

交流,说话在社会中是至关重要的。人们发现它影响着人们生活的方方面面。需要仔细分析讲话和谈话的要素,才能理解整个对话(Allen, 1979)。演讲的语境和实际对话可能取决于情境的主观性质。然而,人们发现在这种演讲或演讲中有一些常见的元素(Allen, 1979)。要理解潜在的价值观并建立有效的沟通,就需要理解演讲和对话的要素。批评性话语分析(CDA)是一种理解话语成分的工具。批评性话语分析可以进一步细分为三个概念。语言和话语、话语和权力最终都是从文本的角度出发的。语言和话语是在社会实践的语境中理解的,话语和权力是基于隐性的制度安排,文本分析是基于学术语言学的视角。




Communication, speech is vital in the society. It is found to influence every aspect of the life of the people. There is a need to dissect the elements of speech and conversation to understand about the conversation as a whole (Allen, 1979). The context of speech and the actual conversation might be dependent on the subjective nature of the situation. Nevertheless, it has been found that there are some common elements that are found in this kind of speech or discourses (Allen, 1979). To understand about the underlying values and to build effective communication there is a need to comprehend about the elements of speech and conversation. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is one tool used to understand the components of speech. Critical Discourse Analysis can be further subdivided into three concepts. Language and discourse, discourse and power are finally from a textual perspective. Language and discourse is understood from the context of social practice, Discourse and power is based on the implicit institutional arrangement and the textual analysis is based on the academic linguistic perspective.

However, these are only tools. There is a need to understand this aspect of communication through real time experience. It is only by combining these two systems there can be holistic understanding of the various models of communication. In this context the element of languages, discourse of speech and various theoretical models about speech has been considered. In this case study example, the people in the conversation are essentially discussing about Micheal Moore “Capitalism A love story”. There is differing opinion to elucidate the various aspects of this movie and the concepts involved in capitalism. Using a casual conversation between peers in the college community the theoretical models are probed. The theories that will be probed in this analysis are the speech act theory, communication theory and community principles.







In comparison to some of the common and typical sections of steel, the cold-formed sections may be generally much more slender, and they can also be much deformed. There have been a number of investigations on the different kind of connections, which are in the cold-formed sections and other non-linear finite element. These are considered to be very useful in handling of the structural responses which are related to the responses of the cold-formed steel structures. This may include the deformation of the shapes, stillness of the initial part, the moment resistance and also the stress related distributions. There have been many numerical investigations by the use of the commercial packages related to the finite element. These have been reported in order to analyse and study the behaviour of some of the bolted moment connections. The Load deformation structures had been studied by Chung et al who examined the same for the bolted fastenings under the combined bending and shear with the help of the advanced finite element modelling.

This is done with the help of the three dimensional solid elements with some of the material related and other geometrical linearity. Sabbagh et al. (2012) states that the models including both the linear forms and the quadratic solid, and shell elements had been considered to be important. Thus, the numerical modelling of varying degrees of complexity can be used in order to do the stimulation and conduct the research. These numerical models which have been selected for the research, include both the linear elements and also the quadratic elements. The linear model can be generally dominated through the local buckling. The explicit modelling on the other hand can be observed to provide the hysteric response towards the deformation.