨论色情行业的商业概况,以及色情行业所采用的最新创新。色情行业面临的主要挑战以法律问题的形式出现,技术问题将被简要地讨论,以观察色情行业在世界各地的现状。本文还将重点介绍影响全球色情行业的一些历史事实、政治事实和社会事实(Delaney, 2016)。本文还将探讨科技与社会的关系,以观察科技如何帮助色情业在世界各地蓬勃发展,以及科技对社会文化和道德的影响有多严重。最近在色情行业的创新已经帮助捕捉年轻人的思想,通过他们新的性化身,运动控制色情,3d视频。


色情行业的研究人员也在试验推出他们的新产品Real Touch,一种伺服马达和加热器传感器设备,为世界各地的人们创造接触色情的体验。随着新的创新技术和人类策略的结合,色情行业引入了新的情色小说来满足当今时代不断变化的需求(赫芬顿邮报,2016)。色情行业已经引入了变性色情的概念,日本动漫和伦泰色情,超自然色情,大砍色情故事和变形小说。色情行业推出了最新的图书卡编目系统和家庭视频技术,帮助人们随时随地用手机查看成人内容。同样地,它将色情产品的销售技术,如性玩具,性药丸,介绍给世界各地愿意用信用卡购买这些产品的顾客。


The porn industry is one of the most appealing and attractive industries of the world. Porn industry attracts all age groups of people. In this paper, the business overview of the porn business, the latest innovation adopted by the porn industry will be discussed. The major challenges faced by the porn industry in the form of legal issues, technological issues would be discussed briefly to observe the current status of porn industries around the world. The paper will also highlight the some of the historical facts, political facts and social facts that have affected the pornography industry around the world (Delaney, 2016). The relationship between technology and society will also be discussed in this paper to observe how technology has helped porn business to flourish its operations all around the world, and how badly it has affected the cultural and moral aspects of the society.The recent innovations in the porn business have helped to capture the minds of young generations people through their new sexual avatars, motion controlled porn, 3d videos.

Researchers of the porn business are also experimenting to launch their new product called Real Touch, a servomotor, and heater sensor device to create touch to porn viewing experience for the people around the world. With the combination of new innovation technologies and human strategies, Porn business has introduced new erotic novels to fulfill the changing demands of the current generations (Huffington Post, 2016). Porn business has introduced the concept of Transsexual Porn, Japanese Anime and Hentai Porn, Paranormal Porn, Slash Porn Stories and Transformation Fiction. Porn business has introduced the latest technology of library card cataloguing systems and home video which has helped people to use their phones to view adult content anytime and anywhere. Similarly, it introduced the technology of up selling of porn products such as sex toys, sex pills to various customers around the world who are willing to purchase the products using their credit cards.