

自我客观化是指通过外表来理解或欣赏自己的状态。从技术上讲,自我客观化源于理解别人可能会根据自己被教导或引导的信仰来评判自己。媒体在创造自我客观化的状态和特征方面起着重要作用。自我客观化的状态和特征是不同的。Fredrickson &Roberts(1997)提出的客观化理论认为,所有女性在任何时候都不会自我客观化。事实上,自我客观化作为一种状态,是由某种情境状态或一种持久的特质所诱导的个体进入的。在与国家相关的自我客观化语境中,女性进入自我客观化状态的主要原因是语境。例如,Fredrickson & Roberts(1997)进行了一些实验,以确定如何诱导自我客观化状态。


在这个实验中,女性被要求穿泳衣,其他人被要求穿毛衣,然后收集她们对自我客观化的感知。研究发现穿泳衣的女性比穿毛衣的女性更容易自我客观化。这表明自我客观化被诱导成为这些女性的一种状态。这是一件与试穿泳装相关的事情,在那里女性对自己的身体有了更多的了解,并对自己的身体提出了同样的批评。这种自我客观化的形式创造了身体形态的体验模式,正如研究表明的那样,它也导致了人的健康问题。自我客观化与认知能力下降、身体羞愧、约束模式等相关(Fredrickson, Roberts, Noll, Quinn, & Twenge, 1998)。


Self-objectification is defined as the state of understanding or appreciating oneself by means of their physical appearance. Technically self-objectification derives from the understanding that others might adjudicate self, based on what one is taught or guided to believe. The media plays a major role in creating the state and traits of self-objectification. The self-objectification state and trait are different. The objectification theory as presented by Fredrickson &Roberts (1997), suggests that all women do no self-objectify at all times. In fact, self-objectification as a state is entered in by the individual as induced by some situational state or as a form of enduring trait. In the context of the state related self-objectification, women would enter the state of Self-Objectification mainly because of the context. For instance, Fredrickson & Roberts (1997) conducted some experiments in order to identify how the state of Self-Objectification was induced.

In this experiment, women were given swimsuits to wear and some others were asked to wear sweaters, and then their perception of Self-Objectification was collected. It was established the women who wore the swim suits self-objectified more compared to the women who were wearing sweaters. This indicated that Self-Objectification was induced as a state in those women. It was a contextual thing associated with the trying on of the swimsuit where the women became more aware of their body, and criticized the same. This form of Self-Objectification created patterns of experiences in body shape, and as argued for in research studies it also led to issues in well-being of the person. Self-Objectification has been associated with diminished cognitive performances, body shame, restrained earing patterns and more (Fredrickson, Roberts, Noll, Quinn, & Twenge, 1998).

resume 代写:当代艺术

resume 代写:当代艺术


resume 代写:当代艺术

resume 代写:当代艺术

Contemporary art is mainly defined as the art that has been and continued to be created during our life time. Understanding the exact meaning of the contemporary art is very difficult because this topic challenges the established beliefs about art. There is no artistic definition, which could explain the contemporary art completely. The term ‘contemporary art’ is highly used today. The term contemporary is linked with the development and growth of the doubt. Such art has also gained the interest and attention of particular groups. The difficulty for the artists is that they are the part of something, which is defined and recognized by others.

resume 代写:当代艺术
The artists do not want themselves to be tagged with a label given by others. The denial of the artists could be acceptable because the contemporary art activates this denial. In the contemporary world, Contemporary art is not a practice, but it can be regarded as generally being in a context. The world of Contemporary art is very wide and this is the reason, this could not be called just as a practice. Mainly the artists working in visual arts and, who have graduated from studio programs are mainly called as contemporary artists in general. These artists are the subjective artists working within a territory. Yet with the changing time, the meaning of contemporary art is being redefined, by the new artists with their historical focus on the projections, ideas and products.



癌症是由于细胞生长异常引起的最致命的疾病之一。通过突变改变DNA序列从而改变基因表达过程是癌症的根本原因。这种突变是由一些外部因素引起的,比如暴露在紫外线下,或者其他致癌物质,比如烟草。DNA甲基化是由突变引起的,在突变中甲基被加入到DNA的胞嘧啶和腺嘌呤中。目前,化疗是目前最常见、应用最广泛的癌症治疗方法。纳米医学,使用最新的纳米技术用于许多医学应用。根据Heim和Mitelman(2015)的研究,纳米医学已经被证明在治疗和预防癌症方面比其他疗法更有效。用于纳米医学的药物是用纳米测量的,因此可以精确地靶向于癌症的部位而不产生太多的副作用(Stacey, 2013)。


为了正确治疗癌症,有必要从肿瘤形成的早期阶段对癌症进行诊断。然而,目前的医疗技术很难在早期就发现癌症(Butterworth et al. 2010)。然而,目前有多种癌症治疗技术。手术是移除肿瘤最常见的方法之一,因此可以防止肿瘤扩散到身体的其他部位。化疗或放疗、激素治疗和免疫治疗是最广泛应用的癌症治疗方式。在化疗过程中,许多抗癌药物如多西紫杉醇、多氧柔比星、环磷酰胺等都被纳入体内,以抑制细胞增殖。根据癌症类型,如乳腺癌、前列腺癌或肺癌,使用药物。许多策略都是通过药物在体内的结合来实现的。这种治疗是与其他治疗方式一起提供的,比如放射治疗。


Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases caused due to abnormal cell growth. Change in the DNA sequence by mutation and thereby altering the genetic expression process is the root cause of cancer. This mutation is caused by several external factors like exposure to UV light, or other carcinogenic compounds like tobacco. DNA methylation occurs because of the mutation, in which a methyl group is added to the cytosine and adenine of DNA.At present, chemotherapy is the most common and widely used treatment for cancer. Nanomedicines, uses the latest nanotechnology for many medical application. According to Heim & Mitelman (2015), nanomedicines have proven effective in treating and preventing cancer compared to other form of treatments. The drugs used in the nanomedicines are measured in nanometers and thus can be targeted accurately at the site of cancer without much side effects (Stacey, 2013).

For treating cancer properly, it is necessary to diagnose the cancer from the early stage of tumor formation. However, with the present medical technology it is difficult to detect the cancer from an early stage (Butterworth et al. 2010). Nevertheless, there is multiple therapy technique present for cancer treatment.Surgery is one of the most common methods used for removing tumor, and hence preventing it from spreading to other body parts. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy, hormonal therapy and immunotherapy are the most widely used form of cancer treatment. In chemotherapy treatment, many chemical that are anti-cancer drugs like docetaxel, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide etc are incorporated in the body to inhibit cell proliferation. Depending on the type of cancer like breast cancer, prostate cancer or lung cancer, drugs are used. Many strategies are there through, which the drug is incorporated in the body. This treatment is provided along with some other form of treatment like radiation therapy.







Synopsis:In this section, an outline of the entire research has been provided, which includes IFRS adoption based on countries and firms with management forecasts and without management forecasts. In addition, the countries, which have not adopted IFRS and the position of the firms use regression analysis. Introduction:A brief introduction of the topic and the current research project has been included here. Background:A detailed discussion on the IFRS adoption based on the previous researches and the existing literature has been made in this section. Furthermore, how the current project is related to the existing literature is also briefly presented here.

Hypothesis:This section covers a brief description of the hypothesis taken for progressing ahead with the research. Methodology:The ethical issues, research strategy, data collection process and data analysis plan have been briefly discussed in this section. Results:With the help of SPSS software, the secondary data collected has been tested with the help of regression analysis. Therefore, it includes a critical discussion of the statistical results generated from the software. Conclusion and Recommendations:Based on the above evaluation of results and the entire research, the researcher has made valid conclusions. In addition, this section also covers a brief elaboration of the recommendations, which would help in improving the future research and making valid inferences.