


开发该工具时注意到的一个限制是,从编辑器保存数据可能会很麻烦,特别是当要保存的数据必须以不同的格式完成时。大多数图形工具允许以文档或PDF形式或以excel文件的形式保存数据。目前,数据保存操作正在以pdf文件的形式完成。为了将数据转换为Excel表格,Apache Poi已经被使用。然而,使用外部库会增加加载时间。这可能是用户的一个限制,取决于用户使用的浏览器或连接速度。对于将来的原型,这个问题将通过编写自定义代码来更好地处理。


There are some limitations in the technology that is being created. Primarily this is a work that is restricted because it depends on propriety system. A propriety system is patented and this prevents the maker of the work from making changes as necessary. However this is an issue that will be resolved for in the future. In the future a specific system (or an archetype) will be created that will be able to incorporate the necessary changes. The use of an existing system for the current work is because there are design features that can be checked for incorporation into the graph technology more easily than when the technology is developed from scratch T. (Kamada and Kawai, 1989). Secondly the use of an existing system will be useful in revealing design flaws. These can be documented and can be used when developing the new system. The Graph system that is being used furthermore can be understood completely so as to increases functionality for the new system

A limitation that was noticed when developing the tool was that saving data from the editor could be a hassle, especially when the data being saved has to be done in different formats. Most graph tools allow the data save in the form of a document or a pdf or in the form of an excel file. Currently the data save operations are being done in the form of a pdf file. For the data to be transformed onto an excel sheet, Apache Poi has been used. The use of an external library however adds to the loading time. This might be a limitation for the user depending on the browser the user uses or the connection speed. For the future prototype this issue will be handled better by writing custom code.



在金融衰退期间发生的金融困境,选择及其影响,有助于分析伦理困境。这篇文章分析了电影“保证金追缴”所代表的企业和个人所面临的伦理困境。 “商海通牒”电话是虚构的,表示在未来24小时内即将面临危险损失的公司,并试图通过放弃其声誉来节省其余额。本文确定了商业道德困境,并将其与相关人员联系起来,并分析了他们对利益相关者的影响。然后建议替代方案。
风险分析师Peter Sullivan发现信息显示,由于不良抵押贷款,他所工作的公司将损失大量资金,公司将遭受比市值大得多的损失。在这种情况下,首席执行官和其他主要管理层建议进行甩卖活动,以便有毒证券由与公司合作的交易员和山姆罗杰斯倾倒在客户身上,监督负责人被分配到与贸易商进行甩卖。




The financial predicaments, choices and their impact as happened during the financial recession lend itself to the analysis of ethical dilemmas. The essay is an analysis of the ethical dilemmas involved in businesses and individuals as represented in the movie ‘Margin Call’. The Movie Margin call is a fictitious representation of a firm that is about to face dangerous loss in the next 24 hours, and which tries to save its balances by trading away its reputation. This essay identifies the business-ethical dilemmas, and associates them with the people involved, and analyzes their consequences on stakeholders. Alternatives are then suggested.
Business Issues and Ethical Issues in Business Practices
Peter Sullivan a risk analyst finds information that shows the company he works for will be losing a considerable amount of money because of bad mortgages, and the firm will suffer a loss that would be considerable greater than its market capitalization. In this context, the CEO and the other chief managements suggest a fire sale has to be done, such that the toxic securities be dumped on the clients by the traders working with the firm and Sam Rogers, a supervision head is assigned to work with the traders to conduct the fire sale.
School of through employed by characters in their Ethical Dilemma


Consequences of Ethical Decisions made by the Firm Leaders
The ethical decisions made by the CEO, the other chief officers and Sam Rogers led to the loss of jobs (career) for the Traders as no clients will now trust them with their advice again. The clients lost money and other investors working with the bank.
The CEO and the people who were working with the Chief management for the fire sale gained from the proceeds, the company was saved (albeit without its reputation).
Alternative actions and Consequences (For Firm and for Individuals)
One alternative action would have been for the firm to have announced what was going to happen as soon as they knew it, or they could have just proceeded with their normal course of working till the crash happened and then they could have worked towards recovery.
Sam Rogers could have asked the traders to quit before hand, this would have saved the traders reputation at least.




用法律术语定义的“好撒玛利亚人”是指一个人在需要帮助的情况下帮助某人,而不希望获得任何其他形式的帮助或补偿。根据这一定义,帮助其他人的志愿者不能因疏忽而被起诉。侵权责任法律存在的目的是保护没有签署合同的人。 Donoghue v史蒂文森1案件导致其存在。没有合同义务的人仍然根据上下文对责任人负责;这被称为护理责任。当这项照顾责任被违反时,受到伤害的人可以对欠责的人提起过失诉讼。 2责任关系必须得到法律的承认。 3原告可以证明被告’实际上’对自己造成的危害行为。在确定违反护理责任时,也将考虑界定关系范围的近因。 4本文介绍了通常在医学人员和撒玛利亚人法律中考虑的关键因素。分析所确定的每个关键要素(小节)的社会影响。


Does the Good Samaritan Laws protect laymen volunteers and doctors (medical volunteers) alike against the tort of negligence or will they be judged differently when it comes to breach of duty and negligence. Is a doctor duty bound to help in a critical situation or will the context be considered when the courts make a decision on duty of care. There is much ambiguity in this issue and this will form the subject of discussion for the essay.

A ‘Good Samaritan’ defined in legal terms is a person who acts to assist someone in a situation requiring aid, without expectations of any reward for their assistance or compensations of other forms. Given this definition, volunteers that help other people cannot be sued in a tort for negligence. The tort law of negligence exists to protect people that have not signed a contract. The Donoghue v Stevenson 1case led to its existence. People who do not have contractual obligations are still duty bound to a person based on context; this is termed as duty of care. When this duty of care is breached then the person harmed can bring a negligence lawsuit against the person who owes the duty. 2The duty relationship has to be recognized by law. 3The plaintiff can prove actions of defendant ‘caused in fact’ the harm to self. The proximate cause which defines the scope of the relationship will also be considered when deciding breach of duty of care. 4This essay presents the key elements that are usually considered in the context of a medical person and the Samaritan law. Social implications are analysed for each of the key elements (subsections) identified.




Lim Nessim博士和2020项目已经违反了合同,对MedCare客户的业务造成了灾难性的影响。代表MedCare在美国地区法院提起违约。目前的问题是评估Nessim博士或2020年是否能够根据FSIA“外国主权豁免法”提起辩护请求,商业活动例外以驳回诉讼。
2020计划不能要求豁免权。它违反了合同义务在美国境内的合同。这是它应该履行合同义务的地方,2020年已经违反了这一规定。其次,它涉及影响美国境内企业的商业活动(影响在该国出现)。第三,效果是直接的。 2020年的行动产生了直接效应;没有干预措施可以帮助提供豁免案件。因此,建议MedCare继续提起诉讼,因为2020年申请和获得例外的机会非常少。

MedCare与2020项目达成协议,为其药品提供10年期限,其中还规定,根据Nessim博士管理的2020年项目将向指定银行支付这笔款项。项目2020违反了合同,并决定从印度购买他们的药品,因为它更便宜。 MedCare遭受损失,甚至不得不剥离生产设施,现在想要从2020年起宣布亏损。然而,Nessim或2020年可能能够援引FSIA 28 U.S.C.的例外条款3。 §1605(a)(2)。讨论是对2020年是否能够成功做到这一点的评估?


There has been a breach of contract by Dr Lim Nessim and Project 2020 that had resulted in a disastrous impact over the business of client MedCare. A breach of contract is to be filed on behalf of MedCare in the United States District Court. The issue at hand is to assess whether Dr Nessim or 2020 would be able ot raise a defense claim based on the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act FSIA, commercial activities exceptions in order to get the lawsuit dismissed.
Brief Answer
Project 2020 cannot claim immunity. It has breached a contract wherein the contractual obligations are within the United States. This is the place where it should deliver its contractual obligations and 2020 has breached this. Secondly it has been involved in commercial activity that has affected a business within the United States (The effects are seen in the country). Thirdly the effects are direct. The action 0f 2020 has resulted in a direct effect; there are no intervening effects to help provide a case for exemption. Hence it is advised the MedCare go ahead with filing their lawsuit as the chances of 2020 claiming and acquiring an exception are very less.

MedCare has an agreement with Project 2020 to supply their pharmaceuticals for a period of 10 years, in which agreement is also specified that project 2020 under Dr Nessim’s administration will pay the amount in specified banks. Project 2020 breached contract and decided to buy their pharmaceuticals from India as it was cheaper. MedCare suffered losses and even had to divest a production facility and now wants to claim losses from 2020. However, Nessim or 2020 might be able to invoke the exceptions clause 3 from the FSIA’s 28 U.S.C. § 1605(a) (2). The discussion is an assessment of whether 2020 could successfully do that?



从世界银行的角度来看,NIE将能够解决两个问题,即可靠的承诺和补救措施(Thorp 1998)。在NIE自成立以来的帮助下,世界银行已经能够在理论上重建其原有15年历史的议程,重点是公共部门公司的私有化和合同管理。

其次,面对社会资本主义和种族多样性等问题,银行利用制度来解释那些调整不佳的地区的例外情况值得注意(Lewis 2004)。


From the perspective of World Bank, NIE will be able to solve 2 problems which lay in credible commitments and remedy (Thorp 1998). With the help of NIE since its emergence, the World Bank has been able to theoretically reconstruct its agenda which was originally 15 years old focusing on public sector firms’ privatization and contractual management.
Therefore, it makes sense to argue that the World Bank used the theory of new institutional economics in a selective manner and strategic manner not for re-thinking or re-evaluating the agenda but for buttressing the current priorities in policies (Moore 1966). This can be proved from the following perspectives:
In the beginning of 1990, the theory of institutional economics was used by the World Bank for reconstructing the items of agenda, like governance and power devolution and also for providing the appearance and emergence of ex post as called by World Bank’s president, Wolfensohn as the institutional approach of micro-analytical framework (James et al 1984).
This technique was easily applied by the bank in order to focus on the economic variant theory of NIE by completely depending over the core neo-classical economic elements.

Secondly, facing problems such as capitalism in society and ethnic diversity, institutions were used by the bank for explaining that exceptionalism is noteworthy for those regions which adjusted poorly (Lewis 2004).
Thirdly, through critic’s language adoption, the bank disarmed cleverly the opposition within compromising pretence (Peter 2011).
According to an epigraph published by the World Bank sponsors, NIE tools help in filling the gap within that which is acknowledged as a safe approach. In the perspective of World Bank, addition of such a dimension can help in betterment of results originally poorly delivered under the narrow consensus of Washington (Khan 1995).






Outcomes of CAPM
The CAPM as presented by Fama and French is the only model that can effectively be used to peredict required rate of return on securities keeping in view the risk free rate and market rate of return. The model is widely and reliably used by finance persons all over the world but there still exist many sorts of deficiencies in the model that are contributiong to limit its scope regarding its applications. The returns that are utilized in the model are assumed to be normally distributed but practically returns are not distributed normally. Another assumption of the model that shareholders have equal know how of the information prevailing in the market. In addition to this another strict assumption of the model limits its scope that is of probability beliefs of all the active and potential shareholders that it is exactly matching the true distribution of returns. The variation of stock returns is also not explained by the model effectively that challenges its application in many real world cases.

It can be said that firm’s decision regarding dividend depends on the level of retained earnings that are possessed by the firm. In addition to this it also depends on the fact that whether it has available opportunities for investment out of retained earnings or not.
There are many issues with Gordon Model regarding the unrealistic assumptions underlying the model. The assumption that it makes regarding no internal financing is impossible to be followed by the real world scenario. In addition to this it is extremely hard to find r and Ke because the risks faced by the firm kept on changing along with the investments made by the company Sharpe et al, 1999). Another potential issue with the model is that it cannot be used in case of firm having supernormal growth rates because this model can only be applied in case of firm having slow and stable rate of growths.




中国的金融体系主要由国有银行主导,其数量是四家。由于不良贷款(NPL)数量的增加,这些银行表现不佳。这些不良贷款与国有企业(SEO)做出的错误的贷款决策有关(Allen et al,2011)。贷款是基于政治考虑而制定的,并且正在积累多年。如果将中国的金融体系与世界其他重要金融体系进行比较,可以清楚地看到,中国在微观和宏观两个层面上存在许多种不正常的行为。以英格兰,德国,法国和斯堪的纳维亚银行系统为样本,计算银行信贷对GDP的平均值,银行资产总额的成本,总价值与国内生产总值的比值以及市值对GDP的平均值,并将样本平均值与那些o中国(Prasad,2013)。中国银行信贷占GDP的比例为1.11,样本平均值为0.73。中国金融体系的银行资产总额成本为0.12,样本平均为0.03。与样本平均值0.27相比,交易与GDP比率的总值为0.11。中国市场资本总额与GDP比率为0.32,样本平均值为0.47。这些数字描绘了中国金融业面临的困境(Prasad,2013)。


Theories of finance literature are of the view the strong financial system of the country leads to generate higher economic growth rates in the country. Many of empirical evidences also support this argument by observing positive correlation among financial developments and economic growth (Chen, 2011). The case of China is unique in a sense that it is a counterexample to the findings of finance-growth literature as the financial system has many laggings but the economy is managing to grow at a fastest rate.

3.Characteristics of Chinese Financial System
The financial system of China is majorly dominated by state owned banks and these are four in number. These banks are performing poorly because of the increasing number of Non-performing loans (NPLs). These non-performing loans are associated with wrong lending decisions made by state owned enterprises (SEOs) (Allen et al, 2011). Loans are being made on the basis of political considerations and are being accumulated for many years. If the financial system of China is compared with other important financial systems of the world it can clearly be observed that China is characterized with many sorts of mal-functioning at both micro and macro levels. The sample of English, German, French and Scandinavian banking systems are taken and sample average of Bank Credit to GDP, Overhead costs to Bank Total Assets, Total value traded to GDP, and market capitalization to GDP is calculated and sample averages are compared with those o China (Prasad, 2013).  Bank credit to GDP ratio in China is 1.11 and that of sample average is 0.73. Overhead cost to bank total assets ratio of Chinese financial system is 0.12 and that of sample is 0.03 on average. Total value traded to GDP ratio is 0.11 as compared to an average of 0.27 in sample. Market capitalization to GDP ratio of China is 0.32 and sample average is that of 0.47. These figures depict the miseries that are being faced by the Chinese financial sector (Prasad, 2013).