

重要的是,要使人民联系起来,没有任何未经授权的措施,例如从人民手中拿走钱。很多时候,中介可以用金钱换取人们(Trimper et al, 2014)。捐款应该由人民的利益直接决定。重要的是要确保没有任何非法的措施来接受捐赠。任何人都不应该被迫捐款。不应该有任何违法的措施被实施,比如殴打人们或骚扰他们来捐款(Manton et al, 2014)。当行医者涉及到社会问题和慈善事业时,道德构成了一个非常重要的部分。应该确保,如果项目得到赞助,那么赞助商应该参与组织的不同活动。




It is important that in order to connect the people, no unauthorized measures such as taking of the money from the people is done. Many times are agents who can get the people in exchange of the money (Trimper et al, 2014). The donations should be done by the interest of the people directly. It is important to ensure that there aren’t any unlawful measures which shall be implemented to take the donation. No one should be forced to give the donation. There shouldn’t be any unlawful measures that are implemented such as beating the people or molesting them to donate money (Manton et al, 2014). Ethics forms a very important part when the practitioner involves himself in social issues and charities. It should be ensured that if the program is sponsored, there should be the involvement of the sponsor in different events of the organization.

The fellow sponsors should ensure that the money is reaching the right people. They should give the entire money in the form of cheque only.It is important to ensure that the money which is given as donation is authentic and is taken from the right sources. The money which is used for the donation shouldn’t be the black money. Also, the money which is used for the campaign should be completely legal (Jackson et al, 2012).The date of publication for St. Bart’s Homeless for a Day should be the last Saturday of the month so that the people can get the efficient information and also the proper decision for the donation.




世界經濟增長所面臨的主要問題之一是增加失業,特別是在青年中。根據英國下議院工黨圖書館(House of Commons library for Labour)的評估,英國16-24歲年齡段的失業人數已超過49.8萬人。與1992年以來的任何時候相比,年輕人受到這場危機的打擊最為嚴重,上述年齡組的失業率為14.4%,根據國家統計局(ONS)公開提供的數據(Boffey, 2015),年輕人佔總勞動人口的5.7%。英國政府制定了幾項計劃,打算在未來10年將既不學習也不工作的人數減少至少15%。政府制定了雄心勃勃的目標,要把失業率降至有記錄以來的最低水平。


Though the problems discussed here are of very wide nature and the data available for them is extremely huge, therefore the report is kept on track to include only the relevant data, facts and figures. These issues are global and the solution for them could not devised overnight. However, attempt is made in this report to summarize the possible solutions for various problems discussed here with reference to the UK.The world is making fast progress in every possible field. However, the issues which are dragging back its growth are the same old classic ones. The problem of poverty, inequality, unemployment and lack of skills is plaguing the social as well as the economic growth of several countries around the globe. Even though these problems are at worst stage in the under developed or still developing world economies, nevertheless, even in the developed nations like the United Kingdom (UK), these are the matter of concern for the government as well as capitalist structure.

One of the major problems faced by the world growth is increasing unemployment especially among the youth. In UK the unemployment among the people in age group of 16-24 had crossed the number of 498,000 as per the evaluation by the House of Commons library for Labour. The youth are worst hit by this crisis compared to any time since 1992 with unemployment rate being 14.4% for above mentioned age group, and 5.7% overall of the total working population as per the data provided publically by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) (Boffey, 2015).There are several plans laid out by the government of the UK to reduce the number of people who are neither studying nor working by at least 15 per cent in the coming next 10 years. It is ambitious goal set by government to bring down the unemployment rate to its lowest ever since the records began.