

欧洲一体化计划开始于第二次世界大战结束后,自过去60年以来逐步取得进展,目前可被视为一个关键时刻。这场欧洲危机最终暴露了1999年货币联盟(monetary union)的各种经济担忧,其中最引人注目的是,整个欧洲都缺乏财政权威,财政纪律也足够严格(Skeldon 2014)。使这些问题更加复杂的是,银行在核心经济体(尤其是法国和德国)和外围经济体(尤其是西班牙和爱尔兰)方面的巨大潜在损失。市场参与者可以看到,他们在考虑欧元区的各种情况,从财政联盟,到全面解体,主要保持原状,不一而足。除了这些因素,自过去两年以来,几乎有100万来自北非和中东的人最终移居到欧洲大陆(Ranci et al. 2014)。


在较短的时期内,这给欧洲带来了一些政治和经济问题,如难以找到合适的住房、使移徙者融入劳动力大军以及与安全有关的若干其他问题。然而,在较长时期内,随着欧洲人口以极快的速度老龄化,人口增长率最终与过去相比急剧下降(Mearsheimer 2014),个人人口的流入最终可能成为经济优势。本文将参照两位经济学家的概念框架,重点分析这种大规模移民对欧洲经济长期的影响。再往前,根据这一分析,这些人的涌入将被视为一种负担或机遇。此外,将从经济学家的角度建议政策,使移徙者融入劳动力市场。在此基础上进行讨论和分析,拟订结论要点。为这项任务选定的两位经济学家是约翰·斯图尔特·米尔和阿尔弗雷德·马歇尔。


The European project of integration, which started after the end of Second World War and has been progressing since the last 60 years step by step, currently can be seen as a crucial juncture. This European crisis has ended up exposing various economic concerns with the monetary union of 1999, notably including the lack of fiscal authority all across Europe and adequately strong fiscal discipline (Skeldon 2014). The compounding of these issues has been done by large potential losses of bank in terms of both, core economies (especially France and Germany), and periphery economies (especially Spain and Ireland. Participants of the market can be seen to consider various scenarios for the area of Euro that ranges from fiscal union, further ahead with total break up and mainly staying intact. In addition to these factors, since the past two years, almost one million individuals from North Africa and Middle East have ended up migrating to the continent of Europe (Ranci et al. 2014).

In the shorter period, this has been posing a number of political and economic issues for Europe, like difficulty in finding suitable housing, integrating migrants within the force of labour, and several other concerns related to security. However, in the longer period, this influx of individuals might end up being an economic edge as the population of Europe is ageing at an extremely fast rate and rates of population growth have ended up falling dramatically in comparison with the past (Mearsheimer 2014). In reference with the conceptual framework of two economists, this paper will focus on analysing economic consequences of such large migration on the economy of Europe in the longer run. Further ahead, based on this analysis, this influx of people will be identified as a burden or an opportunity. In addition, policies will be recommended from the perspective of the economists for the integration of migrants within the market of labour. Key points of conclusion will be drafted based on this discussion and analysis. The two economists selected for the purpose of this assignment are John Stuart Mill and Alfred Marshall.





目前,该公司的员工流动率约为25%。因此,在经营过程中,这将对公司的经营产生影响。在这种情况下,公司可以实施一些规定,要求员工在离职前至少一个月与公司保持亲密关系。这样公司就有足够的时间为工作场所选择其他人。其次,研究表明,离职率可能是降低员工工作士气的主要原因之一(Mishra et al ., 1998)。因此,公司应确保对不足的核心原因进行研究,并对这些原因(如工作不满意)和更多的问题进行处理,以减少他们在短期内的“弥补”努力。员工还可以学习如何在短时间内完成受限制的工作。所有员工都必须接受跨职能培训,因此,如果有多余的培训,比如面包房关门的培训,那么员工就可以在现有面包店内胜任其他职能。


The flat organizational structure enables better control. The work structure of Glen and Tom at present is the flat organizational structure. The con with this structure is that it leads to the problems of micromanagement. On the other hand, with an expanding business, the hierarchical organizational structure would offer better long-term planning benefits. While this is an advantage, the company management Glen and Tom would suffer loss of control, so a balance has to be achieved even while changing the structure. Given that it will take a month of training, it is necessary to start training in Kyabram and Sale by December of 2016, the projection for opening the bakery is January 2017.Shepperton will be opened by June 2017, so the training has to start before May 2017. These are the at the least requirements, and training can also begin early. Since Brighton Bakery would be closing, and the staff of the bakery could be inducted into the new Bakery after they are given sufficient training as well.

At present, the company seems to have an around 25 percent employee turnover. Therefore, during ongoing business operations, this would have an impact on the company operations. In this context, the company could implement rules where the employee should intimate the company at least a month before they vacate. This would give the company enough time to select someone else for the workplace. Secondly, research studies show that turnover could be one main cause behind decreasing employee morale in the workplace (Mishra et al, 1998). So the company should ensure that the shortfall core reasons are studied and these reasons (such as job dissatisfaction) and more must be handled so that their ‘making up’ efforts during short fall will reduce. Employees could also be taught to pull tough employee constrained workloads over short periods. Cross functional training must be given to all employees, so when there is a surplus such as the one where a bakery closes, then the employees could be fit into other functionalities within existing bakeries.